
  1. 译者据此进行语言的商讨性选择来顺应消费者的心理世界。认知因素包括产品功能、消费需求和商品信誉。

    The cognitive element includes the function of products , the consuming needs and the products ' reliability .

  2. 公司的宗旨是:一流商品、信誉第一、服务至上、方便宾客,竭诚欢迎国内外各大宾馆饭店来人来函订货。

    The objective of our company is supplying better ducts , with good reputation anding good services for every customer , We are sincerely expect your contact us .

  3. 假冒伪劣商品博弈和信誉市场的建立分析

    A Study of Fake Commodities with Game Theory and Analysis of Founding Credit System in China ′ s Market Economy

  4. 商业标识象征着商品或服务的信誉,是企业无形价值的载体。

    Business identity of goods or services , is invisible to the value of the carrier .

  5. 商品质量、商场信誉、购物环境、营业员的服务态度、广告、各种优惠折扣、他人推荐是影响消费者购物商场选择的六个主要因素;

    The former store has the largest number of consumers and the latter one provides commodities with best image on account of the following factors : commodity quality , store reputation , shopping environment , service attitude , advertisements , a variety of discounts .

  6. 驰名商标是品牌的核心构成部分,是商品和服务高信誉度、高知名度的本质体现,是提高企业市场竞争力和国家经济竞争力的重要方式。

    Well-known trademark is the core of the constitution of brand , the substantial embodiment of the high reputation , well-known of the products and services , as well as the important way to improve the market competitive ability of enterprise and economic competitive ability of the nation .

  7. 商标,是区分企业商品的标志,为了使消费者能够很好地分辨产品的来源,保护企业的合法权益和商品信誉,法律上保护注册商标,禁止商标混同。

    Trademark , the ID of the enterprise product , by which consumers could know product source easily , could secure the lawful rights and interests of the enterprise and commodity prestige . The law protects any registered trademarks and forbids any forms of pirate .

  8. 消费者对商品的判断不再依赖于他们对商品的实证性具体分辨,而是转向依赖于他们对企业及其商品的信誉和形象的认同。

    Consumers ' judgment to goods has depended on their recognition to the reputation and images of the corporations instead of their specific empirical recognition to goods .