
  • 网络Commodity price index;CRB;CGPI
  1. 《经济学人》的商品价格指数较去年大体不变。

    The Economist 's commodity price index is broadly unchanged from a year ago .

  2. 自今年7月以来,大宗商品价格指数跌幅已超过20%。

    Since July , the commodity price index has dropped by more than 20 per cent .

  3. 当前IMF大宗商品价格指数比2008年年中创下的名义纪录高位下滑近15%。

    The IMF index of commodities prices is down nearly 15 per cent from a nominal record high set in mid-2008 .

  4. 随着股市下跌,CRB商品价格指数等广义通胀指标的最低点正在不断上升。

    Broad measures of inflation , such as CRB prices , continue to make higher lows as stock prices decline .

  5. 本文为了能够提出有效解决中国商品价格指数(CGPI)预测的模型,对多种预测模型进行实际模拟计算。

    For the purpose of developing an efficient forecasting model for The Corporate Goods Price Index ( CGPI ), this paper makes many empirical studies of different forecasting models .

  6. 加纳Esoko是一个市场信息系统,它为多种农作物推出了商品价格指数,每天通过短信将指数发送给农户,帮助他们为自己的农产品定价。

    Esoko Ghana , a market information system , has created a commodity index with prices for many different crops that it sends by daily text message to farmers to help them price their produce .

  7. 自2007年初以来,高盛大宗商品价格指数已经翻倍。

    The Goldman Sachs index of commodity prices has doubled since early 2007 .

  8. 几乎没有证据表明,投注大宗商品价格指数的资金是价格上涨背后的推手。

    Hardly evidence that inflows into commodity indices are behind the rise in prices .

  9. 自七月份《经济学家》的非原油大宗商品价格指数下降了40%。

    The Economist 's index of non-oil commodity prices has fallen by40 % since July .

  10. 路透社商品价格指数

    Reuter 's index of commodity prices

  11. 投行基于期货价格汇编大宗商品价格指数,为私人银行家提供可销售给客户的投资产品。

    Investment banks put together commodity indices , based on futures , providing products for private bankers to sell to their clients .

  12. 虽然大部分的食品不用缴增殖税,然而消费者却离不了这些,据《经济学人》商品价格指数计算,全球的食品价格去年一年内上涨了27%。

    Most food escapes VAT , but that will not spare consumers : global food prices have risen by27 % in the past year , according to The Economist 's commodity-price index .

  13. 人们在此话题上展开了激烈的争论,但过去几周的经历却并不令人感到愉快:几乎所有大宗商品价格指数现在都已从各自高点下跌逾20%。

    Debate rages over that topic but the experience of the past few weeks , with almost all commodity indices now down more than 20 per cent from their highs , has been unpleasant .

  14. 长期关系表明名义有效汇率单位百分比的变化会导致进口商品价格指数0.49%,从而表明汇率是不完全传递的。

    The long-term relationship shows that 1 % changes of the nominal effective exchange rate will lead to 0.49 % changes of the imported goods price index , hence the exchange rate pass-through is not fully passed .

  15. 农产品价格上扬,再加上石油和金属价格上涨,促使路透/杰佛瑞大宗商品期货价格指数(reuters-jefferiescrb)升至两年高点。

    The agricultural rally , coupled with stronger oil and metals prices , propelled the reuters-jefferies CRB commodities index to a two-year high .

  16. 确定商品零售价格指数目标下的主要控制指标分解

    Classifications of the Main Control Targets under Fixed Commodity Retail Price Index

  17. 我国社会商品零售价格指数的短期预测

    The Short - term Prediction on Commodity Retail Price Index in Our Country

  18. 商品零售价格指数:是反映城乡商品零售价格变动趋势的一种经济指数。

    Retail Price Index : reflects the general change in retail prices of commodities .

  19. 因此在此基础上讨论我国商品期货价格指数与宏观经济变量的关系具有重要的现实意义。

    So the purpose of this paper is study of the relationship between Futures price index and Macroeconomic variables .

  20. 中国物价波动实证研究所用考察指标为商品零售价格指数。

    The positive research on price fluctuation in China takes the overall retail price index as the main indicator .

  21. 通过实例分析,表明对商品房价格指数的处理,半参数回归分析的效果优于普通的最小二乘法。

    Results of empirical analysis show that the semi-parametric analysis is better than the OLS analysis in estimating house price indices .

  22. 并指出用居民消费价格指数和商品零售价格指数作为测度我国通货膨胀指标的局限性。

    The study also points out the limitations of consumption price indexes and commodity retail price indexes which are used to measure inflation .

  23. 最后,商品期货价格指数可以作为期货市场中一个期货投资品种进行交易、为投资者提供新的套期保值、降低风险的投资工具。

    Finally , the commodity futures price index can trade as a futures investment products and provide investors with new hedging , lower risk investment vehicle .

  24. 此外,商品期货价格指数是管理部门、企业、学术界了解和把握商品期货市场的重要工具。

    In addition , commodity futures price index is a important tools to understand and grasp of the commodity futures market for management , business and academia .

  25. 社会商品零售价格指数已连续27个月下降,生产资料价格指数连续45个月下降;

    Commodity retail price index was down for the past 27 months in succession and production material price index was down successively for the past 45 months .

  26. 本文在理论研究成果基础上,对大连市区商品住宅价格指数进行测算,借此达到检验成果的目的。

    In this paper , based on the results of theoretical research on the Dalian Commodity Housing Price Index for urban areas is estimated to achieve the purpose of inspection results .

  27. 因此,商品特征价格指数是测定在不同时期购买相同品质或特征的标准特征商品支付费用变动程度的相对数。

    Therefore , hedonic price index for specific goods is a measurement for measuring the difference necessary to pay for the same quality or characteristics of goods at different time periods .

  28. 由于人民币低估,到2011年初,出口价格通胀率达到7%(按人民币计算)。去年夏天,企业商品交易价格指数以近10%的幅度上涨。

    Undervaluation pushed export price inflation ( in yuan ) to 7 per cent by early 2011 , and the corporate goods price index was rising at nearly 10 per cent last summer .

  29. 目前我国经济景气指数的编制,可用的先行指标较少,如果能加入商品期货价格指数,经济景气指数的性能将会有所提高。

    The preparation of Chinese economic sentiment index of leading indicators are less available , if we can join the commodity futures price index , the economic sentiment index of performance will be improved .

  30. 编制我国商品期货价格指数的方法是在借鉴国际成熟商品期货价格指数的基础上提出的,指数的特点和性质从理论分析和实践检验两个角度进行了论述。

    On the basis of the international mature commodity futures prices index the index is calculated , the characteristics of which are discussed from the two perspectives of the theoretical analysis and experimental testing .