
  • 网络commercial relationship
  1. 商事关系乃全部商法的基石概念。

    Commercial relationship is the conception of cornerstone in commercial law .

  2. 国际私法赖以存在的基础是涉外民商事关系中承认外国法的域外效力,并根据冲突规范的指引而适用外国法。

    The existence of private international law is the basis of international civil and commercial relationship in the recognition of foreign extraterritorial effect of conflict rules , and according to the guidelines and the application of foreign law .

  3. 商法的规范对象&商事关系论要

    Regulating Object of Commercial Law : Commercial Relation Outline

  4. 商事关系法律调整之研究&类型化路径与法体系分工

    A Study on the Regulation of Commercial Legal Relation

  5. 作为商法调整对象的商事关系主要是发达商品交换关系,作为民法调整对象的民事关系主要是简单商品交换关系;

    Commercial relation is developed commodity economy . Civil relation is simple commodity economy .

  6. 国际私法作为一门以涉外民商事关系为调整对象的法学学科,实施双语教学显得尤为必要。

    It is necessary to implement Bilingual Teaching method in the teaching of Private International Law .

  7. 中国古代社会存在大量调整民商事关系的法律规范。

    There were a lot of law adjusting civil and commercial relations in the ancient societies of China .

  8. 随着目前国际民商事关系的发展变化,国际民事诉讼法也面临着巨大的变革。

    With the development of international civil and business relations , it becomes urgent to reform the international civil procedure law .

  9. 国际经济贸易交往和国际民商事关系的不断发展使得与此有关的法律问题愈来愈多。

    With the increasing developments of international economic trades and international business relations , the issues about these have been more and more popular .

  10. 对该问题进行研究,实属促进两岸民商事关系发展的迫切需要。

    Thus , it is of highly necessity to discuss such problems in order to promote the development of cross-strait civil and commercial relations .

  11. 论调整涉外民商事关系的国内实体法的发展现行民法对亲子关系外部调整的缺失与建构

    On the Development of National Substantive Law Civil and Commercial Relations with Foreign Civil Subjects ; Deficiency and Construction of External Adjustment of Parentage in Current Civil Law

  12. 我国学界多以商事关系来作为商法概念界定的基础,但是,由于对商事关系内容的不同理解,又使得学界对商法概念难以有一致的理解。

    In China , the scholars consider commercial relation as the foundation of the conception of commercial law , but different contents of commercial relation make the conception confused .

  13. 凡立法必有其适用范围,草拟中的国际民商事关系法律适用法也不例外。

    Legislation dictates are always limited to a certain scope of application and there is no exception to The Law of Application on the International Civil and Commercial Relations .

  14. 对涉外民商事关系的准确定性是正确适用冲突规范的前提,但我国现行立法并未就定性问题作出明确规定。

    S : Qualification of foreign-element civil and commercial relations is the prerequisite of applying conflict rules correctly , but there is no relative legislation on the issue in China .

  15. 德国由于采用新商人主义作为商事关系的确认标准,从而合理地解决了对商事关系的把握和商法的适用问题。

    Germany adopts new-merchant creed as the affirming standard of commercial relation , so , the problem of realization of commercial relation and the application of commercial law have been reasonably solved .

  16. 因为国际私法的正确性只能依赖于乃至决定于攸关国际民商事关系调整利益之各方的可得接受状态。

    The correctness of private international law only depends on and is determined by the state accepted by all parties whose interests are relevant to the adjustment of international civil and commercial relations .

  17. 客观上要求调整商事关系的商法在其中发挥主导作用,确立其在我国社会主义法律体系中的基础性地位。

    Objectively , commercial law is required to play an important role for the regulation of commercial relation in social life , and to be established as the fundamental status in our socialist law system .

  18. 一般法律原则是一个经常使用但又很不确定的法律概念,其功能主要是弥补国内法和国际法在调整国家和外国公司之间商事关系方面的不足。

    The general principles of law are an uncertain conception which is often mentioned , its main function is to remedy the limitation of domestic law and international law in regulating commercial relationship between countries and foreign companies .

  19. 作为商法规范对象的商事关系直接决定着商法部门化、商法法域性质、商法价值理念以及商法的法技术方法,因此,商事关系事实上处于商法体系的基础地位。

    As the regulating object of commercial law , commercial relation determines the branch 、 field character 、 value idea and technique means of commercial law , so , commercial relation is the foundation of commercial law system actually .

  20. 中国国际私法立法的理想模式是采取法典形式,这样才能将我国国际私法的立法内容与立法形式有机结合起来,更好地调整国际民商事关系,促进中国对外经济交往。

    The ideal legislation mode of our country 's private international law is code form . Thus it can combine the legislation content and legislation form , can adjust international civil and commercial relation , and also can promote Chinese foreign economic communication perfectly .

  21. 我国的侵权冲突法应在维护我国社会公共利益的前提下,从有利于国际民商事关系发展的角度,更加关注当事人的个人利益,同时提高法律适用的确定性与可预见性。

    For the public interest and the better development of international civil and commercial relationship , our measurement of settling the tort conflicts should pays more attention to the interests of the parties concerned and to the certainty and predictability of applying the laws concerned .

  22. 随着国际民商事关系的不断发展和深化,国际私法的基本制度逐渐朝和谐统一与人性关怀的方向发展,在涉外收养领域上的表现为:多数国家的立法态度从苛刻收养转为宽松收养。

    With the persistent and deepening development of the international civil and commercial relations , the basic system of International Private Law has progressed to harmony and humanistic cares , reflecting to foreign adoption is : most countries ' attitudes to legislation have changed from oppressive adoption to lenient adoption .

  23. 第三方物流民商事法律关系研究

    The Study on the Civil and Commercial Legal Relationship of the Third-party Logistics

  24. 存托凭证法律关系是一种信托关系,具有涉外性,本质上属于国际商事法律关系。

    DR legal relation is one kind of Trust relation concerning foreign affairs .

  25. 在不断发展的国际民商事法律关系中,国际商事惯例在国际商事活动中的作用日趋重要。

    International usages are more and more important in continuously international civil and commercial legal relationships .

  26. 论商法的原则和精神&从商事法律关系的基本特征谈起

    The Principle and Spirit of Commercial Law : Based on the Character of Commercial Legal Relationship

  27. 作为民事复合责任的一种,连带责任在民商事法律关系中广泛存在。

    As a kind of civil composite liability , joint and several liability generally presents in civil and commercial legal relationship .

  28. 传统、僵硬、机械的国内法在调整国际商事法律关系方面显得愈来愈捉襟见肘、力不从心。

    However , the traditional , rigid and mechanical domestic laws have become unable to regulate the international commercial legal relationship well .

  29. 冲突法以调整涉外民商事法律关系为要旨,其规定的内容也必然较实体法广博;

    The conflict of laws governs the legal relationship with foreign elements , the content of which is more various than the domestic civil substantive law .

  30. 此外,属人法各连结点还是判定涉外民商事法律关系和确定国际管辖权的重要依据。

    In addition , each connecting point of the personal law is an important basis for determining the foreign-related civil legal relationship and for determining the international jurisdiction .