
  • 网络Commercial building
  1. 某大型商业楼的改扩建工程设计

    Design for reconstruction and extension project of one large commercial building

  2. 杭州某商业楼基坑变形分析

    Analysis on Foundation Pit Deformation of a Commercial Building in Hangzhou

  3. GIS空间分析在商业楼项目选址中应用

    Spatial analysis of GIS applied in site selection of commerce building exploitation

  4. 该商业楼非常适合做酒店、洗浴中心、KTV歌厅等项目。

    This business building is good to be restaurant , bathing center and KTV , etc.

  5. 武汉某商业楼基坑支护方案

    Pit supporting scheme of business building of wuhan

  6. 城市的发展建设中,会出现一些大型的办公、商业楼以及医院等会带来很大吸引量的建筑。

    With the Beijing urban developing and constructing , there are many office , business and hospital that draw several cars .

  7. 目前,我的办公室仍设于一幢商业楼宇内,直至我迁往永久的办公地点为止。

    And for the time being , I am still in a commercial building where my office is located until I move to a permanent site .

  8. 如果结构尺度和材料需要改变,它也能改造成公寓建筑甚至商业楼。

    If the structure 's scale and the materials were to change , it could become an apartment complex , and or some other commercial building .

  9. 这项规定的出台将会使业主,商业楼的运营商还有来自于美国能源部国家劳动局的研究人员和私人技术专家加强合作。

    DOE 's CBP initiative will foster collaborative relationships among the owners and operators of commercial buildings , researchers from DOE national laboratories and private-sector technical experts .

  10. 刘在王兆春的帮助下找到了这个空间。王是一家技术公司的总裁,是施坦威最热心的中国顾客之一,也是这座商业楼的所有者。

    Mr. Liu found the space with the help of Wang Zhaochun , a technology executive and one of Steinway 's most enthusiastic Chinese customers , who owned the building .

  11. 介绍上海市建筑科学研究院和同济大学建筑设计研究院对高层商业楼和高层住宅建筑中,以石膏板取代砖和混凝土作内隔墙材料的研究结果。

    This paper introduces the research results of plasterboard used as interior partition instead of brick and concrete on high-rise commercial and residential buildings , which have been conducted by Shanghai Building Scientific Research Institute and Tongji University Building Design & Research Institute .

  12. 某钢结构商业办公楼安全性检测与评定分析

    Safety Inspection and Assessment Analysis on a Steel Structure for Commercial Office

  13. 酒店、高级住宅及商业综合楼,贝鲁特(黎巴嫩)

    Hotel , Residences and Commerce , Beirut ( Lebanon )

  14. 天元港国际中心是一座多功能商业写字楼。

    Tianyuangang International Centre is a multi-function commercial lettering building .

  15. 文章对一个中小型商业服务楼的设计创作过程进行了总结。

    These are some words about the design of a mid size commercial complex .

  16. 东营振华商业综合楼基坑支护粉喷桩设计与施工

    Design and Construction of Powder Jetting Pile in Foundation Pit Retaining for a Commercial Multi-purpose Building

  17. 广泛应用于商业写字楼、宾馆、酒店、娱乐场所、办公室、走廊、过道等天花上。

    It is widely used in commercial offices , guesthouses , hotels , entertainment venues , offices , corridors , aisles ceiling .

  18. 前提是对的:商业写字楼市场存在过度建设,房价相对收入来说偏高。

    The premises are true : the commercial and office markets are overbuilt , and house prices are too high relative to income .

  19. 悲观主义者注意到,中国商业写字楼市场存在严重的过度建设现象,房价相对于居民收入明显偏高。

    Pessimists note that China 's commercial and office markets are wildly overbuilt , and that house prices are far too high relative to household incomes .

  20. 远大面临的一个问题是:许多建造、销售商业写字楼的开发商不去购买中央空调,而是租赁。

    One obstacle for the company is that many developers build and sell commercial office projects , instead of holding on to them and renting them .

  21. 通过一栋幼儿园及商业综合楼的设计,探讨了在现实状况中如何令设计既满足业主需求又保证合理实用的原则方法。

    The purpose of design of mobile kindergarten and commercial complex is to explore a better solution to satisfy both construction practicability and owner 's variable demand .

  22. 与此同时,网栏商业办公楼及住宅的设计是完全不同,它不会考虑的方向问题。

    At the same time , net column commercial office building and residential design is totally different , it will not consider the direction of the problem .

  23. 商业写字楼市场对宏观经济的影响微弱,因为它们只占总体房地产建筑数量的20%。

    In macroeconomic impact , the commercial and office markets are of marginal relevance since they account for only 20 per cent of real estate construction volume .

  24. 一般来讲,四周有文化娱乐场所、商业写字楼及成熟的住宅社区、大学区、商业区等地方,都是可以选择的开店位置。

    Will tell commonly , around literate the place such as division of office building of public place of entertainment , commerce and mature residential community , college , shopping centre , it is the place of set up shop that can choose .

  25. 去年新年之后不久,刘在宁波一个安静的商业综合楼里开设了一家施坦威专营店,这是他的家族企业天目琴行的最新分支。这个商业楼里还有一家高档红酒店和一个画廊。

    Shortly after New Year 's Day last year , in a sleepy business complex in Ningbo that housed a fine-wine store and an art gallery , Mr. Liu opened a Steinway dealership , the latest addition to his family 's business empire , Tianmu Music .

  26. 锦州商业银行办公楼转换层结构施工方法

    The construction method of transition floor In JinZhou Commercial Bank Office Building

  27. 石狮市某商业中心办公楼加层改造设计世博园某厂房增层改造与加固结构设计

    Heightening Reform and Strengthening Design of a Commercial Center Building in Shishi city

  28. 公司的地址也从我的公寓搬到了奥斯汀北部一个一千多尺的小商业中心写字楼里面。

    We moved the business from my condo to a 1000-square-foot office space in a small business center in North Austin .

  29. 例如,已经有人预计今年新加坡的房价将上涨30%,而过去一年内,黄金商业地段写字楼的租金也翻了一倍。

    Housing prices , for example , are already expected to go up 30 per cent this year while rents for office space in the prime business district have doubled in the past year .

  30. 城市商业中心区写字楼的需求旺盛。

    There is high demand for city centre offices .