
shuì wù
  • tax administration;affairs pertaining to taxation;customs administration;taxation affairs
税务 [shuì wù]
  • [taxation affairs] 征收税捐的事务

税务[shuì wù]
  1. 并在建立的事实表上进行了OLAP(联机分析处理)操作,通过这些操作实现数据仓库在税务系统的应用。

    And carried out the OLAP the operation in the fact form that establish . Through these operationses realize data warehouse application in tax administration system .

  2. 本章主要介绍税务行政救济的三种主要途径:税务行政复议、税务行政诉讼和税务行政赔偿。

    Chapter two : the principle of remedy for tax administration .

  3. 警方正和税务官员协同进行调查。

    The police are working in conjunction with tax officers on the investigation .

  4. 政府对于税务改革渐渐失去了热情。

    The government is going slow on tax reforms .

  5. 政府的税务改革遇到了相当大的阻力。

    The government is running up against considerable opposition to its tax reforms .

  6. 他过去一直在欺骗税务部门,只是多年以后才被查出来。

    He had been cheating the taxman but it was years before he was found out .

  7. 从法律的角度来说,当地税务局的做法是无可厚非的。

    Legally , the local tax office is in the right .

  8. 有些人指控税务稽查员使用了流氓手段。

    Some people accuse the tax inspectors of bully-boy tactics .

  9. 税务欺诈由国内税务局负责处理。

    Tax frauds are dealt with by the Inland Revenue .

  10. 她可能会向当税务稽查员的哥哥揭发他那些不正当的交易。

    She might expose his crooked business deals to her tax inspector brother .

  11. 政府雇用税务稽查员做检查工作,以确保人们足额纳税。

    The Government employs tax inspectors to check up and make sure people pay all their tax .

  12. 银行经理像税务稽查员一样,不喜欢被人们认为是妖魔化身。

    Bank managers — like tax inspectors — do not really like being thought of as ogres .

  13. 任何在税务方面情况稍微复杂的人都可能要填写税收申报表。

    Anyone with slight complications in their tax affairs is likely to be asked to fill in a return .

  14. 新的税务计划遭到强烈反对。

    The new tax program met with fierce opposition .

  15. 我在税务局有熟人。

    I 've got a useful contact in the tax office .

  16. 税务局已审查认定你的利润余额。

    The tax bureau has agreed the final balance of your profit .

  17. 英国的税务制度不涉及儿童。

    Britain 's tax system takes no account of children .

  18. 销售者必须开具税务发票。

    The seller has to issue a tax invoice .

  19. 提交虚假税收申请表将以对税务当局作伪证论处。

    Filing a false tax return is under the penalties of perjury to taxing authorities .

  20. 他对美国的医疗体系进行了大规模的改革,并建立了更加公平的税务体系。

    He introduced major reforms to America ’ s healthcare system and sought a fairer taxation3 system .

  21. 财政和税务专家否认了近期有关年收入12万元以上算高收入人群、要多征税的传言。

    Finance and taxation1 experts have refuted rumors2 that individuals whose annual income is more than 120000 yuan ( $ 17720 ) are in the " high-income group " and will be levied3 higher tax .

  22. 财政部、海关总署、税务总局印发《关于海南自由贸易港原辅料“零关税”政策的通知》,该政策自2020年12月1日起执行。

    According to Notice on the Hainan Free Trade Port 's Zero-Tariff Policy for Raw and Auxiliary Materials , jointly issued by the Ministry of Finance , the General Administration of Customs and the State Taxation Administration , the zero-tariff policy went into effect on December 1 , 2020 .

  23. Twist的研究进展企业销售中运输费用的税务处理

    On Tax Cost Progression of Twist

  24. 基于ISO9000的税务办公工作流的分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of Working Flow Based on ISO9000 for Tax System

  25. 以数据仓库和OLAP技术为基础的税务决策支持系统的研究和应用

    Design and Application of a Tax Revenue DSS Based on Data Warehouse and OLAP Technology

  26. XX市国家税务局岗位评估价值要素内在结构的研究

    Studies of the Internal Structure of Compensable Factors of XX National Revenue 's Job Evaluation System

  27. 税务稽查选案中的KDD应用

    Application of KDD on Tax Inspection Cases-Choice

  28. 第二部分为案例分析:首先,ABC税务师事务所薪酬管理产生问题的成因分析。

    The second part is the analysis of the case . First , the causes of the problems which arise in the current salary management system .

  29. 本文讨论的POS税控盒连接在POS机上,通过公用电话交换网(PSTN)和税务部门的主机进行数据通信,完成税务部门对POS机数据的查询工作。

    In order to finish the data checking , the POS tax box system communicates with PC of tax department through PSTN , it is connected with POS in the other hand .

  30. 本文介绍了税务系统与系统外安全互联并交换信息的实现方案,以及通过已被税务系统广为采用的著名群件系统Lotusnotes及其它设备和软件实现这一方案的方法。

    In this Paper , a strategy to realize safe interconnection and information exchange of Tax system and external system is introduced , and it is made practical by using Lotus Notes ( the famous groupware production ), other device and software .