
  1. 这位亿滋国际(MondelezInternational)掌门人几乎参加过你能想象出的所有体育项目——排球、陆上曲棍球、垒球和篮球。不过,她最热爱的当属篮球。事实上,她曾计划在康奈尔大学(CornellUniversity)打篮球。

    While growing up , the Mondelez International head played almost any sport imaginable , including volleyball , field hockey , softball and basketball .

  2. 奥利奥于1996年进入中国市场,它已经发展成为中国最受欢迎的饼干品牌之一。据市场研究机构欧睿国际(EuromonitorInternational)的数据,亿滋国际在中国饼干市场的占有率最高,达到16%。

    Oreo has been one of the country 's most popular cookie brands since it launched in China in 1996 , with Mondelez holding the largest market share in China 's biscuit segment at 16 % , according to market-research firm Euromonitor International .

  3. 奥利奥曲奇、吉百利(Cadbury)巧克力和乐之(Ritz)饼干的生产商亿滋国际(MondelezInternationalInc.,MDLZ)周三公布,第四财政季度及整个财政年度的收入都有所下滑,部分原因是中国人对奥利奥夹心饼干的偏好下降。

    Mondelez International Inc. , the maker of Oreo cookies , Cadbury chocolates and Ritz crackers , announced Wednesday that its revenue was down in the fourth quarter and for the full year in part because China 's appetite for the cr è me-filled sandwich cookie fell .

  4. 亿滋国际报告说,分销商的饼干库存过剩。

    Distributors had excess biscuit inventory , Mondelez reported .

  5. 亿滋国际的高管说,他们意识到中国消费者开始更加注重健康。

    Mondelez executives have said they are aware that Chinese consumers are becoming more health-conscious .

  6. 但业内观察人士说,中国是一块硬骨头,亿滋国际要想在中国实现进一步增长会面临更大阻力。

    But industry watchers say China is one tough cookie , and Mondelez is facing bigger obstacles to growth here .

  7. 成功的录取者在接下来几年内,可以帮助亿滋国际在全世界范围内完善并推出全新的产品。

    The successful candidate will then help Mondelez International perfect and launch brand new products all over the world for years to come .

  8. 亿滋国际一直在拓展其分销渠道,不断向中国大城市深入扩张,并与中国前篮球明星姚明等知名人士合作,以期提高品牌知名度。

    Mondelez has been broadening its distribution channels , expanding deeper into China 's biggest cities and working with well-known figures such as former basketball star Yao Ming to promote its brands .

  9. 亿滋国际公布,第四财季实现利润17.7亿美元,合每股收益1美元,上年同期利润为5.69亿美元,合每股收益32美分。

    Mondelez reported a profit of $ 1.77 billion , or $ 1 a share , in the fourth quarter , up from $ 569 million , or 32 cents a share , a year earlier .