
  1. 南美洲和非洲于2亿年前分离。

    South America and Africa separated 200 million years ago .

  2. 经辐射能探测,这些岩石形成于20亿年前。

    These rocks have been dated radiometrically at two billion years old .

  3. 2亿年前南美洲和非洲分离。

    South America separated from Africa 200 million years ago .

  4. 估计地球的年龄大约为46亿年。

    The age of the earth is reckoned at about 4 600 million years .

  5. 这些恒星一定是形成于100到150亿年前。

    The stars must have formed 10 to 15 billion years ago

  6. 大陆地壳最古老的部分有40亿年历史。

    The most ancient parts of the continental crust are 4000 million years old .

  7. 他对这块有3.4亿年历史的岩石的高含金量大为惊异。

    He was astonished at the high gold content in the 340 million-year-old rock .

  8. 在前寒武纪的最后1亿年中,两个主要的冰川时期对两个地区都产生了影响。

    Two main glacial epochs affected both areas during the last 100 million years of Precambrian times .

  9. 认为我们是数以万亿计的星系150亿年宇宙演化的最终结果的观念

    the idea that we are the culmination of fifteen billion years of cosmic evolution across trillions of galaxies .

  10. 地球有45亿年的历史,但人类在地球上生活的时间只有20万年。

    The Earth is 4.5 billion years old , but the human race has lived on it for just 200,000 years .

  11. 一些科学家认为,5亿年前出现在地球上的第一批植物可能看起来是紫色的,而不是绿色的。

    Some scientists believe that the first plants to appear on Earth over 500 million years ago probably looked purple , not green .

  12. 中朝克拉通老于38亿年的残余陆壳&离子探针质谱锆石微区U-Pb年代学证据

    The remnants of ≥ 3 800 Ma crust in Sino-Korean craton ─── the evidence from ion microprobe U-Pb dating of Zircons

  13. 螺旋藻是一种已有35亿年生命史的最古老的原核光合生物,已被联合国粮农组织(FAO)和世界卫生组织(WHO)誉为21世纪最佳保健食品。

    Spirulina is a kind of the most ancient pronucleus photosynthetic living things .

  14. 火星蚂蚁(原名大致意为“哇!从火星来的!”)是蚂蚁中最原始的物种,它的DNA在过去的1.2亿年中几乎没有变化。

    The most primitive species of living ants , the DNA of the Martialis heureka ( which roughly translates to " From Mars ! Wow ! " ) has barely changed in the last 100 million years .

  15. BBC新闻–一种生活在2.42亿年前鳄鱼大小的生物,是已知最早的海洋爬行类食草动物,新的化石证据显示。

    BBC News - A crocodile-sizedcreature that lived 242 million years ago was the first known vegetarian marinereptile , according to new fossil evidence .

  16. 周一,两名作者在《实验动物学杂志》(TheJournalofExperimentalZoology)上推断,女性性高潮这种反应起源于逾1.5亿年前的哺乳动物,当时是为了排出卵子,让其在性行为结束后受精。

    On Monday , in The Journal of Experimental Zoology , the authors conclude that the response originated in mammals more than 150 million years ago as a way to release eggs to be fertilized after sex .

  17. 历史上最严重的冰河期,被称为雪球地球(SnowballEarth)期,当时地球完全被冰层覆盖。6.35亿年前,永久冻结带释放出大量甲烷,这一时期突然结束。

    The most severe ice age in history , a period of total glaciation known as Snowball Earth , ended suddenly 635m years ago when large amounts of methane were released from areas of permafrost .

  18. 细胞色素P450基因由35亿年前的一个共同祖先进化而成,是最古老和最庞大的超基因家族之一。

    Cytochrome P450 is one of the oldest and largest gene superfamilies . It is evolved from a common ancestor who has existed for more than 3.5 billion years .

  19. 爱丁堡地学院HongyuYi带领的团队,通过研究的一块被称为Dinilysiapatagonica的古代爬行生物头骨才得出了结论。这种生物与当代蛇类有很大关联,大概存在于9亿年前。

    The team led by Hongyu Yi at Edinburgh 's School of GeoSciences reached the conclusion after studying a 90 million-year-old skull of the Dinilysia patagonica an ancient reptile that is closely related to the modern-day snake .

  20. 自奥陶纪至古近纪约5亿年期间发育一套基本连续的海相沉积,厚度达14km,是研究特提斯洋形成演化的最佳地区。

    There developed basic unharmed marine strata being about 14 000 m in thickness during about 50 million years from the Ordovician to the Paleogene .

  21. 许多钻石的年龄是33亿年。

    Many have been found that are three-point-three billion years old .

  22. 在接下来的80亿年,又出现了无数个星系。

    Over the next eight billion years , countless more take shape .

  23. 山体岩石为加里东期花岗岩和大理石,距今4&6亿年。

    Rock Hill Caledonian granite and marble ago4-6 billion years .

  24. 据说这张新的照片显示132亿年前的星系。

    This new photo reportedly shows galaxies from 13.2 million years ago .

  25. 它是30亿年进化的产物。

    The product of three billion years of evolution .

  26. 但10亿年后,这些反馈系统就会失效。

    In a billion years , these feedback loops will have given out .

  27. 早前的估计认为这一数字大约在100到200亿年之间。

    Earlier estimates had placed it between ten and twenty billion years old .

  28. 地球形成于50亿年前。

    Was formed at least five billion years ago .

  29. 米勒已经发现了一个16亿年的叶子化石。

    Miller has uncovered a 16-million-year-old fossilized leaf .

  30. 以下告诉各位一个简单的方法来感受一万亿年有多久。

    Here 's an easy way to appreciate how long a trillion years is .