
  1. 观察员最近在宇宙中发现了直径约5亿光年的巨型空洞。

    Observers have recently found in the Universe giant voids about 500,000,000 light-years across .

  2. 它的职责是收集距离地球约3.24亿光年疑似黑洞所发射出的X射线。

    And what it does is collect x-rays from a suspected black hole that 's about 324 million light years from Earth .

  3. 强烈的X射线爆炸引起天文学家们的注意,它发生在到离地球大约7亿光年的星系中心附近。

    A powerful X-ray blast drew the attention of astronomers to the event , located near the center of a galaxy about 700 million light-years from Earth .

  4. 天文学家在8月17日晨间观测到的此次合并来自1.3亿光年之外的NGC4993星系。

    Astronomers detected the merger from 130 million light-years away , in the galaxy NGC 4993 , on the morning of August 17 .

  5. 我们很幸运,ESO021-G004距离我们约1.3亿光年远,位于南方的小星座蝘蜓座,所以我们更容易观测。

    Lucky for us , ESO 021-G004 resides a relatively nearby 130 million light-years away , in the small southern constellation of Chamaeleon , which makes it easier for us to keep our eyes on .

  6. 兰天超星系团内部包含10万个星系,延伸5亿光年的距离。

    Laniakea encompasses 100000 galaxies stretched out over 500 million light-years .

  7. 1206号卫星距地球有45亿光年远。

    MACS 1206 lies 4.5 billion light-years from Earth .

  8. 由量测到的哈伯常数值来推断,这个距离大约是140亿光年远。

    For the measured value of the Hubble constant , this distance is about 14 billion light-years .

  9. 我们探究后得知太空非常辽阔,至少有1500亿光年长。

    We 've learnt space is quite big , at least a hundred and fifty billion light years across .

  10. 这项调查是敏感的活动星系核高达650亿光年远,并发现了先前未知的系统几十人。

    The survey is sensitive to AGN up to650 million light-years away and has uncovered dozens of previously unrecognized systems .

  11. 看起来,末日仍然会上演——至少是在距离我们35亿光年的一个星系。

    The apocalypse is still on , apparently - at least in a galaxy about 3.5 billion light-years from here .

  12. 海王星距太阳约28亿光年,曾经是太阳系范围内距离最远的星球。

    At 2.8 billion miles from the sun , it 's the farthest planet ever to pose for a close-up .

  13. 通过随后的数据分析,其信号源位于一个距离地球约30亿光年的矮星系中。

    Analysis of data later located the source of the signal coming from a dwarf galaxy three billion light years away .

  14. 这种方法是基于对现在间隔已达4.9亿光年的星系对分离倾向的测定(?)

    This method is based on the preference for pairs of galaxies to be separated by a distance of490 million light-years today .

  15. 因此,即使光线在宇宙大爆炸之后立即朝我们传播,它所穿行的最远距离也不过137亿光年。

    So even if light started travelling toward us immediately after the Big Bang , the farthest it could ever get is13.7 billion light-years in distance .

  16. 它是宇宙中最大的结构之一,由一连串的星系组成,长达十四亿光年。

    The Great Wall is one of the largest structures in the universe , and is made up of a string of galaxies that stretch for 1.4 billion light years .

  17. 科学家称,这个“宇宙深处的神秘射电信号”发射源距离地球约30亿光年,目前已排除了飞机和卫星等干扰因素,后续交叉验证正在进行之中。

    The FRB originated some three billion light years away from Earth . Interference factors including aircraft and satellites have been eliminated and cross validation is being carried out , the scientists said .

  18. 在银河系中心距离我们大约6亿光年有一个被命名为RXJ1131的巨型黑洞,对于它有两件值得注意的事情。首先是根据它的旋转速度测量,这是目前所发现最遥远的一个黑洞。

    Two remarkable things about a giant black hole called RX J1131 at the center of a galaxy some 6 billion light years away . One : it 's the farthest black hole to have its spin measured .

  19. 以哈勃定律为前提,一些天体物理学的观测事实为依据,描述了我们这部分约200亿光年的宇宙的过去及未来,简要介绍了大爆炸宇宙理论。

    Regard Hubble 's law as the prerequisite , the observation fact of some astrophysics , in order to accord with , have described the part the past and future of about 20 billion light-years of universe of us , have introduced the universe theory of the large explosion briefly .