
  1. 检视环境厘订2005-06关键议题。

    Scanning of the environment to identify critical issues for2005-06 .

  2. 第一章,首先对与法律效力的来源有关的概念进行辨析和厘订,为下文打好基础。

    The first chapter analyzes the concerned concept about origin of legal validity .

  3. 地震保险净费率之厘订的工程学方法研究

    Research on The Net Fee Rate of Seismic Insurance Collated with The Engineering Method

  4. 政府固然不应干预私人机构所厘订的工资水平和雇佣政策。

    It is not Government 's place to interfere in setting wage levels and employment policies .

  5. 明确厘订国地财政划分方案;

    The scheme of the financial division of central and locality was collated and stipulated clearly ;

  6. 我们会在厘订未来工作时,参考社会各界对以上问题的回应。

    We will be guided by responses to the above questions in taking the matter forward .

  7. 同性质之商业,得由同业公会厘订其业别之会计制度规范,报请中央主管机关核备。

    Regulations for accounting systems of the business in the same nature may be prescribed by the industrial association and submitted to the Central Competent Authority for recordation .

  8. 与此同时,环评报告没有厘订量化的弥偿目标,也缺乏清晰的准则评核缓解措施的成效。

    Meanwhile , there is no specific and quantitative conservation objectives and evaluation criteria formulated in the captioned EIA for assessing the level of success of the proposed enhancement mitigation .

  9. 于会议中,董事们商讨并厘订集团之整体策略,监察财政表现及商讨年终及中期业绩及其他重大事项。

    At the meetings the directors discuss and formulate overall strategies for the group , monitor financial performance and discuss the annual and interim results , as well as other significant matters .