
  • 网络Centistoke;CST
  1. 分析试验结果指出:添加剂甲基硅酮(SiOC2H6)n的粘度在20℃下应低于13厘斯;

    Analysis of testing results shows that the viscosity of additive silicone ( SiOC2H6 ) n should be less than 13 centistoke at 20 ℃;

  2. 以基准380厘斯(cst)高硫燃料油的现货溢价为例:该品种的溢价上周触及每吨15.6美元的历史高点,而2008年的高点仅为每吨11美元。

    Take the premium for spot cargoes of the benchmark 380 centistokes high sulphur fuel oil variety , which last week hit an all-time high of $ 15.6 a tonne , compared with the peak of $ 11 of 2008 .

  3. 380厘斯燃料油价格上周五猛涨至每吨681.1美元,比2008年年中油价上涨期间曾达到的每吨759.9美元的历史高点低10%。

    The headline price for 380-cst fuel oil on Friday surged to $ 681.1 a tonne , less than 10 per cent below the all-time high of $ 759.9 a tonne reached during the oil rally of mid-2008 .