
  • 网络Beck's;Beck;Beck''s
  1. 该公司几乎拥有你所听说过的所有啤酒品牌,包括百威啤酒,时代啤酒,贝克啤酒。

    It ownspractically every beer you 've ever heard of , from Budweiserto Stella Artois to Beck 's.

  2. 为解决这个问题,他们会首先酿造第一批朗贝克啤酒,然后将它们陈放六个月。

    To fix it , they brew a batch of lambic and then age it for six months .

  3. 郎贝克啤酒只在比利时的珊妮谷才有生产,这里是布鲁塞尔属和朗贝克属这些天然酒香酵母的盛产地。

    Lambic is made exclusively in Belgium 's Zenne valley , where the wild yeasts Brettanomyces bruxellensis and Brettanomyces lambicus thrive .