
  • 网络belinda
  1. 贝琳达常能以自己的中性特质令男人倾心。

    Belinda was always attracted to men with an androgynous quality to them

  2. 贝琳达难以与孩子建立起亲密的关系。

    Belinda was having difficulty bonding with the baby

  3. 理查德恳求贝琳达再考虑一下,别坚持离婚。

    Richard pleaded for Belinda to reconsider and not to go through with the divorce .

  4. 由于世界排名第三的李娜因膝伤退出本届美网,彭帅进入了公众的视野,并在比赛中势如破竹。在周二的四分之一决赛中,她以6-2,6-1的成绩将瑞士小将贝琳达·本西奇(BelindaBencic)横扫出局。

    But with the third-ranked Li missing the tournament with a knee injury , Peng has leapt into the spotlight and soared through the draw , ousting the Swiss teenager Belinda Bencic in the quarterfinals Tuesday , 6-2 , 6-1 .

  5. 隔了这么久才收到你的信,贝琳达喜出望外。

    Belinda was overjoyed to hear from you after so long .

  6. 贝琳达:而且一加仑大概可跑二十五英里。

    Belinda : And get about 25 miles to the gallon .

  7. 伺候贝琳达的精灵们不安地预感到灾难即将来临。

    Belinda 's attendant spirits have an uneasy foreboding of catastrophe .

  8. 这是艾米,贝琳达和我做的早日康复卡。

    This is the get-well card Amy Belinda and I made .

  9. 杰克和贝琳达在海边嬉戏。

    Jack and Belinda are having fun at the beach .

  10. 你见过贝琳达的弟弟吗?确切地说是她同父异母的弟弟。

    Have you met belinda 's brother , or rather , stepbrother ?

  11. 徘徊在自我与他者之间的贝琳达

    Between Self and the Other : Belinda in The Rape of the Lock

  12. 贝琳达坐在她身边,感到有点心虚。

    Belinda sat beside her , looking guilty .

  13. 贝琳达:哈哈。这部十年车只卖五千美元。

    Belinda : Ha-ha . This one is only five grand for a ten-year-old model .

  14. 每贝琳达,请发送邮件清单,为我安排邮寄标签。

    As per Belinda , please send your mail list for me to arrange mailing label .

  15. 迄今为止,玛丽得分最高,不过贝琳达就在她的后面。

    Mary has gained the most points so far but Belinda is hard on her trail .

  16. 伊丽莎白安巴特尔有两个孩子,贝琳达和约瑟夫,这本身没有什么特别的。

    Elizabeth Ann Buttle had two kids , Belinda and Joseph , which is nothing special in itself .

  17. 贝琳达:哈哈。我就知道。正妹啦、靓车啦。男人就是男人。

    Belinda : Ha-ha . I knew it . Hot girls , hot cars . Boys will be boys .

  18. 露西尔,尽管你瞧不起我,但我还要带我表妹贝琳达来参加我们下次的舞会。

    You may turn up your nose at me , Lucille , but I 'm bringing my cousin Belinda to our next party .

  19. 玛莎为他脱下靴子,摘下围巾,贝琳达给他端来茶,小克拉奇蒂们紧挨着他坐下。

    Martha took his boots and scarf off , and Belinda brought him his tea , and the little Cratchits sat close to him .

  20. 贝琳达:(骄傲地)你总是求我借你开的那台车吗?事实上,你说对了!

    Belinda : [ Proudly ] The one you beg me to drive all the time ? As a matter of fact , yes !

  21. 亚历山大·蒲柏在《夺发记》中塑造的贝琳达这一人物形象一直是18世纪英国文学评论家的研究焦点。

    Belinda in Alexander Popes The Rape of the Lock has always been of much critical interest to critics of the 18th century English literature .

  22. 贝琳达在每个人面前放了一个干净盘子,当克拉奇蒂太太从厨房出来时,大家都转过身看着她。

    Belinda put a clean plate in front of each person , and they all turned to look at Mrs Cratchit as she came in from the kitchen .

  23. 屋里,鲍勃·克拉奇蒂的妻子和二女儿贝琳达身穿她们平日的服装,但看起来干净漂亮,她们正往桌子上摆圣诞晚餐用的盘子。

    Inside , Bob Cratchit 's wife and second daughter , Belinda , in their everyday dresses , but looking clean and pretty , were putting plates on the table for their Christmas dinner .

  24. 英国运动神经元疾病协会研究部主任贝琳达•丘比特谈到霍金在2012年伦敦残奥会开幕式上特别鼓舞人心的作用时说:他对患有运动神经元疾病的人来说是一个神奇的象征。

    He is a fantastic symbol for people living with motor neurone disease , says Belinda Cupid , research director of the UK Motor Neurone Disease Association , with his role in the 2012 London Paralympics opening ceremony particularly inspiring .

  25. 你可得留心把你的男朋友们看住,不然的话贝琳达会把他们夺走的。鸿渐知道留住他没有意思,心绪也乱得很,跟他上去收拾行李。

    You 'll need to keep an eye on your boy-friends or Belinda will put your nose out of joint . Hung-chien knew there was no use trying to stop him , and with his mind in a turmoil , followed him upstairs to pack .