
  • 网络ymir
  1. 在神话传说中,对伊米尔死后的描绘与克罗诺斯极为相似。

    In mythic legends , the depiction of the dead Ymir is quite similar to that of the dead Kronos .

  2. 他以高度的技巧与意境描绘风景。同样,对伊米尔死后的描绘与克罗诺斯极为相似。

    He renders landscapes with great skill and artistry . Also , the dead Ymir is turned to account similarly with the dead Kronos .

  3. 另一名新西兰公民艾米丽得以在地震中幸免,但她的新西兰丈夫伊米尔和他们的三个孩子却被困在了他们住的旅馆里。

    New Zealand citizen Emily Sanson-Rejouis survived the earthquake but her Haitian husband Emmanuel and their three daughters were trapped under the hotel where the family lived .