
  • 网络Ida;date;Eda
  1. 看看伊达玛丽亚(idamaria)的视频吧,你能够从中发现公司网站可以或者应该遵循的路线。

    Watch the IDA Maria video and you can see the way corporate websites could or should go .

  2. 花旗(Citibank)驻纽约的私人银行业务部门的时尚零售集团主管伊达•刘(IdaLiu)表示:我最不愿迎合的就是性感。

    The last thing I want to play to is sex appeal , says Ida Liu , head of the fashion retail group in Citibank 's private banking arm in New York .

  3. 伊达拉奉对沙土鼠全脑缺血再灌注损伤后海马CAI区神经元凋亡相关基因Bcl-2、Bax表达的影响

    Study on Effect of Edaravone on Expression of Apoptosis-related gene : Bcl-2 , Bax in Hippocampal CAI Region after Cerebral Ischemia / Reperfusion in Rats

  4. 伊达比星(4-去甲氧基柔红霉素)的结构研究.~1H-NMR和~(13)C-NMR的分析

    Structural studies on idarubicin ( 4-demethoxydaunorubicin ) ⅰ . Assignments of the ~ 1H and ~ ( 13 ) C-NMR spectra in DMSO

  5. 脱衣舞舞女与风月高手玛嘉蕾莎•吉尔特伊达•泽利麦克劳德(MargarethaGeertruida“Margreet”ZelleMacLeod)被当局逮捕前一直居住于此,玛塔•哈丽(MataHari)的艺名更为人熟知,她被控犯有间谍罪,并于1917年被法国行刑队枪决。

    This is where exotic dancer and temptress Margaretha Geertruida " Margreet " Zelle MacLeod , better known as Mata Hari , stayed before she was arrested , charged with espionage and shot by a French firing squad in 1917 .

  6. 北欧区最大寿险公司首脑伊达尔克罗伊策(IdarKreutzer)受美国某大型银行高管之邀,最近在纽约进行一次简谈。

    Idar Kreutzer , head of the Nordic region 's biggest life assurer , was in New York recently when a senior executive of a large US bank invited him in for a quick chat .

  7. 彭帅和谢淑薇自2009年开始搭档双打,携手达到过女双世界排名第一。不过,在本次美网中,两人周一不敌伊达公子(KimikoDate-Krumm)和巴尔博拉·扎拉洛娃·斯特里科娃(BarboraZahlavovaStrycova)组合,没能突破第三轮。

    Peng and Hsieh have been playing together since 2009 and reached the No. 2 ranking as a team , but they lost here in the fourth round to Kimiko Date-Krumm and Barbora Zahlavova Strycova on Monday .

  8. 伊达吡星为主联合化疗治疗中枢神经系统血液肿瘤临床观察

    Idarubicin Based Regimen for Patients with Hematologic Malignancies Involving Central Nervous System

  9. 应用伊达比星治疗难治性复发性急性白血病8例报告

    A report of eight cases with refractory acute leukemia treated with idarubicin

  10. 伊达家的战士具有狂暴和无情的天性。

    Date warriors have a fierce and unforgiving nature .

  11. 你们混小子就是伊达家族的成员吧?

    Asshole , are you from the IDA family ?

  12. 多斯桑托斯和盖伊达马克没有回应时报的询问。

    Mr. dos Santos and Mr. Gaydamak did not respond to inquiries from The Times .

  13. 你是很好的普及;大诺伊达是难以数英里之遥。

    You are very well in reach ; Greater Noida is hardly few miles away .

  14. 她和伊达用来作烟灰盘的装影片的铁皮盒子,总是装满了烟头。

    The film tins she and Ida used for ash trays were always brimming with butts .

  15. 伊达家也能够征募更高级的野太刀部队:伊达家的格言就是进攻!

    The Date can also recruit superior no-dachi units as well : attack is a Date watchword !

  16. 诺玛-琼在其最早的七年中一直生活在阿尔博特和伊达-博兰特夫妇家里。

    Norma Jeane lived in the home of Albert and Ida Bolender for the first 7 years of her life .

  17. 美国情报部门截获的信息显示,小股卡伊达组织成员和塔利班武装分子正在进行联系。

    Information intercepted by US intelligence indicated that a small gang of al-Qaeda members was making contacts with Taliban armed forces .

  18. 格里夫不准备冒着在穿越中被抓的危险,如果波诺真决定以身犯罗伊达这个险。

    Griff does not want to risk being caught up in the crossing if Pono should decide to risk the Rhoyne .

  19. 艾伊达和其他居民希望能通过获得建筑许可并交纳罚金来改变拆迁的局面。

    Risheq and other residents have been hoping to avert the demolition by applying for building permits and offering to pay fines .

  20. 所有的伊达部队都具有冲锋加成,可怕的野太刀武士携带双手剑,征募和俸禄的费用却相当低廉。

    All Date units have a charge bonus , and their fearsome no-dachi samurai , with two-handed swords , are cheap to recruit and maintain .

  21. 像艾伊达这样的居民被迫离开家园不仅仅是找到一个新地方居住的问题。

    For residents like Ayda Risheq , being forced to leave her home is more than a matter of finding a new place to live .

  22. 简化财产登记程序可以刺激投资,使伊达这样的企业家更容易获得信贷,用于扩大企业规模,创造就业机会。

    Simplifying procedures to register property encourages investment and gives entrepreneurs , like Ida , better access to credit to grow businesses and create jobs .

  23. “墨西哥万岁”是墨西哥“独立之父”米格尔•伊达戈尔1810年发出的战斗口号的“现代版”。墨西哥于1821年摆脱西班牙殖民统治,实现独立。

    " Viva Mexico !" is a current-day twist on rebel priest Miguel Hidalgo 's original call to arms in1810.Mexicans eventually achieved their independence from Spain in1821 .

  24. 它(指瓜达卢佩伊达戈条约)让美国几乎拥有了现在包括加利福尼亚州,内华达州,犹他州,亚利桑那州,科罗拉多州和新墨西哥州的广大地区。

    It gave the United States nearly all of what is today the states of California , Nevada , Utah , Arizona , Colorado and New Mexico .

  25. 这两人都曾离过婚,有五个成年的孩子和他们一起,住在威尔士的克卢伊达郡,已经以变性女同性恋的身份生活了六年。

    The pair , who are both divorced and have five grown-up children between them , lived together in Clwyd , Wales , for six years as transgenderlesbians .

  26. 在12世纪末,当幕府将军源赖朝赋予藤原朝宗伊达地区的控制权时,他建了伊达家。

    The clan was founded by Isa Tomomune when he was given control of the Date district by the shogun Minamoto Yoritomo at the end of the12th Century .

  27. 相关文件显示,马尔金2007年再次申请时,出问题的是他长期为盖伊达马克打理银行事务这件事。

    When Mr. Malkin reapplied in 2007 , among the issues was his role as Mr. Gaydamak 's banker in the Angola debt deal , the documents show .

  28. 艾伊达.里谢克正在准备早餐,她怀疑这会不会就是她和丈夫以及六个孩子在这所朴素的水泥房中居住的最后一天。

    Ayda Risheq prepares her morning meal , and wonders if this will be her last day in this modest , concrete block home she shares with her husband and six children .

  29. 在西南方,情况则较为稳定:宫城的畠山氏目前与伊达家保持和睦,但谁知道这种平静状态还能维持多久?

    To the southwest , matters are a little more settled : the Hatakeyama clan in Miyagi is currently at peace with the Date , but who knows if such a situation will last ?

  30. 在伊达戈尔州,一家公司提供“夜行”项目,游客可以假扮成跨越美国边境的非法移民,当地人则扮演卫兵或人口走私者。

    In Hidalgo , one company offers " night walks , " where tourists can pretend to be illegal immigrants trying to cross the US border , with locals acting as guards or people smugglers .