
  1. 7d龄纯种伊沙鸡连续皮下注射硫酸庆大霉素10d,用药第4d开始肌肉注射氚标记胸腺嘧啶核苷(3~H-TdR),于不同时间取出内耳基底乳头进行放射自显影(ARG)观察。

    Seven-day old chickens were given gentamycin or distilled water for 10 days , all chickens were also injected with 3H-Thymidine ( 3H-TdR ) begining at the fourth day of this period . The basilar papillae were taken and processed for autoradiography ( ARG ) at different times .

  2. 我们现在与达伊沙之间有650英里的边界。

    We now have a border of 650 miles with Daesh .

  3. 伊沙贝姨妈很大方,给我们许多礼物。

    Aunt Isabel is generous and gives us a lot of presents .

  4. 相反,我们的行动正是在保护无辜平民免受达伊沙的伤害!

    Rather , we act to protect civilians from Daesh - who target innocent people .

  5. 诗歌也是挑战&伊沙诗歌简论

    On the Poems of YI Sha

  6. 但是,与达伊沙不同,我们没有人希望伤害平民!

    However , unlike Daesh , none of us today act with the intent to harm civilians .

  7. 笔者认为,只有通过这种研究方法,才能对伊沙及其口语诗歌做出更加清楚的认识和判断。

    I believe that , only through this approach , I can make more clear understanding and judgments .

  8. 右翼夏斯党的内阁部长艾里.伊沙依说,中东和平进程是双向的。

    Cabinet Minister Eli Yishai of the ultra-Orthodox Shas party said the peace process is a two-way street .

  9. 当然当然,仅靠空袭当然不能摧毁达伊沙,但空袭确实奏效!

    Now of course , air strikes alone will not defeat Daesh - but they make a difference .

  10. 不久之前,伊沙有过一个异象,一尊佛陀问她:如果给你更多的时间,你想做什么?

    She saw a Buddha-like deity figure asking her what she would want to do if she was granted more time .

  11. 据悉,伊谴责美士兵于三月,在巴格达西部村庄伊沙其发动的一场袭击中杀害了数名无辜百姓。

    Iraqis accuse the soldiers of killing innocent people during a March raid at Ishaqi , a village north of Baghdad .

  12. 我们是超过60个国家的同盟的一员,我们肩并着肩,共同反击达伊沙的邪念和暴行。

    We are part of a coalition of over 60 countries , standing together shoulder-to-shoulder to oppose their ideology and their brutality .

  13. 议长先生,这就是我的论断:如果我们真的想要击溃达伊沙我们必须将伊叙两国视同为一。

    And that is the argument Mr Speaker , for treating the two countries as one , if we are serious about defeating Daesh .

  14. 伊朗和沙特阿拉伯固然是影响海湾地区的宿敌,但伊沙关系无故突然恶化至此。

    Iran and Saudi Arabia are age-old rivals for influence in the Gulf , but there is no obvious reason why relations might have suddenly deteriorated to that extent .

  15. 伊沙说,哈马斯表示边境会在大约一周后重新开放,他希望能够有一份新的协议让他合法进入埃及。

    Issa said Hamas has indicated that the border will re-open in about a week , and he is hoping for a new agreement that will let him cross into Egypt legally .

  16. 议长先生,在座没有人会质疑达伊沙以及它们的所作所为所带来的严重致命威胁,尽管有时我们依然会觉得直面现实太过残酷。

    Now Mr Speaker , no-one in this debate doubts the deadly serious threat we face from Daesh and what they do , although sometimes we find it hard to live with the reality .

  17. 当我们的公民、我们的国家以及其它国家面临威胁时,当人们在达伊沙的枷锁、沉重的枷锁下痛苦呻吟时,我们应该怎样做?

    What should we do with others to confront this threat to our citizens , our nation , other nations and the people who suffer under the yoke , the cruel yoke , of Daesh ?

  18. 而且,我们正在伊拉克进行空袭,达伊沙的地盘已被缩小。除了没在叙利亚发动空袭,我们已经做了一切,那么为什么不能干脆全面参与呢?

    And as we are undertaking airstrikes in Iraq where Daesh 's hold has been reduced and we are already doing everything but engage in airstrikes in Syria - should we not play our full part ?

  19. 然而,我想提醒诸位的是,无论这个数字是7万,4万还是8万,现在的反对派武装人数意味着,我们越晚采取行动,达伊沙就会把这个人数减到越低。

    But I 'll tell you what else we know , is whatever the number - 70000,40000,80000 - the current size of the opposition forces mean the longer we leave taking action , the longer Daesh will have to decrease that number .

  20. 不仅因为它可以帮助击败达伊沙,更因为它可以帮助数百万被迫逃离家园的叙利亚人达成每个难民梦寐以求的心愿:他们只是想回家。

    Both because it will help in the defeat of Daesh , and because it would enable millions of Syrians , who have been forced to flee , to do what every refugee dreams of : they just want to be able to go home .

  21. 议长先生,我们已经进行了紧张而激烈的辩论,鉴于达伊沙清晰而现实的威胁,今晚,我们每个人的肩膀和良心上担负的不仅是这份决定的沉重,更有掌握在我们手中的生命。

    Now Mr Speaker , we have had an intense and impassioned debate and rightly so , given the clear and present threat from Daesh , the gravity of the decision that rests upon the shoulders and the conscience of every single one of us and the lives we hold in our hands tonight .