
shānɡ liú
  • commodity circulation
  1. 商流与物流是商品流通过程中不可分割的两个方面。

    Commodity ownership circulation and logistics constitute two inalienable aspects in the commodity circulation process .

  2. 商流与物流的区域整合研究&以临沂市为例商流与物流是商品流通过程中不可分割的两个方面。

    The Research on Regional Integrating Commodity Ownership Circulations and Logistics Commodity ownership circulation and logistics constitute two inalienable aspects in the commodity circulation process .

  3. 现今,RFID技术已经被广泛的应用到各个领域,如:商流、物流、信息和资金等方面,并以前所未有的速度迅猛发展,引起了许多国家的重视。

    Nowadays , RFID technology has been widely used in various fields , such as : trade , logistics , information and capital , etc. And with unprecedented speed rapid development , many countries have pay much more attention to it .

  4. 企业物流和商流分离的必要性&以一个肉制品加工企业A公司为例

    The necessity of Separation Between the Company Logistic and Business Flow

  5. 呼和浩特市所辖旗县市对呼和浩特市区的商流和物流需求大,依赖性强。

    The counties depend on deeply business flow and logistics needs of Hohhot .

  6. 电子商务的实现过程中需要对信息流、资金流、商流和物流进行整合运作。

    Realization course of e-commerce should integrate the four flow : information fund trade and logistics .

  7. 人流、商流、物流、资金流、信息流都是城市间相互争夺的目标。

    Business flow , logistics flow , capital flow , information flow are cities competing goals .

  8. 在此组织模式下推行销售物流与商流的分离,对于优化企业业务流程,提升企业竞争力具有重要意义。

    It is the important means in enterprise 's competition to promote logistics separation from the trader flows .

  9. 电子商务活动中的信息流、商流、资金流、物流互为条件,缺一不可。

    Information flow , trade flow , capital flow , logistics in E-commerce are indispensable to each other .

  10. 分析了物流复兴的原因和条件;对物流与流通和商流的关系、物流与企业其他部门的关系、物流与交通运输的关系进行了分析比较;

    It has analyzed the relation of logistics and trade flow , logistics and other department of enterprises , logistics and transportation .

  11. 一个完整的电子商务集信息流、商流、资金流、物流于一身,而物流则是关键。

    A complete E-commerce consists of flow of information , flow of commerce , flow of funds and flow of goods and materials .

  12. 介绍一个商流计划决策支持系统的设计思想和实现方法,并讨论开发基于知识的决策支持系统的策略。

    In this paper , an ideal of design and implement method that are used to construct a business decision support system is introduced .

  13. 此时,物流已经不再是简单的商品位移,而是配合商流和信息流的商业活动。

    In the meantime , the logistics was no longer the simple moving activity of goods , but matched with the merchandise and information flow .

  14. 针对这些主要问题,本文以多种经济理论为指导,建立了实行商物分离的黑龙江省现代农产品流通体系,并对该农产品流通体系中的商流、物流和信息流进行了规划。

    To solve these problems , the paper establishes modern agricultural products circulation system with the implementation of " business objects " separation in Heilongjiang Province .

  15. 本文论述了物流、商流、信息流以及它们之间的联系和区别,着重探讨了关于物流的狭义和广义的定义。

    The definition of material flow in both the narrow and broad sense and the distinction and relationships between material flow , trade flow and information flow are discussed .

  16. 电子商务包含商流、资金流和物流,其中物流对电子商务的发展起着非常重要的作用。

    Including business part , capital flow and logistics flow , which combined as E-Commerce , and Logistics is acting as one of the vitally important role of that .

  17. 连云港市地处亚欧大陆桥东桥头堡,是资金流、人流、物流、商流、信息流的汇集区和重要的枢纽中心。

    As the east bridgehead of the New Eurasian Continental Bridge , Lianyungang City is an important hub and converging place of capital , people , properties , business and information .

  18. 为了适应全球化竞争的挑战,越来越多的城市已认识到城市营销在争夺人流、商流、物流、资金流、信息流时的作用和重要性。

    In order to fit the challenge , more and more cities have realized the function and importance of city marketing when catching talent , commerce , material , and funds flow .

  19. 据专家介绍,世博会所引发的“会展经济”将带来滚滚商流、物流、人流、资金流、信息流,所有参与其中的企业都将因此受益。

    According to experts , the Expo Club-induced " fair economy " will bring rolling business flow , logistics , flow , capital flow , information flow , all participating companies will benefit .

  20. 大都市区流通空间结构发生了新的变化,互联网经济促使商流和物流在空间上的分离,有着各自不同的区位选择和空间布局。

    A lot of new changes have happened in the circulating spatial structure of metropolis , internet economics urges commercial flow and logistics to separate in space because of different location and spatial structure .

  21. 电子商务过程包含着四种基本要素,即信息流、资金流、商流和物流,其中信息流和资金流的传递过程能够在互联网上完成,而物流则必须进行实体化运输。

    E-commerce contains four basic elements , including information , capital and flow can be completed on the Internet , but logistics cannot solve in the internet , it must solve in the fact .

  22. 本文从支撑供应链运作的物流、信息流和商流的宏观角度出发,整体上考虑影响供应链绩效的内部因素,忽略不可控的环境因素、人为因素、外部因素。

    This paper considers major factors that supporting supply chain operation from the point of material flow , information flow and commercial flow and ignores the uncontrollable ones , taking environments factors as examples .

  23. 本文从研究我国连锁经营企业物流配送的发展现状及其规律出发,分析连锁经营企业物流配送的特点,论述了连锁经营企业物流配送与商流之间的区别。

    This paper studies the logistics delivery 's developing actuality and its regularity from chain enterprise in China , Analyzing the characteristic of logistics delivery and tell the discrimination of logistics delivery and commercial communication .

  24. 本文以杭州卷烟物流管理系统为背景,介绍了如何在流通过程中运用移动数据终端和条形码技术,组成一个完善的集物流、商流和信息流于一体的现代化物流管理系统。

    This Paper introduced how to build new Logistics management system using MDT and Bar Code Technology , gathering with information flow , commodity flow and logistics through logistics management system of Hangzhou tobacco Regie .

  25. 供应链融资由于完全采用市场经济的方法,解决信息、信用、商流、物流四方面的问题,如果企业运用得当,可使企业的资金周转率提高数倍。

    Supply chain using market economy financing methods to deal with the problems of information and credit , and the problem of logistics flow , if used properly , the enterprise may improve the capital turnover several times .

  26. 电子商务虽是信息化、网络化的产物,但电子商务中的任何一笔交易,都包含着几种基本的流,即信息流、商流、资金流、物流。

    Electronic commerce is the outcome of informationization and network , but anyone of the electronic commerce trades all includes a few basic " flow ", namely , information flow , commerce flow , capital flow and logistics .

  27. 农产品物流园区是集物流、商流、信息流和资金流于一体的流通性节点,在现代社会经济发展中发挥着重要作用。

    Agricultural products logistics park is the logistics , business flow , information flow and capital flow in one of the liquidity of the node , and plays an important role in the economic development of modern society .

  28. 配送线路的合理制定对于实现商流、物流、信息流、资金流的有机统一,打造优质、高效、低成本的现代物流配送体系具有十分重要的作用。

    Distribution lines for realizing the reasonable establishing trade , logistics , information , capital of the organic unity , to create high quality , high efficiency , low cost of modern logistics distribution system has a very important role .

  29. 根据不同层次决策者所涉及的收入、费用进行分析,以各自利润最大化为目标,建立目标函数,以期达到商流网络与物流网络相互协调。

    According to the different levels of decision-makers involved in income , the cost analysis in their respective profit maximization as the goal , the objective function , the flow of commerce network and logistics network in order to achieve coordination .

  30. 区域经济一体化的发展,促使区域内和区域间物流、信息流、资金流和商流等的流动逐渐增加,区域内和区域间不同实体或者企业间的竞争不断加剧。

    The development of regional economic integration , to promote the increasing of intra-regional and inter-regional logistics , information flow , capital flow and business flow and other flow gradually , intra-regional and inter-regional competition increase among enterprises or different entities .