
mén huán
  • knocker
门环 [mén huán]
  • [knocker] 一种通常为装饰性的固定装置,附着在门的外侧,它通常由一金属板及用枢纽悬于其上的金属环、棒或悬锤组成

门环[mén huán]
  1. 我不愿意伸手去抓那闪亮的黄铜门环,怕把它弄脏。

    I felt loath to sully the gleaming brass knocker by handling it .

  2. 瑞茜·威瑟斯彭(ReeseWitherspoon)刚出道时大胆尝试不同戏路的演出,据报道,她曾努力将因影片《一往直前》(WalktheLine)获得的最佳女主角的奖杯制成门环或项链。

    Reese Witherspoon dreamt of being a non-traditionalist , reportedly wanting to transform the best actress statue she won for Walk the Line into a door knocker or a necklace ( " statement " jewellery would not have cut the mustard ) .

  3. 斯克罗吉看着看着,它又变成了门环。

    As Scrooge looked , it became a knocker again .

  4. 地铁屏蔽门环控系统的经济分析

    Economic Analysis for the Environment Control Mode with Metro Platform Screen Doors

  5. 只有固定门环的螺丝和螺帽。

    Except the screws and nuts that held the knocker .

  6. 看看这门环可真大。

    Look at the size of these knockers .

  7. 这当儿,院门很响地被人拍了一下,接着是门环“哐哐哐”三声摇动。

    Then came a heavy knock on the gate , followed by three clicks .

  8. 沃尔特急不可耐地用门环砰砰地猛敲着。

    Walter , in his impatience , gave a prodigious thump with the knocker .

  9. 当史克鲁奇目不转晴地注视这个怪东西时,它又变成了一个门环。

    As Scrooge looked fixedly at this uncommon thing , it became a knocker again .

  10. 像往常那样,他衔着卷烟,拍打了一下门环。

    The rolled cigarette between his teeth completed the picture as he used the door knocker .

  11. 我跑上台阶,想要开门,不停地扣着门环。

    I ran up the steps and I tried the door and knocked with the knocker .

  12. 但是他们都被吓坏了,因为门环上的金脸突然开始朝他们大喊大叫!

    But they are frightened out of their minds when the gold face suddenly starts shouting at them .

  13. 敲了门环之后,推销员向后退了退,等待房子的主人应答。

    After using the door knocker , the salesmen and women stand back waiting for a homeowner to answer .

  14. 他们觉得怪难为情,图图拿来他的鞋底,于是就做成了一个绝妙的门环。

    They were very ashamed , but Tootles gave the sole of his shoe , and it made an excellent knocker .

  15. 他又把门环给摆正了.总是这样,强迫症,他自己都意识不到

    He 's straightened the knocker.He always corrects it , it 's OCD , doesn 't even know he 's doing it .

  16. 英国“把手和门环”家政公司日前在南安普敦职业介绍中心打出广告,招聘多名男女裸体清洁工。

    UK company called Knobs " n " Knockers recently made an ad seeking to recruit naked cleaners of either sex in Southampton Jobcentre Plus .

  17. 房屋前门的图腾是门环,它宣告客人的到来,并使得来访者与建筑产生接触。

    The totem of the front door is the knocker , a mechanism which announces arrival and allows the visitor to engage with the building .

  18. 最后,镜头追上了这个可怜人,只见他气喘吁吁、面如纸色,这时他才意识到这只是一个玩笑。进击的门环兽

    Finally , the camera catches up with the poor man , panting and white-faced , as he realises it was just a joke . A Knock-out gag

  19. 一群销售员被布置了上门推销的任务,然而当门环跟他们打招呼时,魂儿都被吓出来了。

    A group of salesman tasked with door knocking on people 's houses had the fright of their life when they were greeted - by the door knocker .

  20. 突然,令他大吃一惊的是,他看到门环已不再是门环了,它已变成了雅各布·马利的脸了。

    Suddenly , to his great surprise , he saw that the knocker was not a knocker any more , but had become the face of Jacob Marley !

  21. 就在这些销售员竭力推销他们的产品时,门环喊道:“转身走开,离开我家的门廊!”

    The door knocker yells : " Turn around and walk away . Remove yourself from my veranda ! " as the sales assistants desperately try to promote their products . "

  22. 每个专业推销员在走向这所房子时,都在不知不觉中被隐藏的摄像机拍了下来,而这所房子的门环,看上去古老又华丽,却是人脸伪装的。

    Each oblivious professional was caught on hidden camera as they walked up to the house , where a man had disguised his face as an old , ornate door knocker .

  23. 她在看沃尔特之前先看了一下门环,然后用眼睛把他从头到脚打量了一下,说她很奇怪,门环居然还在门上,没有被他完全打落下来。

    Before she looked at Walter she looked at the knocker , and then , measuring him with her eyes from head to foot , said she wondered he had left any of it .

  24. 当他把钥匙插入门锁时,并没有看到门环,一条项链,耳环,钥匙圈,刺青都可以带给你幸运的。

    When he put his key in the lock of the door , he did not see a knocker . A necklace , pendant , key chain or tattoo promises the same good fortune of the ancients .

  25. 你可以很容易认出我的公寓,门上有朴素的数字“85”,门环上有个告示写着:“敲两次后等着,门铃坏了。”

    You will easily recognize my apartment , for , apart from the number " 85 " marked in plain figures on the door , over the knocker there is a notice , " strike twice and wait , bell out of order . "