
  1. 冠心病心绞痛气虚痰浊证动物模型研究

    Animal model study on Qi deficiency and phlegm syndrome in Angina Pectoris of Coronary Heart Disease

  2. 结果:从主动脉、冠状动脉、心肌三方面模拟出冠心病心绞痛气虚痰浊证附合冠心病病理。

    Result : Used it that accord with pathology of CHD on aorta coronary artery and myocardial .

  3. 证候为心气阴两虚,痰浊、瘀血痹阻心脉。

    Its syndromes are deficiency in both qi and yin , turbid-phlegm , heart vessel blocked by stasis blood .

  4. 目的:建立冠心病心绞痛气虚痰浊证动物模型。

    Objective : Establish animal model about Qi vacuity and phlegm turbidity syndrome for angina pectoris of Coronary Heart Disease .

  5. 方法:对冠心病心绞痛气虚痰浊证100例随机分组,对照观察。

    Methods : 100 patients of angina pectoris with syndrome of deficiency of qi and stagnation of phlegm were observed in a random and control trial .