
xínɡ zhènɡ jué dìnɡ
  • administrative decision;executive decision
  1. 要强化听证程序对行政决定的作用。

    The function of hearing procedure must be emphasized when we make administrative decision .

  2. 行政决定预告的基本要素包括预告的期限、内容和方式。

    The basic elements of administrative decision forenotice include term , content and manner of the forenotice .

  3. 这一修改使中国的《专利法》与《TRIPS协定》关于行政决定接受司法审查的有关规定完全一致。

    This modification enabled China 's Patent Law to be fully consistent with TRIPS regarding administrative decisions which were subject to judicial review .

  4. 除了使用Scrum来经营公司、做行政决定,OpenView走得更远。

    In addition to running the company and making execution decisions using Scrum , OpenView goes one step further .

  5. 但是来自最高层的行政决定逼着他展示他的方法。

    An executive decision from the highest levels forced him , however .

  6. 行政决定极少会构成对生命的威胁;

    Very few administrative decisions pose threats to life ;

  7. 实施宽恕待遇方式主要存在契约型和行政决定型两种。

    There are two ways to give lenient treatment , which are contract and administrative decisions .

  8. 反规避行政决定的复审问题

    On the Anti-circumvent Review

  9. 一般而言,行政决定的“相关因素”来自于根本的法规;

    Generally speaking , the " relevant factors " for an administrative decision come from the underlying statute ;

  10. 设定司法审查的意图仅仅在于维持最低的标准而非确保最适宜的或最理想的行政决定。

    It is designed only to maintain minimum standards , not to assure an optimal or perfect decision .

  11. 我国反倾销司法审查的范围应包括对不启动反倾销调查的行政决定。

    The scope of anti-dumping judi-cial review in China should include the administrative decision on not starting investigation .

  12. 所有会员皆有责任支持本会执行委员会之一般会务行政决定。

    All members are obliged to support any resolutions passed by the Executive Committee in its general meetings .

  13. 至于行政决定的其他形式,对事实性问题复审的主要权威是欧弗顿公园案。

    With respect to other forms of administrative action , the leading authority on review of factual issues is Overton Park .

  14. 案卷排他性原则的确立,使得听证笔录成为作出行政决定的唯一依据。

    The establishment of the principle of files exclusivity makes hear the records of hearing the sole basis of administrative decisions .

  15. 利迪亚·乔克朗:“行政决定的说明理由及时限”,载《以色列法律评论》1972年版,第144页。

    Lydia Chokron , Statement of Reasons and Time-Limit for Administrative Decisions , Israel Law Review , 144 ( 1972 ) .

  16. 专家评审已成为科研管理工作的必要手段,成为学术领域中一切行政决定的基础。

    Peer review has become a necessary method for science research management , and a basis of all the administerial decisions in academia .

  17. 总之,“可适用的法律”标准不适当地强调法院是否“能够”复审某一特定行政决定;

    In short , the " law to apply " test places undue emphasis on whether a court can review a given decision ;

  18. 没有这一整体一致性的推定,机构官员就会时常被叫离他们的岗位以回答有关他们的行政决定的各种问题。

    Without this presumption of regularity , agency officials would constantly be called away from their duties to answer questions about their decisions .

  19. 另一个解释是,法院相互间在应给予各种行政决定适当的尊重程度上意见不一。

    Another explanation is that the courts disagree among themselves about the proper degree of deference that they should give to various administrative decisions .

  20. 行政决定预告中若存在未为预告、预告失当或预告错误等瑕疵,将会产生不同的法律后果。

    If there are flaws such as failing to forenoticing , undeservedly or falsely forenoticing , administrative decision forenotice can have different legal consequences .

  21. 第六,教学质量管理意识落后,行政决定在我区高等农业院校中依然是基本的教学管理方式。

    The teaching quality management is backward , and administrative decision remains to be its main way at Inner Mongolia agricultural institutions of higher learning .

  22. 第四章宪政视野下刑事司法机关的权力配置。司法审查机制是上述一般原理的实体化.与强制措施体系基本结构相匹配的运行机制是由行政决定机制和司法审查机制构成的的混合机制。

    In western countries under the rule of law , CMS all present " two segments structure " and the judicature examination mechanism takes the base action .

  23. 一般情况下,企业单方提供工资合约的行政决定制交易成本最低,因此这种工资决定机制在市场经济早期一度受到青睐。

    In general , the transaction cost in lowest when the corporation makes the salary contract alone , so the mechanism was welcome at the beginning of market economy .

  24. 货物原产地规则指的是任一国家或地区为确定货物原产地而实施的普遍适用的法律、法规及行政决定。

    Rules of origin shall be defined as those laws , regulations , administrative determinations of general application applied by any Member to determine the country of origin of goods .

  25. 同时,司法审查可以通过独立控制行政决定的效力而有助于使官僚管理取得政治上的合法性。

    At the same time , judicial review may contribute to the political legitimacy of bureaucrat is regulation , by providing an independent check on the validity of administrative decisions .

  26. 如此类程序并不独立于作出有关行政决定的机构,则该成员应保证此类程序在实际中提供客观和公正的审查。

    Where such procedures are not independent of the agency entrusted wih the administrative decision concerned , the member shall ensure that the procedures in fact provide for an objective and impartial review .

  27. 在行政决定中,行政听证笔录是行政机关作出行政决定的唯一依据,但也可借鉴美国的官方认知规则予以补充。

    In administrative decisions , the administrative hearing transcripts is the only basis for administration to make administrative decisions , which can also learn from the American " official recognition rules " to supplement .

  28. 本文认为,美国裁决程序中的听证既包括我国国内讨论行政决定作出之前的听证,如行政处罚听证,也包括行政复议中的听证。

    So the Article found that the hearing in American adjudication includes , in China , the hearing before making administrative decisions , such as administrative penalty , and the hearing procedure in Administrative Reconsideration .

  29. 项目的运作方式从计划经济时期的行政决定逐步过渡到了以效益为目标的项目管理,在管理方式转变过程中有成功的经验,也有失败的教训。

    Running mode of the project returns to project management in the aim of benefit from executive decision in the period of planned economy . It has successful experience and also failing lesson in the process of transition .

  30. 原产地规则,是指为确定货物的原产地,由国家、单独关税区或区域贸易集团以法律、法规、行政决定或国际协定的方式制定的规则或标准。

    Rules of origin , is to determine the origin of the goods by the state , a separate customs territory , or regional trade groups to laws , regulations , administrative decisions or international agreements of the way the rules or standards .