
  • 【法】subject of administrative legal relationship
  1. 执行和解制度旨在使行政法律关系主体双方在协商、让步的基础上达成执行和解协议,通过履行该协议使义务得以履行或达到与履行相同的状态。

    The purpose of reconciliation is the main sides in the enforcement relationship reached settlement agreements on the basis of negotiation , compromise , fulfill their obligations or achieve the same states of fulfill their obligations through fulfilling the agreement .

  2. 在此框架下,受害人取得行政法律关系主体资格,有权利向行政机关依法投诉,请求行政机关给予受损权益法律上的行政救济,使自己的合法权益得到最充分的保护。

    It is necessary to construct a new framework of relief that grants the victim the status of a principal party in legal relations where he has the right to appeal to administration for legal relief to ensure his rights are protected .

  3. 作为行政许可法律关系主体的重要组成部分,行政许可主体必须同时具备组织性、法权性、自主性、责任性等基本特征。

    As the important component of legal relation subject of the administrative licensing , the administrative licensing subject must possess such essential features as the sense of organization , right , independence , accountability , etc. at the same time .

  4. 公务员是行政诉讼法律关系的主体之一,但与诉讼主体的主体地位有很大差异。

    According to the law of supervision on administration , civil servants'functionary action must accept for supervision on administration .

  5. 行政诉讼法律关系在主体、内容、客体等要素方面具有自身的特殊性。

    The legal relation of administrative litigation has its own peculiarity in such aspects as the subject , content , object and etc.

  6. 行政法律关系除行政主体和行政相对人之外,还存在着第三方主体即行政第三人。

    The authors believe that there exists the third subject , namely the third party in administrative law , besides administrative subject and administrative counterpart .

  7. 行政法律关系是指行政主体与相对人之间所形成的权利义务关系,作者认为,这是一种以行政主体为主导形成的法律关系,不包括我们通常所说的“监督行政关系”在内。

    From the author 's point of view , administrative act has many-sided property and is considered as the essential factor to the public corporation , the public power and the public law .

  8. 高等学校在教育行政法律关系中具有双重行政主体地位:既是教育行政法律关系的行政主体又是行政相对人。

    The institutions of higher learning in the relationship with the educational administrative law enjoy a legal administrative status in a double way : They are an once a subject and an object in the legal nexus .

  9. 行政主体是行政法律关系中的管理主体。

    The administrative subject is the administrative one in the relationship of administrative laws .

  10. 正是基于这些特征,行政许可主体不同于行政许可法律关系主体、行政许可行为主体以及一般的行政机关。

    Just because of these characteristics , the administrative licensing subject is different from legal relation subject of the administrative licensing , administrative licensing behavior subject and general administrative organ .

  11. 这一部分主要以监督行政为视角,从监督行政法律关系主体、客体、内容等方面提出了法律控制行政公物私用的基本思路。

    This chapter is mainly from the perspective of supervising administrative legal relationship , puts forward some basic solutions in the subject , object and content of supervising administrative legal relationship .

  12. 本文借鉴诚信原则在民法中的涵义,阐述了其在行政法中的内涵以及对行政法律关系主体的要求。

    This article borrows the ideas from the good faith principle in civil law to elaborate the meaning of the good faith principle in administrative law and the requirements to the administrative law relationship .

  13. 环境行政违法行为的效力状态直接决定环境行政法律关系主体的权利义务,进而决定了法院对判决形式的选择。

    The validity situation of the environmental administrative illegal activity directly decides the rights and duties of legal relationship main bodies of the environmental administration and the decision forms from the court .

  14. 学校与各种行政机关之间构成行政法律关系,行政法律关系具有一方主体恒定、不平等性、双方权义法定性等特点。

    ⅱ school makes different administrative legal relations with different administrative bady , those relations have the characteristics that one-fixed-body ;

  15. 根据私人与行政过程利害关系的不同,其在行政法律关系中的主体地位主要有两种表现形式:行政相对人和行政相关人。

    According to private persons ' different interests in the administrative process , there are mainly two types of subject statuses in the administrative legal relationship : private parties and administrative interested persons .

  16. 由于我国的公路法律规范体系还很不健全,在对这种复杂的公路经济行政关系的调整和规范中,出现了对公路经济行政法律关系主体权利义务界定的模糊性。

    There is fuzziness in the rights and duties of the body of economic administration of highway , because the legal system of highway is not perfect .

  17. 在外部行政行为中,公务员既不是行政主体,也不是行政相对人,而是作为国家行政机关代理人。但是公务员在内部行政法律关系中具有主体地位。

    In external terms of it , the public servant is neither administrative body nor counterpart , but the agent of national administration .