
  1. 从1927年至1937年,南京国民政府进行了一系列教育立法,试图将教育机构的组织、教育活动、教育管理等纳入法律调整的范围。

    From 1927 to 1937 , the Republic of China has witnessed a great many changes in the legislature as to the education , the educational institutions , ranging form the organization to various activities and educational administration .

  2. 但作为资源稀缺的应对策略,先占原则是社会分配的基本原则之一,其应用远远超出了法律所调整的范围。

    However , as a strategy to tackle the scarcity of resources , preemption doctrine has became one of the basic principles of social distribution , whose application has been found far beyond legal adjustment .

  3. 新加坡法律制度调整的范围十分广泛,并以判例作为法律渊源,形成了严密的法律体系,并能根据现实社会情况的变化,及时加以修改补充。

    The adjustment of Singapore law system is widespread , and with case as legal origin , formed a strict legal system , and can change according to real social situations , timely modified and added .

  4. 人身伤害赔偿属于民事法律规范调整的范围,学校学生人身伤害是侵权行为造成的,侵权伤害赔偿承担的是侵权责任。

    The indemnification of the Human body injury belongs to the scope of the civil case law norm adjustment , the student Human body injury of campus caused by the infringement behavior , the infringement injury indemnification undertaking infringement responsibility .

  5. 并通过对非婚同居产生原因的分析,将其与相关概念进行区别,有利于最大限度的将符合法律规定的非婚同居关系纳入法律保护和调整的范围。

    Non-marital cohabitation and through the analysis of the causes , to distinguish between related concepts , the maximum benefit would be consistent with the law included a non-marital cohabitation and adjust the scope of legal protection .

  6. 法律服务在现代生活中具有很重要的作用,随着社会的发展,法律法规日益增多,越来越多的社会关系被放置于法律调整的范围之下。

    As an important content of modern legal system , Legal services play an important role in modern life . With the development of society , the legal regulations are increasing .