
  1. 法人本质理论与法人制度的构建

    Theories of the Nature of Legal Person and the Construction of Legal Person Regime

  2. 论法人本质说:新拟制说&基于法人本质理论的反思与重构视角能够教授的东西的拟人化说法。

    A New Theory of the Nature of Legal Person : Neo-Personification ; a personified abstraction that teaches .

  3. 法人本质理论的价值在于实现法人制度的价值。

    The value of theories of the nature of legal person is to realize the value of legal person regime .

  4. 关于法人本质的再思考&从“拟制说”出发

    Reconsideration on the nature of the legal person & from the angle of " imitation theory of the legal person "

  5. 正是基于对法人本质的不同认识,导致在公司代表人制度上两大法系存在着显著差异。

    It is based on the legal nature of the different perceptions that result in the company representative system on two legal systems there is a significant difference .

  6. 作者通过对传统公司法理论关于公司法人本质的三种学说的分析、批判,认为关于公司法人的本质,为了适合生活实践的需要,不应机械僵硬地坚持任一种学说。

    The author analyses the traditional three doctrines of corporation , and believes that the nature of the corporate should not be rigidly persevered in one theory , for the sake of daily practice .

  7. 法学上对于法人本质的认识基本上达成了一致,即认为各种学说均有其合理性,不存在充分的理由完全肯定或者否定某种学说,各学说均有其合理成分,但均不全面。

    Law on legal essence of basically agreed , that the various doctrines have its rationality , no good reason for a full positive or negative , the doctrine of the theory has its logical components , but are not comprehensive .

  8. 论法人的本质&以法律概念为视角

    On the Essence of Corporation & From the Perspective of Legal Concept

  9. 论法人的本质

    On the Essence of Corporate

  10. 法人的本质即非团体人格,也非特别财产,而是在自然人人格基础上形成的区分人格。

    The essence of corporate is neither group personality , nor particular property , but distinctive personality based on natural personality .

  11. 论述和反思公司法人的本质:公司实在论、公司拟制论、公司否认论、公司契约论,进而评价有关董事地位的学说。

    Discussing and reflecting the essence of company : the realism theory 、 fiction theory 、 corporate denial and the contractual theory of Corporation and assessing theories about the position of directors .

  12. 法人的本质特性是独立性,这种独立不仅体现在法人财产、人事、组织、经营上的独立,更体现在法人对外所承担的法律责任的独立。

    The essential characteristic of a juridical person is its independence which embodied not only in the independence of property , personnel , organization and operation but also in the independence of bearing legal responsibility .

  13. 从法人的本质来看,无论是根据法人拟制说、契约说,还是实在说,法人同自然人一样,与某一特定的国家的法律存在本质和必然的联系。

    From the nature of the legal person , whether under the legal fiction theory , contract theory or the substance theory , the legal person was the same with the natural person , with a particular state the existence of legal nature and the inevitable link .

  14. 首先对于法人的本质,不同时期的学者由于各自所处的社会政治环境、经济发展状况、文化体制、法制理念、宗教信仰等因素的差异,产生各种各样不同的学说。

    First of all for the essence of the legal person , a different period of scholars because of their social and political environment , economic development , cultural , institutional , and legal philosophy , religion , and other factors have all sorts of differences , different theory .

  15. 本文第一章概述了一人公司的内涵、特征、原则和分类,分析了一人公司与个人独资企业的区别,论述了法人人格的本质在于独立健全的意思表示、独立充实的财产和独立责任。

    It also points out the difference between One-Man Company and Sole Proprietorship . The essential of the company is its separate sufficient property , independent idea and self-liability .

  16. 虽然对于法人人格的本质形成了多种学说,但作为一种经济组织,其行为最终需要借助于特定的自然人或自然人集合体即公司代表人来实现。

    Although the essence of corporate personality to form a variety of doctrine , but as a form of economic organization , its behavior is ultimately needed a specific natural person or natural person collection of the company representative .

  17. 从公司法人格否认的本质来看,它是对公司独立人格和股东有限责任的补充与维护。

    From the perspective of the essence , disregard of corporate personality is the supplement and maintenance of the principle of corporate personality and limited shareholder liability .

  18. 从评价功能的角度来看,围绕着现有民事法律规范的一些争执,诸如法人、过错的本质,诉讼时效与除斥期间的区别等等,也可以迎刃而解了&或许它们原本就不是问题。

    From the view of assess function , some debates on existing civil rules such as legal person , the nature of fault , the difference between prescription of action and the duration of expiration , can be settled easily , maybe some are not problems at all .

  19. 在文章的第一部分公司法人格否认制度的价值分析中,本文首先从剖析法人的本质入手,对关于法人人格的有代表性的学说作了简要介绍和分析。

    In the first part of the article-the value analysis of the disregard of corporate personality , the author starts from the essence of legal person , introduces and analyses some representative theories about legal person 's personality .

  20. 本文从追溯公司法人人格的历史沿革着手,着重分析了公司法人人格独立的本质、价值取向及要素,勾勒出了公司法人人格独立的基本框架。

    This text sets about from tracing back to the historical evolution of corporate personality . It analyzes the essence , the value orientation and key element of the independence of corporate personality emphatically , and sketches the basic frame of the independence of corporate personality .

  21. 法人行为能力的具有与否完全是一个价值判断,而不是一个事实判断,与采取何种法人本质理论并无密切的关联。

    Whether or not the juridical person has the capacity to act is a issue of value judgment , not a fact , and therefore it has little relationship with essence of juridical person .