
fǎ rén rén ɡé
  • Legal personality;juristic personality
  1. 一人公司法人人格否认问题研究

    The Study on the Denying of Juristic Personality of One Man Company

  2. 法人人格与有限责任制度研究

    Research on the Relationship between Juristic Personality and Limited Liability

  3. 论国有破产企业与法人人格否认原则

    On Bankrupt SOEs and the Personality Disavowing Principle of Corporate Actors

  4. 瑕疵对于公司法人人格的影响应该如何予以调整是各国立法面临的价值选择。

    Defects corporate personality should be adjusted national legislation face value .

  5. 公司法人人格否认概念正名及公司法人人格否认制度的思考

    Thinking about the construction of the company legal personality denial system

  6. 公司法人人格否认制度与银行债权保护

    On System of Corporate Personality Denial and Bank 's Claim Protection

  7. 第一,人格及法人人格的学理研究;

    First was the theoretical research on personality and corporate personality .

  8. 揭开公司的面纱&公司法人人格否认制度的适用

    Piercing the Veil of Corporate & On Disregard of Corporate Personality

  9. 日本采用附条件的法人人格模式,对具有一定条件的管理团体赋予其法人资格,但又不等同于日本民法上的一般性法人。

    Japan adopted the conditions attached to the corporate personality model .

  10. 传统人格权制度对法人人格权的规范简单且不完善。

    Classical institution of personal right is simple and imperfect .

  11. 论公司法人人格否认在司法实践中的适用

    Study of Disregard of Corporate Personality Application in Judicial Practice

  12. 关于公司法人人格否认制度的法律思考

    Legal Thought on the " Disregarding of the Corporate Personality " Principle

  13. 法人人格否认法理的程序法分析

    A Procedural Law Analysis of the Principle of Disregard of Corporate Personality

  14. 适用公司法人人格否认制度若干具体问题探讨

    The Analysis of Some Details of Application of Disregard of Corporate Personality

  15. 公司法人人格否认制度,规范的是公司人格独立的一种例外情况。

    What DCP regulates is an exception of corporate personality .

  16. 论有限责任公司的法人人格否认制度

    On Negation System of Corporate Entity in Limited Liability Corporations

  17. 法人人格权及其民法保护方法问题研究

    The Research of Corporate Personality Rights and Its Civil Protection

  18. 首先,本文阐述了公司法人人格否认理论的形成和价值功能。

    Firstly , we generalizes the formation and valuation of the theory .

  19. 公司法人人格否认制度中的程序和法律适用设计

    Design for Procedural and Applicable Law in Disregarding Corporate Personality

  20. 新公司法应确立法人人格否认制度

    The New Company Law Should Establish the Legal Person 's Personality-denying System

  21. 公司法人人格否认法理在我国的适用

    The study on the denial corporate personality in china

  22. 公司法人人格否认的理论基础与制度构建

    Theoretical Basis and System Construction of the Denial of Company Juridical Person Personality

  23. 法人人格权的基本理论问题探析

    Basic Theoretical Problems of Personal Rights of Legal Person

  24. 法人人格否认制度研究

    On the System of Negating Personality of Juridical Person

  25. 债权人否认公司法人人格之诉讼时效问题研究

    Research on limitation of actions about creditor traversing the corporate personality of companies

  26. 为此,本文从三个方面对法人人格否认制度进行了论述。

    For this , this paper will discuss this system from three aspects .

  27. 公司法人人格制度的终极价值在于其工具性,即实现个人利益和社会利益。因此,法律对法人始终怀抱怵惕之心,法律的干预立足于对团体和个人进行区分。

    The value of corporate institution is to realize the benefits of person .

  28. 论公司的法人人格

    On the Personality of Juridical Person of Company

  29. 公司法人人格否认理论与股东有限责任

    The Doctrine of Disregarding of Corporate Legal Person Status and Shareholder 's Limited Liability

  30. 我国学术界对公司法人人格否认制度,一般持肯定态度。

    Generally Speaking , Chinese academia supports the statute of disregarding corporate legal personality .