
  1. 经济法律关系的内容仍然是权利义务。

    The content still remains right and obligation .

  2. 物业管理法律关系的内容是双方主体间的权利和义务关系。

    The contents of property management legal relationship are the relationship between the right and duty of subjects .

  3. 第二部分,论述了知情权法律关系的内容。

    Part two : This part explains the contents of legal relationship lies in the right to know .

  4. 矿业权法律关系的内容主要由矿业权人的权利和义务构成。

    The legal relationship between the mining rights of mining rights from the main content of the rights and obligations constitute .

  5. 而现代法律关系的内容正是权利与义务的确定,这在学界已达成共识。

    But the modern legal relationship content is precisely the right and the voluntary determination , this achieved the mutual recognition in the educational world .

  6. 而在法律关系的内容上,它由资产出售协议组成。关于资产真实出售的法律价值,本文认为它弥补了传统担保制度中存在无效率的缺陷,从而凸现其存在的价值;

    On the value of true sale , this paper thinks that it has remedied traditional assure that without efficiency , and it is protruding to show its existent value .

  7. 第四部分对融资租赁合同法律关系的内容进行了详细地论述。主要分析了融资租赁合同的主要条款及当事人各方的权利义务。

    Section Four analyzes the content of legal relations of the financing lease contract major provisions of the financing lease contract and the rights and obligations of the parties to the contract .

  8. 该法律关系的内容是企业、消费者、监管者在召回过程中的权利义务关系,主体则为生产者或进口商、消费者和监管者,客体就是缺陷产品。

    The content of the legal relationship is the rights and obligations of enterprise , consumers , regulators in the recall process . The main body is producers or importers , consumers and regulators . The object is a defective product .

  9. 论高等学校与学生之间行政法律关系的基本内容

    On the Content of the Executive Legal Relation between Colleges and its Students

  10. 知情同意是现代医患法律关系的重要内容,医疗机构及其医务人员在医疗活动中需要重视知情同意的法律规范及其相关注意义务。

    Informed consent is an important content of the legal relationship between doctor and patient . Medical institution and staff should pay attention to the law norm of the informed consent and its relevant responsibilities in medical activities .

  11. 此规则包括了广泛内容,主要可以从合同法律关系的主体、内容和责任三个方面去理解。

    This system includes wide content , which can be understood from three aspects the main body , content and responsibility of law relationship of contracts .

  12. 由于大学生权利内容的复杂多样性,从不同视角出发,对大学生权利有着不同的理解,本章着重在专属性和不同法律关系中的权利内容方面作了详细介绍。

    Due to the complex diversity of college students ' rights , which have different understanding from different angle . This chapter focuses on the specificity and different legal relationship of rights contents are introduced in detail .

  13. 到目前为止,劳务派遣中三方法律关系的性质和内容、劳务派遣中雇主是谁以及雇主的责任都是学者们讨论的热点话题。

    Up to now , what are at issue in labor law circles are the explanation of the content and the characteristics of dispatched employment about the tripartite and who are employers and distribution of liability of employers .

  14. 第四章具体分析水权法律关系的主客体及内容范畴。

    Chapter four : It analyzes the subjective , objective and content of the legal relationship of the water right which adjust the water right system .

  15. 第二章概述证券登记与存管体制,厘清证券登记法律关系与证券存管法律关系的主体、内容等。

    The other parts are as follows : Chapter two analyzes the legal relations in securities registration and depository .

  16. 法律关系的构成要素是指构成法律关系必须具备的内容和因素。

    Elements of legal relation refer to contents and factors which constitute legal relationship .

  17. 高等学校在不同法律中的地位决定着其与学生的法律关系的性质、内容和法律责任形式。

    Public higher educational institutions have different legal status ' that decide the relationship between students and schools .

  18. 在此价值目标下,我们开始设计刑事法律关系,无论从刑事法律关系主体还是从刑事法律关系的内容上我们都应秉承此种价值追求的理念。

    Under the lead of the aim above , the auther constructs the criminal legal relation , which consists of the subject and the content of criminal legal relation .

  19. 作者在综述、借鉴前人研究理论成果的基础上,提出界定高校与大学生法律关系应当遵循的五个原则以及高校与大学生法律关系的具体内容。

    The author proposes that defining this pair of legal relationship should follow five principles and regards the specific content in this aspect .

  20. 经济法律关系的主体是经济活动主体和经济干预主体,经济法律关系的内容是主体所享有的经济权限,经济法律关系的客体则是经济“营消”行为和经济干预行为。

    It suggests that the subject is the economic activity and economic interruption body ; the content is the economic authority ; the object is the sales behavior and economic interruption behavior .

  21. 秩序在法律中表现为义务,自由表现为权利,权利和义务是法律关系的基本内容。

    In law , order is embodied in obligation and freedom in rights .

  22. 阐述了经济法律关系的三种概括;讨论了经济法律关系的主体,经济法律关系的内容及经济法律关系的客体。

    The paper sets forth the three generality , and discusses the subject , the content and the object of the relation between economy and law .

  23. 国家依法行使刑罚权与教育法律关系主体在法律规定的限度内对国家承担刑事责任构成教育刑事法律关系的内容;

    The country legally exercises the penalty power and the education legal relationship main body undertakes the legal responsibility constitution education criminal activity legal relationship content in the legal rule limit to the country ;

  24. 生态法律关系具有综合性、生态性、特殊性等特点,其构成要素包括生态法律关系的主体、生态法律关系的内容、生态法律关系的客体。

    Ecological legal relation possesses the characteristics of comprehensiveness , ecological and special , it is composed of the subject , contents and object of ecological legal relation .