
yì zhì xiāo chén
  • Depression;demoralized;despondent;hypobulia;funk one's heart
意志消沉[yì zhì xiāo chén]
  1. 还有一个可能性是,病情没能好转的受试者因这一体验而更加意志消沉。

    It 's also possible that subjects who don 't improve could feel more demoralized by the experience .

  2. 认为自己没有天赋的那些人,也变成防御,意志消沉,而且也经常选择退出。

    Those who don 't think they have the gift also become defensive and demoralized , and often opt out as well .

  3. 频繁的批评足以使任何人意志消沉。

    Constant criticism is enough to demoralize anybody .

  4. 他帮助把该政党从一群组织涣散、意志消沉的乌合之众打造成了一只不容小觑的力量。

    He has helped to transform the party from a disorganised , demoralised rabble into a force which must again be taken seriously .

  5. 我父亲因各种困扰而意志消沉。

    Many troubles oppressed my father .

  6. 这个坏消息使他的母亲意志消沉。

    His mother was depressed by the sad news .

  7. 这个时期过后,这些年轻人可能会因为受到生活的打击而变得非常愤世嫉俗或者意志消沉。

    After the phase has ended , the young person must beware of becoming highly hypocritical and / or jaded once life has slapped them around a bit .

  8. 一些人责备警察们因为薪水减少意志消沉,工作做得不好。

    Some blame poor work by police demoralised by pay cuts .

  9. 一个人意志消沉的时候,内心就会感到空虚。

    When you are depressed , a place inside you feels empty .

  10. 我会落泪、意志消沉,把自己锁在房间里。

    I 'd cry and mope and lock myself in my room .

  11. 她之所以意志消沉是因为她无法找到工作。

    Her despondency arises from her inability to find employment .

  12. 汤姆虽然也意志消沉,却尽力不流露出来。

    Tom was downhearted , but tried hard not to show it .

  13. 她意志消沉。/她灰心了。为什么丽萨最近不参加派对了?

    A : Why hasn 't Lisa come to any parties lately ?

  14. 体贴的话语会给生活带来温暖,而刻薄的言辞能使人意志消沉。

    Kind words bring life , but cruel words crush your spirit .

  15. 她意志消沉,只想待在家里。

    B : She 's really depressed and wants to stay at home .

  16. 他因事业失败而意志消沉。

    He was in the blues on account of his failure in business .

  17. 但是看到你们意志消沉又这么正常我更加难受。

    But it just kills me to see you so crushed and normal .

  18. 如果你不思进取,意志消沉,情况只会变得更坏。

    Things will turn worse if you just sit back and fall apart .

  19. 但这三天来这么多事情搅在一起把他搞得精疲力竭,意志消沉。

    But that three-day combination of events had left him exhausted and melancholy .

  20. 有规律的锻炼可以帮你战胜意志消沉。

    Regular exercise can help you beat depression .

  21. 马拉多纳意志消沉,但并没有被击垮。

    Maradona was down but not knocked out .

  22. 妻子死了之后,我意志消沉。

    I was devastated when my wife died .

  23. 回想一下近期你意志消沉的时候,没有什么大问题,就是打不起精神。

    You recall the recent doldrums , there is not much problem , shi .

  24. 每当我意志消沉时。

    And every time that I was down .

  25. 奢侈的生活会使人们的意志消沉。

    Luxurious life will soften our will .

  26. 他们感觉权利被剥夺,意志消沉。

    They feel disenfranchised and demoralised .

  27. 意志消沉者会发现晚上很难入睡,或者是在白天的时候想睡觉。

    Depressed people find it difficult to get to sleep , or to feel rested when they wake .

  28. 儿子死后,她变得意志消沉,难以使她振作起来。

    After the loss of her son , she fell into a depression from which it was difficult to rouse her .

  29. 据说,爱迪生因为痛失妻子而意志消沉,萎靡不振。他责备自己以前经常不回家。

    Edison was reportedly devastated by the loss of his wife and blamed himself for being away from home so often .

  30. 在他身上,人们看不到许多以往权势赫赫的人物退休后的那种悲哀和意志消沉。

    He bears no trace of the sadness and lack of purpose that hangs over many formerly powerful men in their later years .