
  1. 根据注意有无预定目的和意志努力,可把注意分为无意注意、有意注意、有意后注意。

    According to prearranged goals and will effort , attention can be divided into : involuntary attention , voluntary attention , and post voluntary attention .

  2. 大一新生英语学习自主性存在显著差异,来自大城市、中小城市与来自农村的大一新生在英语学习自主性总分及学习环境维度和意志努力维度上差异显著。

    An Investigation of Learner Autonomy in English Study of Middle School Students 4 . Significant differences among freshmen from different areas , especially their general learning autonomy , dimension of learning environment and willpower .

  3. 恕道与共情概念在目的、人性假设、心理机制、结果等方面存在共同点;而在道德意蕴、内涵大小、意志努力、认知目的、文化背景等方面存在差异。

    The principle of " shu " and empathy have same purpose , assumption of human nature , psychological mechanism , and result ; But they have differences on moral implication , connotation , effort of will , purpose of cognition , and cultural background .

  4. 坚韧的意志和努力工作是必要条件。

    Fortitude and hard work are what is required .

  5. 附释,理智的工作仅在于认识这世界是如此,反之,意志的努力即在于使得这世界成为应如此。

    While intelligence merely proposes to take the world as it is , will takes steps to make the world what it ought to be .

  6. 意大利和欧洲的未来与和平,全体民众的基本福祉,都有赖于我们每个人的意志和努力。

    The future and the peace of Italy and of Europe , the general well being of all , depend on the will and the work of each single one of us .

  7. 英雄的心被时间和命运摧残,但是,坚强的意志依然努力抗争、寻找、发现,永不妥协。

    One equal temper of heroic hearts , Made weak by time and fate , but strong in will To strive , to seek , to find , and not to yield .

  8. 现代文明是以人的本能的牺牲为代价的,社会的高度工业化使人们越来越多地依赖理智,意志和努力去争取更高的社会地位,获得承认和成功。

    The modern civilization is established at the cost of human nature . High industrialization of the society has made people depend more and more on ration , will and efforts to possess a higher social status and success .

  9. 因为好的想法就是好的想法。所以不管是在经济低迷还是繁荣,或者不好不坏的时候,你有了好的想法,就应该以热情的心态,坚强的意志和努力的奋斗来实现梦想。

    Because a good idea is a good idea.So whether it 's a down economy or an up economy or somewhere between , if you have a great idea and you 're going to be passionate and put the hard work in you will get there .

  10. 这需要自我毁灭,这是一种意志上的努力。

    It needs an act of self-destruction , an effort of the will .

  11. 这是一种意志上的努力。

    An effort of the will .

  12. 他的坚强意志使得他们加倍努力。

    His strong will doubled their efforts .

  13. 而这不全是因为她那标志性的笑容以及与生俱来的美貌,坚定的意志以及不懈的努力也是功不可没的。

    And it 's not only because of her signature smile and natural beauty . Determination and hard work played a big role , too .

  14. 其次,意志因素包括意志态度和意志努力。

    Next , will factor consist of will attitude and will struggle .

  15. 就盗窃罪而言,其意志态度就是积极追求危害结果的发生,意志努力就是想方设法、排除妨碍以达到犯罪目的。

    In terms of the larceny , will attitude is to pursues the harm result of the occurrence actively , the will struggle is to remove prejudice to achieve the criminal purpose .