
  • 网络Cross-cultural psychology;cross cultural psychology;cross-cultural psyctaology
  1. 文化适应(acculturation)的研究已经成为跨文化心理学研究的一个重要组成部分。

    Acculturation has become an integral and important part in cross-cultural psychology .

  2. 心理健康的城乡跨文化心理学实证研究十年成果综述

    Study on Mental Health of Cross-cultural Psychology for Cities and Villages

  3. 自我和谐与人际信任的区域跨文化心理学研究

    On Regional Cross-Cultural Psychology of Self-consistency and Interpersonal Trust

  4. 心理学中的文化意识在跨文化心理学、文化心理学、文化建构主义心理学中经历了3次重大衍变。

    The cultural consciousness in Psychology has three forms .

  5. 中国城乡跨文化心理学和区域心理学与心理学本土化

    Chinese urban and rural transcultural psychology and regional psychology and localization of Psychology

  6. 跨文化心理学研究设计中的一些问题

    Cross-culture psychology : some issues in its research designs

  7. 性学的科学主义与人文主义两种研究进路跨文化心理学中个人主义和集体主义研究概述

    Two study paths on sexual study ; On Individualism and Collectivism in Cross-Cultural Psychology

  8. 中国城乡跨文化心理学刍议

    An Analysis of Cross-Urban-and-Rural-Culture Psychology in China

  9. 跨文化心理学研究方法述评

    The Review of Cross-Cultural Psychology Research Methods

  10. 跨文化心理学的研究对象是不同文化群体的心理与行为比较;

    The research object of cross-cultural psychology is the psychological and behavioral comparison between different cultural groups .

  11. 直到上世纪90年代跨文化心理学成为“热门”,邱良黄的发现才重新进入人们的视野。

    In the1990s , however , cross-cultural psychology became " hot " and Chiu 's findings were resurrected .

  12. 云南省西双版纳傣族自治州拉祜族和哈尼族的青少年品德形成的调查研究&跨文化心理学的探讨

    A research on the development of adolescent morality among Lahu and Hani nationalities in Xishuangbanna in Yunnan Province

  13. 区域跨文化心理学认为不同区域的群体由于不同区域文化的塑造和影响,其心理特征也存在相应的差并。

    Region cross-culture psychology implies that the psychology traits of population in different regions would distinguished because of the shaping and influence by difference region culture .

  14. 这一层面研究的跨文化心理学者笃信:人类基本的心理过程和能力是相同的,文化影响的是心理特征的发展和表现。

    Cross-cultural psychologists hold that human beings as members of a single species , share basic psychological processes and capacities . Culture influences their development and performance .

  15. 跨文化心理学正在成为普通心理学、特别是发展心理学的一个重要分支,在中国跨文化心理学的研究具有极其重要的意义。

    Cross-Cultural Psychology is becoming a chief branch of General Psychology and Developmental Psychology . In China , the study of Cross-Cultural Psychology is very important and meaningful .

  16. 跨文化心理学研究表明:在主流文化背景下开展的智力及智力开发研究,很难适应少数民族及亚文化群体的需要;

    Cross-cultural psychological research indicates that studies conducted on intellect and its development in the cultural mainstream does not easily adapt itself to those in minority and sub-cultural groups .

  17. 通过对文化人类学、跨文化心理学中有关文化适应概念、文化适应阶段、文化适应方式等的陈述,为明确课程改革的文化适应内涵提供了依据。

    The concept , stages and patterns of cultural adaptation in cultural anthropology and cross-culture psychology have provided the references for clarifying the connotation of cultural adaptation in curriculum reform .

  18. 心理学中文化的崛起,经历了从当初的文化转向、传统的跨文化心理学检讨,再到今天的跨文化对话的演变历程,为心理学研究开辟了新视野、新方向和新途径。

    Scientific psychology has experienced different stages , varying from the culture-oriented to cross-culture dialogue . All provides scientific psychology with the new view , new direction and new approach .

  19. 跨文化心理学、文化心理学和本土心理学是有关文化与心理学关系的三种主要的研究模式。

    So the relationship between culture and psychology becomes an important research field , which has three main research models : cross-cultural psychology , cultural psychology , and indigenous psychology .

  20. 根据跨文化心理学人类心理统一性的理论,交际主体在跨文化交际过程中有意识或无意识地遵循着同样的心路历程:文化身份认知、文化移情和文化整合。

    According to the theory " psychic unity of mankind ", all people follow the same psychological path in intercultural communication : cultural identity recognition , cultural empathy and cultural reconstruction .

  21. 西方跨文化心理学的涵化研究,关注文化接触中不同群体持续双向互动对个体适应的影响,其概念和方法值得有批判地借鉴。

    Western cross-cultural psychology of acculturation focuses upon the individual adaptation as a result of continuous cultural interaction between different cultural groups , the concepts and methodology of which are worth studying critically .

  22. 随着跨文化心理学研究的兴起,越来越多的人关注不同文化场景下人们的观念和态度的差异,并通过差异总结本土文化心理特征。

    More and more people pay close attention to the diversity of ideas and manners of people in different backgrounds with the prosperous of cross-cultural psychology . They summarize the characteristic of native culture according to the diversity , including moral psychology .

  23. 跨文化研究:心理学发展新契机

    Cross - cultural Research : The chance of Psychological Development

  24. 从文化转向到跨文化对话:心理学发展新思维

    From Culture-Oriented to Cross-Culture Dialogue : The New View on the Development of Psychology

  25. 文章结合词汇学、句法学、跨文化交际学、心理学和社会语言学等相关学科,对新闻标题进行全方位动态研究。

    This thesis does a comprehensive and dynamic research on news headlines combined with other disciplines , such as lexicology , syntax , intercultural communication , psychology , sociolinguistics and so on .