
  • 网络visual imagery;visual image;visual mental image
  1. 视觉表象对传递性关系推理影响的实验研究

    A Study on How Visual Imagery Affects Transitive Inference

  2. 视觉表象和听觉表象在健美操运动技能学习中的应用研究

    The Application Research of Visual Imagery and Auditory Imagery on Aerobics Motor Skill Learning

  3. 有效的阅读策略包括摘要、自问、总结、视觉表象和改进的SQ3R技巧等。

    Efficient strategies include summary writing , enquiry , reflection , visual image , and the improved version of SQ3R .

  4. 运动技能水平与视觉表象能力关系的实验研究

    Experiment Study on the Relationship of Motor Skill and Visual Representation

  5. 聋人手语视觉表象生成能力的实验研究

    Visual images of deaf people using the Chinese Sign Language

  6. 视觉表象扫描中的视角大小效应

    The Effect of Visual Angle on Visual Image Scanning

  7. 儿童运动视觉表象操作水平的发展及影响因素

    Developmental characters and influencing factors in children 's object movement visual image operation

  8. 掩蔽刺激的空间参考框架对视觉表象旋转的影响

    The effect of reference frame on mental rotation

  9. 视觉表象产生的大脑半球专门化效应

    Hemispheric Specialization Effects in Visual Image Generation

  10. 视觉表象辨析成绩初期学习期,存在着内隐学习的认知加工方式;

    There is Implicit Learning in the rudimentary study period for visual image distinguishing study .

  11. 认知心理学关于视觉表象的研究包括心理旋转和心理扫描。

    Research on visual image in cognitive psychology consists of mental rotation and mental scanning .

  12. 就光影而言,其在表现物理的视觉表象以外,更多的体现着深刻的精神价值。

    Light & shadow , except its physical visual expression , more embodies profound spiritual value .

  13. 视觉表象建构过程中存在差异性,不同表象清晰度个体有不同的表象结果以及不同的眼动特征。

    The different individuals of clarity of visual imagery have different results of imagery and eye movements .

  14. 但是,关于视觉表象的绝大部分研究都是针对记忆表象而非注意表象。

    However , most researches of visual image focused on memory-based image rather than on the attention-based image .

  15. 不同性别的男女运动员在经过长期的专门训练后其视觉表象水平与能力均获得了较大的提高和发展,其性别之间的差异不显著。

    Athletes of different sexes have achieved great improvement in their ability of visual representation after long-term training .

  16. 一些研究者在探讨视觉表象建构的过程中,发现了眼动和表象的密切关系。

    Some researchers found a close relationship between eye movements and imagery when they were studying visual construction .

  17. 现代设计中,设计作品总是以色与型的组合产生的视觉表象呈现。

    In modern design , design works usually take on a visual image of the combination of colors with styles .

  18. 它是一个复杂的认知加工过程,也是视觉表象加工的最基础过程。

    It is a complex and multi-componential cognitive process , and a most basic process in visual mental image process .

  19. 采用学习-再认的方法对自由复述、部分特征的言语命名复述和视觉表象复述三种实验条件下图形的记忆效果进行了研究。

    Study test paradigm was used to investigate differences of memory performance among free rehearsal , visual rehearsal and verbal rehearsal .

  20. 以视觉表象的操作速度和准确性为测试指标,对120名不同运动技能水平的大学生进行了测试。

    Taking the operation speed and accuracy as the indices , we conducted experiments on 120 college students with different athletic ability .

  21. 汉字表象加工指人们对于汉字的视觉表象进行旋转、扫描等一系列过程。

    The presentational progressing for Chinese characters refers to the series of the processes of revolving and scanning the visual representation of Chinese characters .

  22. 易命名图形的言语命名复述成绩好于视觉表象复述;而难以命名图形则不存在这种差异。

    The recognition accuracies of the easy named pictures rather than the hard named after the verbal rehearsal was better than the visual rehearsal .

  23. 怎样运用听觉表象、视觉表象以及其它几种方法来帮助学生建立良好的表象,是舞蹈教学中的一个重要环节。

    A link crucial to dance teaching is how to help students grow a good presentation with auditory sense , visual sense and other ways .

  24. 视觉表象在认知和思维活动中具有极为重要的作用,但视觉表象在传递性关系推理中的作用却一直存在争议。

    Visual imagery plays an important role in human cognitive and thinking activity , but its role in transitive inference reasoning is still equivocal and controversial .

  25. 视觉表象能力是空间智能的核心要素,很多特殊职业均需求具备较高空间能力的个体,因此对视觉表象的研究在人员选拔和作业绩效的评定方面有较为重要的意义。

    Ability of visual image is the essence of spatial intelligence , and individuals with high spatial ability are needed in a lot of special occupations .

  26. 本研究以反应时、正确率为行为实验的考察指标,以不同结构汉字为材料,对东南亚留学生的汉字视觉表象旋转及扫描加工机制进行研究。

    With the reaction time and the accurate rate as criteria , this paper studies the revolving and scanning progress of the visual representation of Chinese characters .

  27. 苗族装饰图案艺术的视觉表象呈现出强烈性、完整性、文化性特征,完整的体现了生活艺术化的审美观。

    Miao decorative motifs of art show a strong visual appearance , integrity , and cultural characteristics , the full manifestation of the living art of aesthetics .

  28. 2视觉表象中的空间表象有利于促进传递性关系推理问题的解决,而客体表象则会阻碍问题的解决。

    Spatial imagery can promote the process of reasoning whereas visual imagery can impede the process , because irrelevant visual detail can be a nuisance in reasoning .

  29. 慢速教学法有利于学生采用复述性加工策略,使动作图示在大脑中形成的视觉表象保持时间更长、更清晰;

    Slow-speed teaching method is beneficial for students to use repeat study strategy , to keep a clear & deep memory on action image in the brains .

  30. 在瑜伽体位法学习的第一阶段,视觉表象练习的运用,可以加快学生动作表象的形成,有助于瑜伽初学者对体位的掌握。

    In the first phase of yoga learning , the use of visual representation practice can accelerate the formation of students ' action representation and help beginners to master postures .