
  • 网络visual pathway
  1. 鼻咽癌放疗后视觉通路损伤相关因素的分析

    Analysis on the related factors of visual pathway injury after radiotherapy for nasopharyngeal carcinoma

  2. 视觉通路中任何一段的损伤均会导致失明,通过电刺激可使该处神经产生兴奋,并最终得到某种视觉信息,即人工视觉修复。

    Blindness might be caused by the injury of any section in the visual pathway , electrical stimulation could excite the neurons in the injured section and eventually got some sort of visual information , which was called artificial vision rehabilitation .

  3. 前视觉通路病变患者双侧视放射的DTI研究

    The effect of anterior optic pathway lesion on the structure of bilateral optic radiation : a DTI study

  4. 这表明LGN在视觉通路上可能不仅仅是被动的传递视觉信息。

    This suggested that LGN is not only a passive relay of visual information transmitting .

  5. PRVEP评价视觉通路颅内肿瘤的临床研究

    Clinical Study of Pattern Reversal Visual Evoked Potentials in the Assessment of Visual Function in Patients with Visual Pathways Tumors

  6. 方法:采用跨通路延迟反应实验模式,研究12名正常青年人注意与非注意条件下的事件相关电位(ERPs)。实验分为二项:①注意视觉通路,忽视听觉通路;

    Methods : Event-related potentials ( ERPs ) were recorded in 12 healthy young adults using the paradigm called cross-model and delayed response under the following two conditions : ① Attending to the visual modality but ignoring the auditory modality ;

  7. 注意听觉通路,忽视视觉通路。

    Attending to the auditory modality but ignoring the visual modality .

  8. 上述结果暗示了衰老会延长视觉通路中的细胞反应潜伏期,并且更高级的皮层受到的影响更严重,这种损伤会在视觉皮层中逐级传递并累积。

    These findings suggested that aging would lengthen response latency in visual areas and more advanced areas were influenced more serious .

  9. 因此,本文以视觉通路理论为指导,构建自顶向下的视觉注意感知模型,探索视觉感知的新理论。

    Accordingly , inspired by the theory of two visual pathways , a top-down attention motivated visual perception model is built in this paper .

  10. 利用二维图象的小波多尺度分解来模拟2个最主要的生物视觉通路,并对不同通道分别进行匹配计算,由粗到精地实现了基于扫视和凝视的二维图象的快速识别。

    Two main vision paths are simulated by wavelet multi scale decomposition of images , and scanning and fixing algorithms are designed With complete the fast recognition from coarse to fine scale .

  11. 关于在哪里重建的问题一直存在争论,有的认为重建发生在认知加工的低级水平,有的认为在高级水平,还有的则认为在视觉通路的每个层级都有贡献。

    There have always been controversial about the position of reconstruction . Some believe that reconstruction in the lower level of cognitive processing , some believe that at the senior level , and some believe that every level of visual pathway have contributed to color .

  12. 然而,此后慢对比度适应在蝾螈、兔子和猴的视网膜上被发现。此外,人们重新评估皮层神经元的适应认为对比度适应差不多只发生在单眼视觉通路。

    However , a slow contrast adaptation has been found in the retina of salamander , rabbit , and macaque , and furthermore a reevaluation of adaptation in cortical neurons has concluded that contrast adaptation occurs almost exclusively in that part of the visual pathway which is monocular .

  13. 同时,P&VEP的测定也可早期发现视觉传导通路的亚临床损害。

    It the meantime , the subclinical injuries of visual conducting pathway may - also be found early by P-VEPs examination .

  14. MRI优于CT能显示视觉、听觉传导通路上病灶。

    MRI was better to reveal the pathological changes for auditory and visual pathway .

  15. Elliot(2001)用跨通道Stroop任务对习惯化理论进行了探讨,但是听觉刺激和视觉刺激的加工通路不同,加工速度存在差异,这可能影响刺激间的干扰效果;

    Elliot ( 2001 ) explored the differences using the cross-modal Stroop task . But the speeds of processing auditory and visual stimulus may be different .

  16. 视觉信息传递的通路是通过视网膜中各种神经元之间的突触进行传递的。

    Visual information transmission path is passed through the synapses between retina neurons .

  17. 通过了解动物视觉信息的传递通路和传输机理以及初级视觉皮层信息传递的特点,确定了初级视觉皮层为大鼠视觉信号采集的最佳位置。

    The primary visual cortex of rat was determined as the best position for visual signal acquisition through understanding the passing access and transmission mechanism of animal visual information and the feature of information transmission of primary visual cortex .

  18. 图形翻转视觉诱发电位在视觉通路肿瘤中的应用

    The diagnostic value of the pattern reversal visual evoked potentials in patients with brain tumors along the visual pathways

  19. 视觉假体是利用在视觉通路的某层次植入电极阵列,通过微电流刺激视皮层、视神经或视网膜产生光幻视点以此恢复视觉的方法。

    Visual Prosthesis aims at implanting stimulating electrode arrays in someplace of visual path to elicit phosphenes and restore vision through visual cortex , optic nerve and retina microstimulation .

  20. 目的:通过图形翻转视觉诱发电位(PRVEP)对视觉通路颅内脑肿瘤视觉功能状态的监测,了解PRVEP诊断视觉通路颅内肿瘤的敏感性,及是否能鉴别视觉通路的受损部位。

    Objective : The aim of this study was to ascertain the sensitivity of pattern reversal visual evoked potentials ( PRVEP ) in assessing disturbance of visual function in patients with tumors affecting the visual pathways , and to determine whether PRVEP are useful in indicating the location of dysfunction .

  21. 视觉功能的实现需要有完整的视觉通路,视觉通路上任何一个环节遭受损伤都会导致视觉残疾甚至视觉丧失,使得患者无法通过这一重要的感觉系统获取外部信息。

    Visual function implementation requires a perfect visual pathway and any visual injury suffered in the pathway will lead to visual disability or visual loss . That can make the patients lose the ability obtaining external information by the sensory system .

  22. 视觉假体通过人工的方法构建完整的视觉通路,可使失明患者重新获得部分视觉功能,这给盲人的视觉功能恢复带来了希望。

    So a visual prosthesis helps the blind patients to regain some visual function through the artificial means to establish a complete visual pathway , which brings a holp to the blind people .

  23. 研究背景和目的:视皮层是视觉的最高级中枢,视觉信息经由视觉通路最终传导到视皮层,再经皮层的分析与综合产生视觉。

    Background and Objective : Visual cortex is an essential center of vision . All sorts of visual information which transmit through visual path to visual cortex , causing the variation of potential in the neurons of the visual cortex , eventually makes visual sense .

  24. 我们的数据提供了皮层丘脑循环如何调节视觉信息处理的一个例子,并提示LGN不仅仅是视觉通路上一个简单被动的中继站,它也参与了对视觉信息的调控。

    These data provide an example of how the corticothalamic loop modulates the processing of visual information , and suggest that the LGN is not only a simply passive relay but also a modulator of visual information . 2 .

  25. 而随着生物医学工程、计算机科学以及仿生学等学科的发展,人工视觉假体为盲人恢复视觉功能提供了一种有效的方法,即在视觉通路中植入微电极阵列从而诱发盲人的光环视感受。

    With the development of biomedical engineering , computer science and bionics , visual prosthesis become an available approach for the blind to restore partial or complete sight .

  26. 实验主要关注了3种视觉线索:形状、颜色和上下文,并将视觉线索按照其发挥作用的视觉通路进行分配。

    Experiments focused on three visual cues : shape , color and context , and then allocation visual cues according to visual pathways .

  27. 目的:闪光刺激视觉诱发电位可用来监测术中视神经及后视路的功能,也可以了解视觉传导通路上脑组织的血供情况。

    AIM : Flash visual evoked potentials ( F-VEP ) can monitor the function of optic nerve and rear visual pathway , and also know the blood supply of brain tissue near visual pathway .