
  • normal environment
  1. Blumberg博士说,在正常环境下养大的老鼠不会有这类反应。

    Dr. Blumberg says the mice raised in a normal environment did not have the same reaction .

  2. 结论汞在正常环境浓度下对肾小管具有一定潜在影响。

    Conclusion Mercury possessed potential effect on the renal small vessel in normal environment concentration .

  3. 在正常环境下,这不是AP一个有效的长期状态。

    Under normal circumstances , this is not a valid long-term status for an AP .

  4. 目前,正常环境的接触总体上不会影响人类健康。

    Current normal background exposure is not expected to affect human health on average .

  5. 在正常环境中,基底膜可抑制表皮细胞与真皮的直接接触。

    Under normal circumstances , BM prevents the direct contact of epidermal cells with the dermis .

  6. 一旦在信令网络被破坏,恢复信令链路或信令点处的正常环境

    Restore normal conditions in the event of disruption in the signaling network , either in signaling links or at signaling points

  7. 在正常环境下,它就令人讨厌担心亏损,永远不能离开自己的办公桌。

    That it is horrible in normal conditions all that fear of losing , and never being able to leave your desk .

  8. 在正常环境条件下,燃用2号轻油基燃料的发动机及车辆不发生气阻;

    Under the normal environment conditions , there was no fuel vapor lock in the engine using No. 2 light oil based fuel .

  9. 医生们推测,更多的轻度患者的炎症可能改变了子宫、输卵管或卵巢的正常环境。

    In more mild cases , doctors hypothesize that inflammation somehow changes the normal environment of the uterus , fallopian tubes or ovaries .

  10. 在肥水亏缺和正常环境下分别筛选出5个和4个高效利用氮素的品种;

    And 4 genotype ( cultivars ) that NUE were higher were selected in the normal and the fertilizer and water deficient environment conditions .

  11. 谷氨酸是正常环境下脑内的一种成分,能够帮助神经元传递脑内的认知功能信号,如学习和记忆。

    Glutamate is a compound that under normal circumstances aids neurons in transmitting signals for cognitive functions in the brain , such as learning and memory .

  12. 目的探讨在满足实验动物正常环境条件需要的情况下,如何降低屏障设施的运行成本。

    Objective To delve into methods of reducing the running cost of barrier facility for laboratory animal under satisfying the demands of environmental standard of the barrier facility for laboratory animal .

  13. 与多线程相似,这带来对测试的挑战:在正常环境中,分组往往是按正确的顺序到达,实际上并没有测试混乱处理功能。

    Similar to multithreading , this presents a testing challenge : In a normal environment , the packets tend to arrive in perfect order , and the perturbation-handling functionality is not actually tested .

  14. 我们曾在同一[主流]班级上课,他们看到我能够在正常环境下做事和学习,便开始跟我说话。

    We 've been in the same [ mainstream ] classes together and some of them started talking to me when they saw that I 'm able to do the work and be in school in a regular environment .

  15. 钢筋混凝土结构如果设计得当,施工质量可靠,在正常环境条件下具有良好的耐久性,但当上述条件不满足时常会因为钢筋的锈蚀而影响结构的使用性和耐久性。

    With proper design and reliable construction , reinforced concrete structure owns good durability in normal surroundings . But if the conditions mentioned above can not be attained , the usage performance and endurance will be damaged because of the corrosion of steel tendons .

  16. 对北方林区而言,夏季高温环境(较正常环境)影响伐木作业效率幅度约为20%30%,冬季低温影响幅度约为15%25%。

    For north forestry area , the influencing range of summer high temperature environment ( comparing with normal environment ) to working efficiency was 20 % - 30 % and the influencing range of winter low temperature environment was 15 % - 25 % .

  17. 结扎组采用正畸结扎丝结扎上颌第一磨牙,并给予高糖饮食建立牙周炎动物模型,低氧组置于低压氧舱建立模拟高原牙周炎动物模型,常氧组置于正常环境饲养。

    Ligation group was performed ligation on first molar of upper jaw and high carbohydrate diet was given to establish animal model of periodontitis . The highland group was put at low pressure oxygen chamber and plain group put under normal environment and diet . 3 .

  18. 方法将经手提式压力蒸汽灭菌器灭菌后凡士林纱布随机分成2份,分别存放于正常环境和潮湿环境的无菌物品柜内,进行实验检测,调查存放时间、温度与贮存期的关系。

    METHODS Put the gauze sterilized by pressure steam portable sterilizer into 2 groups in random , and put it into non bacterial cubicles in normal environment and humidified one to do the test . The relationship between residual time , humidity and storage period was surveyed .

  19. 结果表明:在正常生长环境下,高粱3853-1的SOD与CAT的活性以及游离脯氨酸和可溶性糖的含量均大于高粱3801-2,MDA的含量低于高粱3801-2;

    The result showed that : In the normal condition , the activities of SOD and CAT and the concentration of free protein and soluble sugar of sorghum 3853-1 are higher than those of sorghum 3801-2 ;

  20. 而C、D二组则置于正常空气环境下,同时分别给予每只大鼠尾静脉注射含5×104MSC及PBS50μl。

    Rats in group C and group D lived in normal air and were injected with MSCs of 5 × 104 and PBS into tail vein respectively at the same time .

  21. 将给氧组和ES治疗组小鼠置于浓度为(75±5)%高氧环境中生活5d,然后回到正常氧环境中。

    The mice in oxygen-exposed and ES group were exposed to ( 75 ± 5 ) % oxygen for 5 days and then back to the normal air .

  22. 病村人群血清硒0.027~0.122μg/ml,平均0.048μg/ml,也低于正常硒环境的健康人血清硒水平。

    The content range of Se in human serum of disease villages was from 0.027 to 0.122 μ g / ml , average 0.048 μ g / ml. It was also lower than that of healthy persons in normal Se environment .

  23. 任何需要设置此应用程序环境的人都可以简单登录到WebSphereCloudBurstAppliance、部署此模式并在数分钟内就可以拥有一个运行正常的环境。

    Anyone that needed to set up this application environment could simply login to a WebSphere CloudBurst Appliance , deploy the pattern , and have an up and running environment in a matter of minutes .

  24. 结论:正常视觉环境下发育的LONGEVANS大鼠,其眼优势柱的分布为对侧眼优势,幼年LONGEVANS大鼠视皮层具有可塑性,异常的视觉环境能影响其眼优势柱的分布;

    Conclusion : The ocular dominance column distribution of the Long Evans rats developing in normal visual circumstance is contra dominance . The visual cortex of juvenile Long Evan rats has plasticity , abnormal visual circumstance can affect the distribution of ocular dominance column .

  25. 测量表明其载流子的注入满足隧穿理论,发光阈值电压~12V,所发绿光在正常室内环境下清晰可见。

    The threshold voltage of the devices was about 12V . Studies reveal that the carrier injection was consistent with the tunneling theory .

  26. 方法C57BL/6J小鼠于生后7d置于含体积分数(75±2)%氧气的密闭氧箱内,每日加食换水替换母鼠,5d后返回正常大气环境,制作高氧诱导的小鼠视网膜新生血管动物模型。

    Methods One-week-old C57BL / 6J mice were exposed to volume fraction ( 75 ± 2 ) % oxygen for 5 days and then returned to room air to establish a retinal neovascularization model of mouse .

  27. TemuWaqanivalu:“在某些地方,你会很惊讶地发现一瓶可乐的价格低于一瓶水的价格。我认为,这说明我们创造了一种非正常的环境,不鼓励,或者说,使得这些人口不容易选择自己的生活方式。”

    TEMU WAQANIVALU : " In some of the places , you 'd see how a bottle of Coke is cheaper than a bottle of water . I think that represents the kind of off-environment we 've created that doesn 't really or make lifestyle choices an easy choice for the population . "

  28. 动物的正常生活环境和管理是重要因素。

    The animal 's normal environment and management are important factors .

  29. 当在正常的环境和情况使用时,是不需要保养的。

    It is unnecessary to maintain in natural environment and normal situation .

  30. 在铁路正常运行环境下的上海铁路南站主站屋相关施工技术

    Construction Technology for the Main Roof of Shanghai Railway South Station under the Conditions of Normal Railway Operation