
zhènɡ miàn jiào yù
  • Positive education;education by positive example
  1. 浅谈思想政治工作应以坚持正面教育为主

    On Insisting on Positive Education Orientation in Ideological and Political Work

  2. 坚持正面教育,实行批评和自我批评;

    The second is to carry out criticism and self-criticism by upholding positive education ;

  3. 网络给加强和改进大学生思想政治工作带来了机遇和挑战。要采取正面教育和引导,帮助树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观;

    Network brings about opportunity and challenge to improving students ' political and ideological work .

  4. 坚持正面教育,引导学生学会感悟生活。

    Persists the positive education and Guides the students to know the meaning of life .

  5. 要加强对大学生的正面教育引导,树立唯物主义的无神论世界观。

    Positive education and guide to college students must be strengthened in order to acquire atheistical world outlook of materialism .

  6. 要发挥非正式群体的正面教育功能,需要认真分析其形成的原因、特征、影响等因素。

    In order to exert their educational influences , it is necessary to study their origins , features and influences .

  7. 当前教育者片面理解正面教育原则,他们把正面教育等同于真善美教育。

    Nowadays one-sided understanding is to view the positive education equivalently as the truth , the good and the estheticism education .

  8. 社会上各行各业,包括各种宣传教育媒体,文化艺术行业要给大学生提供健康的精神食粮,发挥正面教育作用;

    All walks of life including mass media , cultural and art circles should provide healthy spiritual food for college students ;

  9. 要采取正面教育和引导,帮助树立正确的世界观、人生观和价值观;加强校园网络建设,建立网上思想政治教育阵地;

    Positive education and instruction should be taken to help them foster correct world outlook , outlook on life and value .

  10. 要正确认识坚持学生自主教育、自我教育与加强对学生的正面教育和严格管理的关系,并注意在工作实践中处理好相关的矛盾和问题。

    It is important to deal with the relationship between self - education and strict supervision and to correctly handle contradictions in practice .

  11. 对欺负行为及其动机进行分析,培养儿童健康人格,采取科学教养方式,加强正面教育是对欺负行为进行有效干预的重要途径。

    This essay proposes advice on the approach of bullying intervene through cultivating children 's healthy personality , adopting scientific parenting , and strengthening positive education .

  12. 正面教育为主是思想政治工作的方针和原则,体现了思想政治工作的以人为本。

    Positive education orientation is the guideline and principle of ideological and political work and materialize the " human orientation " in the ideological and political work .

  13. 这就决定了教育的重要地位,无论是正面教育还是侧面熏陶都要将爱国主义教育当作教育对象的首选内容。

    This determines the important role of education . Whether it is a positive education or not , it must be the first choice of educational object .

  14. 高校教师为此要提高自身的心理知识水平,学校应建立心理素质教育机制,并坚持正面教育为主的教育方法。

    Thus teachers in universities and colleges should improve their own knowledge on psychology , construct education system on psychological quality and adhere to education methods emphasizing positive education .

  15. 从物质与精神的关系看,发挥精神作用,将正面教育作为管理工作的主旋律;具体措施有:加强正面教育;

    In the relations of materials and spirit , positive education should the principle part of class management ; The specific measures are as follows : heightening positive education ;

  16. 网络背景下加强对大学生道德的正面教育,我们应该坚持政府监管、学校指导、个人自律的原则。

    In the context of strengthening the moral education through net for college students , we should adhere to the " government regulate , school guide , personal discipline " principle .

  17. 对教师进行社会主义荣辱观教育十分必要,可以采取正面教育、加强实践锻炼多种手段展开实施。

    Therefore , it is necessary to conduct education on socialist concept of honor and disgrace among teachers by adopting many means such as direct education and participation in social practice .

  18. 教育者应坚持正面教育和引导,加强校园网络建设和管理,加强校园文化建设,丰富业余文化生活,加强和完善其网络心理健康教育。

    Educators should persist in positive education and guidance , strengthen campus network establishment and management , enforce campus culture building , and enrich amateur cultural life to perfect and better network psychological and healthy education .

  19. 在这一建设过程当中,必须处理好一元主导与多元并存、正面教育与社会思潮批判、先进性与广泛性、理论引导与行为践履的关系。

    In the middle of this construction process , must process the main one leadership and multi-dimensional coexisting , the positive education and the social ideological trend critique , the sophistication and the universality , the theory guidance and the behavior steps .

  20. 如何使这种惩罚性教育手段更有效,避免导致消极后果,变危机为契机,收到预期的正面教育效果,受处分后的后续思想政治教育将是一种选择。

    How to make the " punitive " education means more effectively , avoid the negative consequences and turn crisis into opportunity to receive the expected positive educational effect ? The continuing Ideological and political education to the punished students is a kind of choice .

  21. 根治腐败应从提升监督主体地位,分割权力,加大腐败成本,简化办事程序,以薪养廉,严格财产申报,加强正面教育等多个方面入手。

    To eradicate corruption , we can take the following measures : strengthening supervision , decentralizing powers , increasing anti-corruption money , simplifying working procedures , assuring being honest and clean with high salary , rigid adherence to property declaration , paying more attention to positive education .

  22. 坚持正面教育为主,是党的思想政治教育性质和我国社会生活主流所决定的,是社会主义精神文明建设重在建设方针所要求的。

    Insisting on the positive education orientation is the nature of the Party 's ideological and political education and determined by the main stream life of China 's society , and required by the guideline of the " emphasis on construction " in socialist spiritual civilization construction .

  23. 提出要通过正面引导教育和批评教育的方法来加强基本道德教育,使高校道德教育真正落到实处。

    In addition , it covers the correct way to guidance , encouragement and criticism to have moral education in practice .

  24. 论述了惩罚教育的内涵,指出惩罚教育是一种具有正面意义的教育方法,以及在惩罚教育应注意的四个问题。

    It discusses the connotation of punishment education and points out that punishment education is a kind of positive significance education method .

  25. 分析高职学生思想状态的多层次性,提出以正面的思想教育和启发引导为主,同时加强规章制度的制约性,以提高教育管理工作的效果。

    To analyse the ideological state of the higher vocational students , to take education , inspiration and guidance as the dominant factors , to strengthen rules and regulations and to raise working efficiency of education management .

  26. 学校正面对广泛的教育改革,当前改革的重点在于增强学校体系及其群体的改革能量。

    Schools are encountering a broad phase of educational reform which emphasizes the enhancement of the school system 's capacity for change and that of its communities .

  27. 因此,很容易看清,仅仅称赞正面行为并不是教育孩子与别人和睦相处的最佳方法。

    In this case , it is easy to see that solely praising positive actions will not be the best way of teaching the child to get along with others .

  28. 经典作家认为灌输就是对广大群众进行正面的宣传、教育、启发和引导,使革命的理论、先进的政治意识,为他们所掌握,并以此作为行为的规范和依据。

    According to their points , " imbuement " means positive propaganda , education , enlightenment and direction , through all of which revolutionary theory and advanced political consciousness will be grasped and regarded as basis and rules of behaviors by the vast mass .

  29. 故教师与家长要从多角度、多层面考虑儿童社会行为的教育,处理好正面榜样与负面榜样对儿童的影响,充分挖掘正面榜样的教育功能。

    So teacher and parents should consider the education of child social behavior from different views and correctly deal with the influence of positive models and negative models and then exert the educational function of the positive models enough .