
  1. 因此,委员会的责任不仅是制定IT和SOA原则,而且还要负责监督在整个企业内正确履行IT和SOA原则。

    Above and beyond creating the IT and SOA principles , it is also the council 's responsibility to see to it that they are properly exercised across the enterprise .

  2. 要正确履行FTQ过程,要审核数据以确保早期生产策略正确履行,客户得到保护。

    FTQ process is implemented correctly and the data is reviewed to ensure the objectives of the early production strategies are being met and the customer is protected .

  3. 正确履行资源储量登记统计、评审备案等职责;

    Fulfilling resister , statistics and evaluation for mineral resources reserves ;

  4. 承包商各方未正确履行各自的义务;

    Improper fulfillment of own duties by contractors of the contractor ;

  5. 为医疗机构正确履行告知义务提供可以操作的方法、对策。

    To provide operational methods and countermeasures for medical institutions right inform obligation .

  6. 人们几乎需要获得公司法的资格认证来正确履行这一职责。

    One almost needs a qualification in corporate law to do the job properly .

  7. 正确履行学院党总支书记职责的思考

    A consideration of the role and duty of general Party branch secretary at the college

  8. 15.全面正确履行政府职能。

    Perform government duties comprehensively and correctly .

  9. 可得利益是指合同全面、正确履行后可以实现和得到的财产利益,其损失是违约所致损害的一部分。

    Acquirable interest refers to the property interest acquired after a contract is completely fulfilled .

  10. 成人远程教育中正确履行导学原则的几点探讨

    Abide By the Law of Adult Distant Education And to Stick to The Principles of Study Guidance

  11. 确认有关各方均正确履行了安全生产与卫生方面的管理规定。

    Confirm that all the parties concerned are properly carrying out the management of safety and health .

  12. 我们要全面正确履行政府职能,更加重视公共服务和社会管理。

    We will fully and properly perform government functions and attach greater importance to public services and administration .

  13. 不正常,有毛病顺序不对或不平衡,不能正确履行功能一类带有扩散的三种群捕食模型的非常数正平衡解

    Improperly ordered or balanced ; not functioning correctly . Non-constant Positive Steady States of the Three-Species Prey-Predator Model with Diffusion

  14. 以促进合同法中几种撤销权的正确履行和相关理论的深入探讨。

    Contract law in order to promote the right to revoke the right of several discharge and related theories in depth .

  15. 这样一来,进行外包的企业就可以确保供应商正确履行所有程序。

    This way , the company that has outsourced the function can be satisfied the supplier is following all the procedures correctly .

  16. 这些违法的文件不但对行政相对人的合法权益造成了侵害,也对行政机关正确履行职能造成了不利影响。

    The unlawful documents not only violate the legal interests of the administrative counterpart , but impact upon the disadvantageous functions to administrative authority .

  17. 入世在即,正确履行政府职能,积极引导农产品加工业的发展,对于新阶段的我国农业和农村经济发展至关重要。

    The fact that the government takes its functions correctly is very important for development of agriculture and rural economy at a new period .

  18. 有意申请的人需要先接受3年的培训,这样才能正确履行职责。

    For those interested in applying , expect to complete three years of training in order to be able to carry out the duty properly .

  19. 不适当的行政规范性文件不仅可能会侵害行政相对人的合法权益,也会对行政机关正确履行职能产生不利的影响。

    The inappropriate administration normative documents may infringe not only the legitimate interests of the private party , but also produce the adverse effects of correct functioning .

  20. 要建设人民满意的政府,应树立以民为本的管理理念,并以之指导政府活动,加强社会服务提高公众满意程度,正确履行政府职能,解决人民群众的实际问题等几个方面着手。

    In order to build governments with which people are satisfied , we need to have the administrative concept of people-orientation and solve the problems concerned by the people .

  21. 两岸均认可合同履行应遵循诚实信用原则和全面履行(适当履行、正确履行)原则和情事变更原则。

    Both sides of the Straits accept that performance of contract should be subject to principles such as faith , complete performance ( suitable performance , right performance ) and changed circumstances .

  22. 政府要切实转变职能,正确履行职责,为规划实施创造良好的体制、政策、市场等环境。

    The government must change its functions in real earnest and properly fulfill its responsibilities to create a sound institutional , policy and market environment for the implementation of the10th five-year plan .

  23. 对服刑人员权利进行保障,在司法权威得到尊重的同时,也有利于监狱职责的正确履行。

    To prisoners from the right to security , in the judicial authority to gain the respect of at the same time , but also to the right to perform duties prison .

  24. 如何创造有特色的民营企业文化,确立企业核心价值观,直接关系到民营企业能否正确履行社会责任,能否健康发展。

    The process of creating the culture of enterprises , and building up core values is related to the ability of private enterprises being able to fulfill their social responsibilities and develop successfully .

  25. 对政府履行经济职能的绩效考评是政府正确履行其经济职能的控制环节,也是社会对政府的监督依据。

    The evaluation of the government performance in performing its economic functions is the control tache for the government to implement its economic functions correctly , and also the basis of social supervision .

  26. 这些问题直接影响政府全面正确履行职能,在一定程度上制约经济社会发展,深化行政管理体制改革势在必行。

    These issues directly affect the government to fully and properly perform the functions of economic and social development to a certain extent . Deepen the reform of the administration system is imperative .

  27. 分析界定行政不作为的诸多学说之不足后,认为行政不作为是指行政主体(通过其工作人员)有积极实施法定行政作为义务,并且能够履行而未履行(包括没有正确履行)的状态。

    After explaining many theories ' disadvantages it says , " the administration did not take " means the body of administration regard enforcing administration as their duty and it should enforce it but did not .

  28. 本文阐述了工程重大安全事故罪在主观上是由于工程建设参与者没有正确履行自己的注意义务所造成的。

    The crime for serious safety accident in project results from the project participant 's negligence in fulfilling his or her attention duties , which include the duty of foreseeing the consequence and that of avoiding accident .

  29. 因此,积极探索行政效率的理论和实践问题,对于高效率的开展行政活动,正确履行行政职责,实现国家的职能,对公众创造更多的福利显得非常重要。

    So it is very necessary to do researches on the administration efficiency from the theory and practice , which will help us raise the administration efficiency , perform administrative duties correctly , achieve national functions , create more public welfare .

  30. 作为新余四中的校长,几年来我遵循和实践了自己的一套办学思路和理念,那就是:正确履行校长职责,建立“以人为本”的管理机制;

    As the headmaster of the Fourth Middle School of Xinyu , I have followed and implemented a set of ideas and concept of running school , that is , correctly implementing headmasters ' function and duties and establishing the people-first management mechanism ;