
  1. 在劳动者已经提供了正常劳动的情况下,用人单位应当按照劳动合同约定的工资标准全额向劳动者支付工资。

    Below the case that had provided normal work in laborer , the salary standard sum that unit of choose and employ persons ought to agree according to labor contract pays salary to laborer .

  2. 劳动者的非法跳槽行为,不但侵害了用人单位的正当利益,而且也会损害劳动者自身的合法权益,冲击整个社会的正常劳动秩序。

    The situation of illegal resignation of employee not only infringe on the legitimate interests of employer , but also is harmful to the lawful rights of employee and the system of labour management of our society .

  3. 答:员工依法享受产假、看护假、节育手术假等假期,用人单位应当视为提供正常劳动并支付工资。

    Answer : employee enjoys the period of leave such as holiday of holiday of maternity leave , nurse , birth control operation lawfully , unit of choose and employ persons ought to regard as provide normal work and pay salary .

  4. 最低工资制度是指劳动者在法定工作时间或依法签订的劳动合同约定的工时间内提供了正常劳动的前提下,用人单位依法应支付的最低劳动报酬的制度。

    A minimum wage is the lowest hourly , daily or monthly remuneration that employers may legally pay to workers on the premise that workers make their normal labor contributions within statutory working time or working hours regulated by legally signed labor contract .

  5. 超过一个工资支付周期的,若劳动者提供了正常劳动,则支付给劳动者的劳动报酬不得低于当地的最低工资标准;若劳动者没有提供正常劳动,应按国家有关规定办理。

    A salary pays cycle , if laborer provided normal work , the work reward that pays worker does not get the minimum wage level under place ; if laborer did not provide normal work , answer to be dealt with about the regulation by the country .

  6. 只要他们服从国家的要求,从事正常的劳动,我们就应当给他们以适当工作的机会。

    As long as they comply with the requirements laid down by the state and engage in legitimate pursuits , we should let them have opportunities for suitable work .

  7. 对服用抗病毒化学药出现耐药性患者仍有疗效;也能挽救生命垂危的临终期患者,能使其恢复正常生活劳动。

    It is effective even in patients who have become resistant to some anti-virus medications , including dying AIDS patient , recovering his ( her ) health , and leading a normal life and working .

  8. 我感谢那些教导你们和为学校正常运转付出劳动的人们以及到场的霍华德大学的支持者们

    I thank those who taught you and work to keep this university going and the supporters of Howard who are here

  9. 显效:全部症状消除或主要症状消除,关节功能基本恢复,能参加正常工作和劳动;理化检查指标基本正常。

    Markedly : The main symptoms of all to remove or eliminate the symptoms , joint function was restored , can participate in normal work and labor ; indicators of physical and chemical examination were normal .

  10. 侵权行为恶劣,致人严重精神损害,造成受害人精神障碍等疾病,影响其正常工作、劳动和生活的,赔偿数额在5万元至15万元人民币之间确定;

    If the act of tort which is badly and leads to serious mental hurt with mental illness to the injured party , affected the normal work and living , the compensation is from 50000 to 150000 yuan ;

  11. 而且,他们需要这样的坚持和固执来推动自己跨越这些障碍,因为正常来说,付出劳动就该获得报酬。

    And they need this perseverance and tenacity and resilience to drive them through those obstacles , because rationally , it would make a lot more sense to just exchange your labor for money .

  12. 因此,正确妥善处理劳动争议案件,化解矛盾、消除障碍,恢复和维持正常、和谐的劳动关系,对于维护社会稳定,促进经济发展,构建和谐社会,都具有非常重要的现实意义。

    Therefore , a correct properly handle the labor dispute case , resolving conflicts , and removing obstacles , restore and maintain normal , harmonious labor relations , to maintain social stability and promote economic development , constructing the harmonious society , it is of great practical significance .