
  • 网络Official curriculum;formal curriculum;formal curricula
  1. 这里的课程主要是指官方课程或者正式课程。

    Here curriculum refers to formal curriculum .

  2. 领悟课程包括教师对以往运作课程的反思,对正式课程的理解及重构。

    Perceived curriculum includes teacher 's reflection of executive curriculum , understanding and reconstruction of formal curriculum .

  3. 下个星期,couttsandco将成为最新提供相关课程的一家私人银行,这个正式课程旨在帮助精英阶层的年轻富豪管理财富。

    Next week Coutts and co becomes the latest private bank to launch a formal course designed to help an elite class of the young rich to manage their money .

  4. 澳大利亚一中学希望通过将冲浪列为学校正式课程这一举动来阻止那些冲浪爱好者的逃学行为。

    An Australian high school hopes to stop beach-loving students from bailing out of class by making surfing an approved subject .

  5. 作为显性课程和正式课程,实践课程的开发必须遵循课程开发的一般模式和相关技术操作规程。

    As explicit curriculum and formal curriculum , development of practical curriculum must follow general pattern and technical operation procedure of curriculum development .

  6. 它关注的是教师的课程领悟,即在正式课程进入运作课程之前教师所领会、感悟的课程。

    It focuses on teachers ' comprehension of curriculum , which refers to the perceived curriculum before formal curriculum transferring to executive curriculum .

  7. 在上海列入全国精神科进修医师、全国精神科研修医师和全国心理咨询培训班的正式课程。

    Putting into the curriculums of national programs in Shanghai as psychiatrist 's continuing education , psychiatric research training and psychological counseling training .

  8. 一个泛化了的课程实施概念,将有助于理解和处理正式课程内部的一致性问题。

    An extensive concept of the implementation of curriculum implementation would be helpful for understanding and handling the problem of coherence within official curriculum .

  9. 此理论当中提出:学生的学习除学校所开正式课程学习之外,还有在兴趣、情感等多方面的同时学习。

    The theory put forward : among students learn in school open formal courses , and emotional aspects in interest , " learning " .

  10. 与诸多后来者不同的是,他并未自立门户,视“黑人历史”为一门独立学科,他也从未把它当成一门正式课程前去教授。

    Unlike many after him , he did not see " black history " as an independent discipline , and never taught a formal course in it .

  11. 而在大学校园内,除了明确的、编制好了的正式课程或显性课程外,各种类型的隐性课程的全面育人功能不容忽视。

    In university campus , except the specific , prepared formal or dominant course , various types of hidden curriculum in comprehensive educational functions should not be overlooked .

  12. 宗教教育发轫于德国中世纪前期的教会学校,在宗教改革运动之后,走向规范化,并且开始成为教会学校和世俗学校的正式课程。

    Originated from church schools before Mid-Century , religion education has been on the path towards formalization after religion reform movement , gradually beginning to become the formal curriculum in church and secular schools .

  13. 活动课是由国家最高教育行政主管部门制定和颁布的全国九年义务教育全日制小学、初中务必统一实施的正式课程。

    The activity course is a regular course drawn up and issued to the full-time primary and junior middle schools all across the country , by the state educational administrative department , as part of compulsory education .

  14. 这里没有正式的课程,没有正式的老师&根本就是开玩笑。

    There are no regular courses , no regular teachers , and it 's totally a joke .

  15. 正式培训课程、从国际律师事务所调派人员、聘用具有丰富国际经验的公司法律顾问

    Formal training programs ; secondments from international law firm ; hire in-house lawyers with strong international experience

  16. 但我不会为你个人的画作或煎蛋卷评级,也不会为给你一个正式的课程等级。

    But I wouldn 't put grades on your individual paintings or omelets or give you an official grade for the course .

  17. 此外他们还会帮助这个项目的学校管理人员和负责人等安排会议,甚至在这个两年制的教育项目中教授一些正式的课程。

    Broad alumni also help plan meetings for school administrators and superintendents from the program and teach formal sessions at the two-year education program .

  18. 《高中英语课程标准》中将学习策略正式列入课程的内容与目标,同时还提出在基础教育阶段,外语教师要帮助学生形成各种外语学习策略,并提出学习策略分级目标。

    The Senior English Curriculum Standards regards learning strategy as one of the contents and goals of English course learning ; moreover , it demands that during the stage of elementary education , English teachers need to help students develop various kinds of English learning strategies at different levels .

  19. 当然,如果您不只是需要阅读,请记住还可以参加各种正式的培训课程;许多IBM的自定进度、基于Web的培训课程也是免费提供的。

    Of course , if you want to do more than read , don 't forget that there is a wide variety of formal education courses that are also available .

  20. 但是,正式代码练习课程,例如W1AW,是好的。

    Formal code-practice sessions , such as those on W1AW , are OK , however .

  21. 将矩阵正式列入中学课程;

    Matrix should be listed in high school curriculum ;

  22. 在高等教育过程中,有正式、非正式课程,同时还有隐蔽课程。

    Hidden curriculum exists in higher education apart from formal and informal curriculum .

  23. 吉林省于2007年秋已正式进入新课程改革。

    Jilin Province has officially entered a new curriculum reform in autumn in 2007 .

  24. 目前我国各个实验区纷纷开设了科学课,武汉市也于2004年9月正式启动科学课程。

    At present , experimental locations of our country begin to teach scientific lesson .

  25. 学校决定为感兴趣的学生开设正式的舞蹈课程。

    The school is thinking of offering a formal dance class to interested students .

  26. 在它创办一年半之后,北大开设出一门正式的新闻学课程。

    After one and a half years , Peking University set up a formal journalism course based on it .

  27. 自教育部正式启动精品课程建设以来,全国高校掀起了国家级、省级、校级精品课程建设热潮,精品课程建设取得了较好的成果。

    Since the high-quality courses building was initiated by the ministry of education , it is surging in universities of China .

  28. 香港《中国语文课程指引》是香港回归后的第一个正式的语文课程文件,对今后的语文教改起着直接指导的作用。

    Chinese Curriculum Guideline in Hong Kong is the first official Chinese curriculum file after the reunification , which influences the following Chinese reform directly .

  29. 在没有任何正式的安全课程的情况下,我和其他两个计算机科学的学生决定进行独立研究,了解更多关于软件安全的知识。

    Without any formal courses dedicated to security , two other computer science students and I decided to do independent study to learn more about software security .

  30. 譬如,我们在学校的正式以及非正式课程中加倍注重国民教育,让学生了解种族和谐的重要性。

    For example , we are pressing National Education in schools , both in the formal as well as informal curriculum , to bring home the importance of multi-racial harmony .