
  1. 丑之花废墟上的几星亮色&《金瓶梅》中的正面描写和正面人物

    Positive Description and Positive Figures in " Jing-Ping-Mei "

  2. 《诗经》中战争诗不多,且大都正面描写的是朝廷军队磅礴的气势、显赫的威仪,没有战斗场面的具体描绘。

    There were not many war poems in the Book of Songs , and all the war poems only described the grandeur of the royal troops and there was not concrete description of the battle .

  3. 古诗词中对于死亡的描述,往往是借助现世客观事物的变化来展现时间的易逝,进而暗示死亡的将至,极少正面描写死亡的必然性。

    Ancient poets often describe death by showing the elapse of time with the depiction of living objective things , and then suggested the soon coming of death . There was seldom direct description to the inevitability of death .

  4. 但元代剧作家对这一现象却没有从正面去描写,而是写得非常含蓄,这是由元代的特殊历史背景和元代文人的特殊地位决定的。

    But the dramatists describe this phenomenon very implicitly in Zaju , and this is decided by the special historical background in Yuan Dynasty and the scholar 's special status .