
mó nǐ fǎ tínɡ
  • moot court
  1. 空间法模拟法庭竞赛;

    Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court competitions ; manfred lachs ;

  2. 利用高校模拟法庭培养实用型法律人才

    Intensify college moot court teaching and cultivate practical talented persons

  3. PCMLP主机常用年度活动包括梦露国际媒体大肠杆菌价格法模拟法庭竞赛和安纳博格,牛津大学的暑期学校在全球媒体的政策。

    PCMLP hosts several popular annual events including the Monroe E.Price International Media Law Moot Court Competition and the Annenberg-Oxford summer school on global media policy .

  4. 模拟法庭在高校法学教学中的应用

    Application of Simulated Court in Legal Teaching of Colleges and Universities

  5. 基于角色管理的网上模拟法庭的研究与应用

    Study and Application of Internet Moot Court Based on RBAC

  6. 法学院的学生争论假设的案件的模拟法庭。

    A mock court where law students argue hypothetical cases .

  7. 这正值一年中最令人兴奋的时段模拟法庭。

    This is a very exciting time of year ... Mock court .

  8. 你们的观点都很对但是模拟法庭已经结束了

    You both have interesting points , but the trial is over .

  9. 我们还是说说你的模拟法庭辩论的经历吧。

    I 'd Iike to taik about your moot-court experience .

  10. 谈模拟法庭教学与学生创新能力的培养

    On Teaching of Simulated Count and Cultivation of Students ' Innovatory Ability

  11. 模拟法庭实验室中数字视频录像直播系统的开发与升级

    Development and Upgrade of the Digital Video Live-broadcast System of the Moot Court

  12. 模拟法庭教学法与应用型法律人才的培养

    Simulated Court Teaching Method and Practical Legal Personnel Training

  13. 全日制法律硕士模拟法庭课程规范研究

    Full-time Master of Law Moot Court Norms Course Research

  14. 模拟法庭教学的实施可以分为准备阶段、开庭阶段和总结阶段。

    The implementation of simulative court teaching can be divided into three stages ;

  15. 浅谈模拟法庭教学对学生实践能力的培养

    Cultivating Students ' Practical Skill by Simulative Court Teaching

  16. 模拟法庭改革刍议&以实践和实验为视角

    Modest Proposal for Mock Trial Reform : From the Viewpoints of Practice and Experiment

  17. 模拟法庭及其教学意义

    The Mimic Court and Its Meaning in Law-Teaching

  18. 关于模拟法庭实践教学的探索与研究

    As for Law Court that Imitate the Quest to Practice the Teaching and Research

  19. 只是和模拟法庭的朋友去图书馆

    I 'm just hanging out with a couple of mock-trial friends at the library .

  20. 模拟法庭教学法在法律基础课中的应用

    An Approach to the Teaching Method of Simulated Court Applied in the Basic Course of Law

  21. 模拟法庭教学是法学教育中常用的一个实践性教学方法。

    The teaching of moot court is one of practical methods used mostly in law education .

  22. 而组织学生开展模拟法庭实践教学是提高法科学生实践能力的有效途径。

    But organize the student open the exhibition imitates the law court practices teaching is valid path .

  23. 论模拟法庭教学

    On Imitated Court Teaching

  24. 为加深对法律的理解和认识,实现法的价值和法学教育的服务功能,我们应认真组织好模拟法庭演习、法律义务救助服务和法律教育实习。

    Demonstration in simulated court , voluntary law service and teaching practice are three ways of judicial practice .

  25. 课题研究模式的实施过程包括开题阶段、实施阶段和结题阶段。问题探讨模式包括时政热点评论、社会焦点讨论、案例教学、大脑风暴法、模拟法庭等形式。

    Subject study model includes discussions on hot issues , case study , brainstorming and moot court , etc.

  26. 提高学生应用能力,规范和完善模拟法庭课程教学,是当前各法学院校面临的问题。

    Enhancing students'ability , standardizing and improving moot court teaching are issues currently confronted by law colleges and universities .

  27. 在法学专业教学中,模拟法庭教学是培养学生司法实践能力的有效方式。

    In the course of law teaching , simulative court teaching is the effective way to cultivate students'judicial practice abilities .

  28. 上个星期,我有幸赴山东省省会济南参加了第九届杰赛普杯国际法模拟法庭中国选拔赛。

    I was away in Jinan , the capital of Shandong Province last week judging the9th China Jessup Moot Court Competition .

  29. 通常以为,法学实践教学的内容就是指模拟法庭、案例讨论、社会调查等活动。

    It is generally accepted that moot court , case discussion and society investigation are the content of legal practice teaching .

  30. 模拟法庭作为法学实践教学环节,被视为有效缩短这一距离的桥梁而受到关注。

    Simulated court as a legal practice phase which is regarded as an effective bridge to shorten the distance is concerned .