
mó fǎnɡ zhě
  • imitator;copy-cat
  1. 而且三星从未摆脱模仿者的形象,虽然它是一个非常高效的模仿者(去年,因侵权使用iPhone的设计专利,三星被勒令向苹果赔偿5.48亿美元的损失,目前该案正在美国最高法院审理)。

    And Samsung has never shaken off its image as an imitator , though a highly efficient one . ( Last year , it was ordered to pay $ 548 million in damages to Apple for infringing on its iPhone design patents , a case that is now at the United States Supreme Court . )

  2. 一个著名作家、艺术家或者音乐家的劣等的模仿者。

    An inferior imitator of some distinguished writer or artist of musician .

  3. 披头士乐队的模仿者遍布全世界。

    The Beatles have copycats all over the world .

  4. 而模仿者windows系统却占领了大众市场。

    The imitative windows captured the mass market .

  5. 该算法采用模仿者动态机制调整策略使博弈逐步收敛于Nash均衡点。

    Strategies for EGR were adjusted by means of replicator dynamic mechanism to reach Nash equilibrium .

  6. 除去小个模仿者军团,AI在场下给联盟带来了更大的的影响。

    Beyond his legion of undersized imitators , though , A.I. had an even larger impact off the court .

  7. 我们还把迈克尔•杰克逊(MichaelJackson)、麦当娜(Madonna)和埃尔顿•约翰(EltonJohn)的顶级模仿者从拉斯维加斯空运来表演。

    We flew in top impersonators of Michael Jackson , Madonna and Elton John from Las Vegas to perform .

  8. 音乐电视(MTV)是乡村音乐和黑人音乐模仿者;

    Music Television ( MTV ) and its coun-try music and soul music imitators ;

  9. 当他发现Jenkins要大谈模仿者的事时,他极度恐慌。

    When he thought Jenkins was gonna open up about the copycat he panicked .

  10. 那一次大战的胜利者只有一个,ICQ的超级模仿者QQ。

    There was only one winner , it was ICQ 's super copyist ~ QQ .

  11. iPhone重新定义了手机的功能,吸引了不计其数的模仿者(结果是苹果提起了好几起诉讼)。

    The iPhone redefined what a mobile device could do , prompting countless imitators ( and more than a few lawsuits by Apple as a result ) .

  12. 例如,一个年轻的男孩模仿他哥哥的发型就很可能被叫做copycat(模仿者)。

    For example , a young boy who copies his brothers haircut may be called a copycat .

  13. 苹果(Apple)首席设计师对模仿者作出了批评。在苹果即将推出AppleWatch和最新款iPad之前,乔纳森•艾夫爵士(SirJonathanIve)介绍了这家善于保密的集团的某些产品开发流程。

    Apple 's design chief took a swipe at copycats as he explained some of the secretive group 's product development processes ahead of the launch of its Watch and latest iPads .

  14. 用积分变换将免疫系统的AB网络模型变形为模仿者动态模型,并研究AB网络的纳什均衡条件。

    Then , integral transformation is utilized to transform AB network model into replicator dynamical equations , and the Nash equilibriums of AB network model is studied by using evolutionary game approach .

  15. Soylent的成功给模仿者创造了机会,这些模仿者也在调制和销售自己的粉末。

    Soylent 's success has created opportunity for imitators , who are mixing and marketing their own powders .

  16. Weibo一种名为“翻跟头亲亲”的现象正风靡中国互联网,甚至促使中国公安部治安管理局发微博警告中国运动神经并不发达的动作模仿者。

    A viral phenomenon dubbed the ' somersault kiss ' is sweeping the Chinese Internet , prompting the nation 's public security bureau to intercede on behalf of the country 's not-so-acrobatic enthusiasts .

  17. 尽管kkr多年来引来了许多模仿者,但它本身的企业文化令我吃惊,它的形象更像“门口的野蛮人”,而不是精英资本家。

    While KKR has spawned many imitators over the years , its own corporate culture has struck me as less hard core capitalist than its barbarians at the gate image .

  18. Slack所面临的问题也是当前所有新兴的、有着优秀创意的软件公司都要面临的问题:既要快速创新把模仿者甩在后面,又要找到办法在可能视Slack为对手、试图将之摧毁的同行巨头之间周旋。

    The challenge now is the one that faces all new enterprise software companies with a bright idea : to move fast enough to keep ahead of the copycats , while finding a way to steer between giant competitors that might see Slack as a rival and try to crush it .

  19. 她就是个空虚空白的作家模仿者。

    She was a vacant , empty imitation of a writer .

  20. 模仿者开始在全国迅速出现。

    Imitators began to sprout up all over the country .

  21. 他们比那些模仿者高明千万倍。

    They are incomparably superior to those who imitate them .

  22. 模仿者烧掉了他们的电脑和研究。

    And the copycat fried all their computers and burned their research .

  23. 或者一堆模仿者都会有规律。

    Or a bunch of copycats both imply a pattern .

  24. 英国有一场评选埃尔维斯最佳模仿者的比赛。

    There 's a competition to find the best Elvis impersonator in britain .

  25. 伟大的模仿者有些发明反映了大自然中的事物。

    Some inventions mirror things in the natural world .

  26. 苹果拥有足够多的竞争优势,可以保证自己不会被模仿者挤出市场。

    It has enough competitive advantages not to be squeezed out by imitators .

  27. 她是个聪明的模仿者。

    She was a brilliant mimic . You know .

  28. 你就是那个…你有个模仿者,对吧?

    You'rethat - you got that copycat , right ?

  29. 我们找的是兜帽男,不是什么狂热模仿者。

    We 're looking for the hood , not some crazy wanna be .

  30. 知识产权保护下的技术创新者与模仿者竞争模型研究

    The model for the technology innovator competition with technology imitator under intellectual property protection