
mó mó hú hú
  • blurred;hazy;muddy;unintelligible;indefinite
模模糊糊 [mó mó hu hū]
  • [muddy] 思想上不清晰的

  • 只能留下模模糊糊离奇古怪的回忆

模模糊糊[mó mó hú hú]
  1. 字迹在他眼前变得模模糊糊。

    The print blurred before his eyes .

  2. 她疑神疑鬼地朝他这边扫了一眼,不过由于视力问题,要想在一堆模模糊糊的石头中间找到他恐怕有些困难。

    She looked round at him suspiciously , but , being half blind , had difficulty finding him in the blurred and rocky landscape .

  3. 我从双筒望远镜看只见一团模模糊糊的东西。

    I saw it as a dim fuzz through the binoculars .

  4. 我模模糊糊看见门口有个人影。

    I could see a dim shape in the doorway .

  5. 她模模糊糊地意识到她的生活不会和过去一样了。

    Her life would never be the same again , she realized numbly .

  6. 从雾中模模糊糊出来几个人影,向他们走去。

    Shadowy figures approached them out of the fog .

  7. 他只是模模糊糊地记得她。

    He remembered her only hazily .

  8. 模糊限制语(hedge)是指一些把事物弄得模模糊糊的词语。

    Fuzzy terms refer to the words that have very vague meanings .

  9. 她用语言把他模模糊糊地意识表达出来了。

    She put into words what he had felt rather vaguely .

  10. 他只是模模糊糊地知道所涉及的问题。

    He only had a dim awareness of the issues involved .

  11. 在四座刀一般壁垒那边,一种新生活模模糊糊地在等候着他。

    Beyond four knifelike walls a new life for him waited vaguely .

  12. 一时间,在他的思想中模模糊糊闪出了重婚这个念头。

    Bigamy lightened the horizon of his shadowy thoughts for a moment .

  13. 但是,有一件事使我模模糊糊地感到尴尬。

    There was one thing thought that vaguely bothered me .

  14. 当你超过一定的速度行进时,一切都变得模模糊糊的。

    Everything becomes a blur when you travel beyond a certain speed .

  15. 透过雾霭,我只能看出一个模模糊糊的人影。

    Through the mist I could just make out a vague figure .

  16. 对童年珂赛特只是模模糊糊地记得一些。

    Cosette had but a confused recollection of her childhood .

  17. 那之后就有点模模糊糊。

    And after that , it was just kind of a blur .

  18. 农场房屋和水车护架都模模糊糊,呈现着浅蓝色。

    The farm buildings and the wheel-house were all dim and bluish .

  19. 他们生产的洋葱只能使你模模糊糊地有那么一点感到像洋葱。

    They are producing onions that only vaguely remind you of onions .

  20. 这些字模模糊糊的看不出来。

    I can 't read these writings , very unclear .

  21. 在他的头脑里一个模模糊糊的想法刚要显出轮廓。

    The suspicion of an idea almost defined itself in his head .

  22. 白子总将死对方,他带着一种模模糊糊的神秘感觉这么想。

    White always mates , he thought with a sort of cloudy mysticism .

  23. 眼前,外面的光亮模模糊糊地照在这张片上。

    Now , the light from outside shone on the picture only dimly .

  24. 我猜想,思特里克兰德在有形的事物上模模糊糊地看到某种精神意义。

    I fancy that Strickland saw vaguely some spiritual meaning in material things .

  25. 我对于周围所发生的事只模模糊糊地知道一些。

    I had only an indistinct understanding of what was passing around me .

  26. 如果我不戴眼镜,一切都是模模糊糊的。

    If I don 't wear my glasses , everything is a blur .

  27. 你的电视上图像总是模模糊糊的吗?

    Is the picture always fuzzy on your tv ?

  28. 但是它模模糊糊地使我想起过去。

    But it vaguely reminds me of the past .

  29. 医生们的脸模模糊糊地出现在他眼前。

    The faces of doctors swam into his view .

  30. 凯西奥我记得一大堆的事情,可是全都是模模糊糊的;

    Cassio . I remember a mass of things , but nothing distinctly ;