
mó fǎnɡ dònɡ zuò
  • echopraxia
  1. 我念台词,你可以模仿动作。

    I 'll say the words and you can mime the actions .

  2. 武术动作组成和动作过程较为复杂,学生往往不易观察和模仿动作。

    Since the components and procedures of Wushu movements are very com-plex , students often have difficulty in observing and imitating them .

  3. 通过教师的领做示范,使学生有较多的机会观察和模仿动作,这是其它教学手段所不能替代的。

    Through the example , students can watch the action clearly and have more chances to learn , which can not be changed by any other teaching method .

  4. 结果表明,强化因素(念动训练,左手抛球练习,模仿动作练习)的教学效果明显优于非强化因素。

    The results showed that the teaching results of the intensified factors ( review of training action in one 's mind , throwing-ball exercise by left hand , imitating exercise ) were evidently better than those of the unintensified .

  5. 你们必须观看这部电影,并尽力模仿他的动作。

    You must look at the film and try to emulate his behavior .

  6. 在那三年间,我基本上每天都会看那张DVD,我会研究奥拉朱旺的梦幻脚步,然后去球场努力模仿他的动作。

    I probably watched that DVD every single day for three years . I would study the way Hakeem moved , and I would go out and try to imitate him .

  7. 她观察那个跳舞的人,想模仿她的动作。

    She watched the dancer and tried to copy her movements .

  8. 抄袭别人作品(或模仿别人动作)的人。

    Someone who copies the work ( or mimics the actions ) of others .

  9. 他在夜总会以给观众表演模仿名人动作或语言为职业。

    He made a career of taking off famous people for night club audiences .

  10. 当我小时候,我尽力模仿他的动作。

    I tried to copy a lot of his moves when I was younger .

  11. 她发现自己在模仿他的动作。

    She found herself copying his actions .

  12. 通过接触和模仿这些动作,孩子们学会这种文化。

    By being exposed to and imitating these actions , a child is learning its culture .

  13. 我也会模仿他的动作,甚至戴上了他的眼镜,因为我想眼镜或许能帮我解开未知的秘密。

    I imitated this action , even wearing his spectacles , thinking they might help solve the mystery .

  14. 他在和气的少校背后模仿他的动作,学他在克拉弗林夫人和艾默里小姐面前那副卑躬屈节、胁肩谄笑的神态。

    He mimicked him behind his back , as the polite major bowed and smirked to lady Clavering or miss amory .

  15. 只要分析一下一个好的“动态者”进行动态时的动作,然后努力模仿他的动作。

    Simply analyze how a good " dyno-er " executes a climbing dyno , and then attempt to copy that climber 's movement .

  16. 更进一步的说,人打乒乓球时,球拍的运动轨迹就是机器人要模仿的动作序列。

    Further said that the racket trajectory is the action sequences which should be imitated by robot when the people playing the table tennis .

  17. 华佗总结了前人模仿鸟兽动作以锻炼身体的传统做法,创编了一套保健体操,包括虎、鹿、熊、猿、鸟的动作和姿态,也就是五禽戏。

    He summarized the traditional practice of our predecessors ' building up their physical strength by imitating the animal movements , and created a set of healthcare gymnastics , i. e. the Five-animal Exercise , which consisted of five groups of actions imitating the movements and manners of the tigers , deer , bears , apes and birds .

  18. 它们成群结队地跟在第一只跳舞的蜜蜂后面,模仿它的动作。

    They trooped behind the first dancer , copying its movements .

  19. 一种古代希腊舞蹈模仿战争的动作。

    An ancient Greek dance imitating the motions of warfare .

  20. 找一间空办公室,模仿跳绳的动作一分钟。

    Find an empty office and simulate jumping rope for one minute .

  21. 接下来他们模仿泰拳的动作跳一种慢动作舞。

    Next they do a slow dance that copies the movements of Thai boxing .

  22. 研究结果显示,模仿对方的动作可以让彼此产生亲近感。

    Research shows that copying the other person helps create a feeling of affinity .

  23. 他喜欢模仿卓别林的动作。

    He likes to do a Chaplin .

  24. 她模仿别人的动作,每次都把我逗得哈哈大笑。

    Her imitations always set me off .

  25. 工业上有机械手、机器人的应用,那都是模仿人的动作。

    Industry has mechanical hand , robotics applications , which are modelled on the move .

  26. 我模仿他们的动作,竭尽全力去搜集与他们有关的资料。

    I copy their swings and do my best to read everything I can about them .

  27. 猴子天生善于模仿人们的动作,他们都表现出自己是很伶俐的学生;

    Being naturally great mimics of men 's actions , they showed themselves most apt pupils ;

  28. 这部片有很多模仿动物的动作,也有大量的电脑特技和真人特技。

    It offers lots of animal action as well as great stunts both CGI and physical .

  29. 8.如果一个女人想要了解你,她会模仿你的动作。

    8 . It turns out that when a woman digs you , she 'll copy your moves .

  30. 模仿对方的动作,如在对方喝饮料时自己也跟着来一口。

    Mirror the other person 's gestures , for example by taking a sip of your drink at the same time .