
qiǎnɡ pò dònɡ zuò
  • Forced action;compulsive act
  1. 这是一种起病于儿童期,以简单或复杂的不自主、重复、快速的一个或多个部位肌肉抽动和发声抽动为主要临床表现的神经精神疾病,可伴有不同程度的多动、注意力不集中、强迫动作或其他行为症状。

    This is a neuropsychiatric disease that starts in childhood , with simple or complex involuntary , repetitive , rapid muscle twitching , and can be accompanied by varying degrees of hyperactivity , inattention , forced movement or other behavioral symptoms .

  2. 人们说谎时习惯摸脖子,这是一种典型的强迫动作。

    People touch the neck when they lie . It 's a classic manipulator .

  3. 注:强迫动作因出现例数少(12例)未单独作相关分析。

    Note : Because cases of compulsion is less ( 12 cases ), the correlation analysis is not conducted alone .

  4. 然后证明强迫你玩动作游戏

    and showing that by forcing you to play an action game ,

  5. 如果你参加过这么一些预先排练好鼓掌的盛会,你很可能会感觉这只是人被强迫作地机械动作。

    If you 've been through a few of these well-rehearsed applause fests , you 'd probably feel it 's a mechanical thing one does only when coerced .

  6. 我从不强迫他们做任何动作,因为如果他们感觉不舒服,拍摄出来的照片也不会好看。所以可能我们会尝试其他的姿势,或者给他们时间调整。

    I never force an animal to do anything , so if they don 't look happy it wont look good in the picture and we try something else , or give them time to settle .

  7. 单纯强迫思维者的5-HT浓度与单纯强迫动作患者的差异有显著性。

    And the differences between the obsession and the compulsion subgroup in the role of5-HT are significant .

  8. 并且强迫观念以年长学生多见,而强迫动作以年幼学生多见。

    Elder students report more obsessions , and younger students report more compulsions .