
  • 网络enforceable;enforceability
  1. 就是说,调解协议达成之后,当事人没有实际履行调解协议内容时,协议没有强制执行力,就会使调解最终失败。

    That is , after the mediation agreement was reached , when the parties do not actually perform the contents of the mediation agreement , the mediation ultimate failure because of agreement without enforceable .

  2. 合理的宏观经济和政治稳定、明确的产权、合同的强制执行力和反腐败的保障措施。

    Reasonable macroeconomic and political stability , clear property rights , enforceability of contracts , and safeguards against corruption .

  3. 但这两种方式都不具有强制执行力,往往需要借助其它的维权方式来解决争议纠纷。

    But the two methods are not enforced , often need combine other ways to solve dispute .

  4. 这两类保障措施,尤其是报复措施,是强制执行力坚强的后盾和支柱。

    These two sorts of measures , especially concession , are the strong supporters of forceful implementation .

  5. 人民法院生效的民商法律文书或具有国家强制执行力的其它文件,通过启动国家强制执行后,仍有大量案件遇到执行难的问题。

    Massive cases are confronted with hard - to-execute problems after the legal or enforcing documents become effective .

  6. 在立法中要明确赋予检察建议的强制执行力。

    In the enforcement of legislation , the compulsory execution should be expressly entrusted to the procuratorial suggestions .

  7. 随着经济的发展,这种争议解决方式被各国国内法和国际公约赋予法律上的强制执行力。

    With economic development , this method is put into enforcement by international conventions and nations of domestic law .

  8. 两次《合同法重述》虽然没有强制执行力,但作为软法对受挫后果的处理具有重要借鉴意义。

    The first and the second Restatement on contract law have important reference meanings as soft law to deal with the effect of frustration .

  9. 在法国民法上,则表现为和解的契约性质与其具有终审判决之既判力以及与此相应的直接强制执行力之间的矛盾。

    In France civil law , they are between the contractual character and its having the unchangeableness of judgment and correspondingly having the direct enforcement powers .

  10. 但是,调解协议具有的法律效力没有拥有和法院判决书一样的法律效力,更没有强制执行力。

    However , the settlement agreement did not have the force of law like the same legal effect of the court judgments , and it no enforcement power .

  11. 基于公共政策而无强制执行力的合同大量存在,在一些判例中,基于公共政策而拒绝为一方当事人强制执行合同似乎过分苛刻。

    Because of numerous contracts that are unenforceable on grounds of public policy , in some cases , refusal to allow a party to enforce an agreement on grounds of public policy seems unduly harsh .

  12. 经调解达成协议的,由法院依法对调解协议进行形式审查并予以司法确认,产生强制执行力。

    Reach an agreement as a result of mediating , the judiciary examining and giving the form being in progress according to law to the reconciliation agreement by the court affirms , produces the forcible execution force .

  13. 然而,论述的文章大多在和解协议的性质、仲裁调解和诉调衔接上,希望通过加强和解协议的效力,甚至是赋予强制执行力来提高执行力。

    However , related articles , mostly in the nature of the settlement agreement on mediation , arbitration , mediation and litigation ; hope that by strengthening the effectiveness of the conciliation agreement , even gave enforcement powers to improve execution .

  14. 一些国家的信托法有条件地确认信托合同具有强制执行力、另一些国家与地区的信托法却并未作出如此确认且这一区别涉及到是否允许委托人在订立信托合同后反悔。

    The trust laws of some countries confirm enforcement of trust contract conditionally , while the other countries and areas don 't make such confirmation , and this difference has relation to whether permit trustor to go back on his promise after making the trust contract .

  15. 现代社会,原则上禁止私力救济,而民事强制执行属于公力救济的方式,它也是实现民事权利的最后合法保障。

    In the modern society , private enforcement is not allowed while civil enforcement , being the governmental assistance , is the legal guarantee of the civil rights , therefore rationalization and justice are vital to the whole legal system .

  16. 区域行政立法,是由区域内有规章制定权的各地方政府针对区域内须共同立法的事项,根据法定程序制定的具有强制约束力和执行力的行为规范。

    Legislation of the regional administrative is according to legal procedures enacted mandatory binding and execution of behavior specification by the regulatory right of each local government for the region of economic region which shall be jointly and legislative matters .