- 网络enforceable;enforceability

That is , after the mediation agreement was reached , when the parties do not actually perform the contents of the mediation agreement , the mediation ultimate failure because of agreement without enforceable .
Reasonable macroeconomic and political stability , clear property rights , enforceability of contracts , and safeguards against corruption .
But the two methods are not enforced , often need combine other ways to solve dispute .
These two sorts of measures , especially concession , are the strong supporters of forceful implementation .
Massive cases are confronted with hard - to-execute problems after the legal or enforcing documents become effective .
In the enforcement of legislation , the compulsory execution should be expressly entrusted to the procuratorial suggestions .
With economic development , this method is put into enforcement by international conventions and nations of domestic law .
The first and the second Restatement on contract law have important reference meanings as soft law to deal with the effect of frustration .
In France civil law , they are between the contractual character and its having the unchangeableness of judgment and correspondingly having the direct enforcement powers .
However , the settlement agreement did not have the force of law like the same legal effect of the court judgments , and it no enforcement power .
Because of numerous contracts that are unenforceable on grounds of public policy , in some cases , refusal to allow a party to enforce an agreement on grounds of public policy seems unduly harsh .
Reach an agreement as a result of mediating , the judiciary examining and giving the form being in progress according to law to the reconciliation agreement by the court affirms , produces the forcible execution force .
However , related articles , mostly in the nature of the settlement agreement on mediation , arbitration , mediation and litigation ; hope that by strengthening the effectiveness of the conciliation agreement , even gave enforcement powers to improve execution .
The trust laws of some countries confirm enforcement of trust contract conditionally , while the other countries and areas don 't make such confirmation , and this difference has relation to whether permit trustor to go back on his promise after making the trust contract .
In the modern society , private enforcement is not allowed while civil enforcement , being the governmental assistance , is the legal guarantee of the civil rights , therefore rationalization and justice are vital to the whole legal system .
Legislation of the regional administrative is according to legal procedures enacted mandatory binding and execution of behavior specification by the regulatory right of each local government for the region of economic region which shall be jointly and legislative matters .