
qiánɡ xínɡ jūn
  • forced march
强行军 [qiáng xíng jūn]
  • [forced march] 执行紧急任务时的快速行军

  1. 经济的困苦加上1994年金日成的逝世,导致朝鲜在90年代后半期进入朝鲜历史上被称作苦难的行军、强行军的时期。

    The economical hardship together with the pass-away of the Chairman Kim Il Sung led North Korea in the period of post 90s , which is called the period of ' Suffering March ' or ' Forced March .

  2. 军官命令士兵们继续向前强行军。

    The officer ordered the soldiers to press their advance forward .

  3. 射箭运动员定期参加夜间强行军。

    Archer regularly go on forced moonlit marches .

  4. 俄国人穷追法国人的强行军和法国人的亡命奔逃,都给自己造成巨大损失。

    The rapidity of the Russian pursuit had as disintegrating an effect on the Russian army as the flight of the French had on their army .