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  • Depressive episode;paralepsy;psycholepsy
抑郁发作[yì yù fà zuò]
  1. 奥沙利铂联合FL方案与FLP方案治疗进展期胃癌近期疗效观察每周1次噻萘普汀维持治疗长期抑郁发作

    WEEKLY DOSE OXALIPLATIN IN THE TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH ADVANCED GASTRIC CANCER Once - weekly dose of Tatinol in the maintenance treament of long term depression

  2. 方法研究对象符合CCMD-2-R中抑郁发作的诊断标准,经安慰剂清洗3-7天后,被随机分入噻奈普汀治疗组和阿米替林治疗组,治疗剂量分别为37.5mg/日和/150mg/日,疗程为6周。

    Methods : Subjects met the CCMD-2-R criteria for depressive episode and assigned randomly into the groups of tianeptine or amitriptyline treatment for 6 weeks .

  3. 方法35例单相抑郁发作或双相情感障碍抑郁发作伴有明显失眠者,汉密尔顿抑郁量表(HAMD)得分≥24分完成4周治疗。

    Method 35 cases with single episode of depression or depressive phase of bipolar affective disorder accompanied by apparent insomnia and Hamilton depression scale ( HAMD ) score ≥ 24 accepted four - week treatment with trazodone .

  4. 抑郁发作精神分裂症与神经症的脑电波对照研究

    A comparative study of brainwave in depression , schizophrenia and neurosis

  5. 浏阳市农村社区重症抑郁发作患者的症状特点

    Symptom Characteristics of Major Depressive Episode in Rural Communities of Liuyang

  6. 抑郁发作患者焦虑症状与自杀倾向相关性研究

    Study of relationship between anxiety and suicide in major depression

  7. 症状多为非典型抑郁发作或伴有精神病性症状。

    Atypical depressive episode or with psychotic symptoms were more .

  8. 针灸治疗抑郁发作性心境障碍的方法特征

    Characteristics of acupuncture in the treatment of depressive-accession mood disorder

  9. 针灸与心理疗法综合治疗抑郁发作36例

    Treatment of 36 cases with depression by combination of acupuncture and psychotherapy

  10. 抑郁发作患者的持续性注意功能障碍及其影响因素分析

    Influence factors of depressive episode and its sustained attentional dysfunction

  11. 结论抑郁发作患者中存在着持续性注意缺陷。

    Conclusion Deficits in sustained attention in depressive episode patients were remarkable .

  12. 癔症性遗忘并抑郁发作1例

    A case report of hysterical forgetfulness complicate with depression

  13. 100例抑郁发作首次住院药物治疗分析

    Analysis of drug therapy of first hospitalization of 100 patients with depressive episode

  14. 抑郁发作中有无焦虑症状的临床对照分析

    A comparison study between clinical features of depression with and without anxiety symptoms

  15. 血浆褪黑素水平与抑郁症抑郁发作的关系

    Relationship of the levels of melatonin and depressive disorder

  16. 抑郁发作患者与正常人血浆孤啡肽含量的对照研究

    A Control Study of Orphanin FQ in Patients with Depression and Health Adults

  17. 他们却能够在抑郁发作的间隙过着不错的生活

    who nonetheless had good lives in the interstices between their depressive episodes .

  18. 抑郁发作患者的述情障碍特征

    The alexithymia of patients with depressive episode

  19. 喹硫平和阿立哌唑治疗双相情感障碍抑郁发作的疗效及安全性临床试验研究

    Clinical trial of efficacy and safety of quetiapine and aripiprazole in the treatment of bipolar depression

  20. 刺五加对青少年双相障碍抑郁发作的随机双盲对照研究躁狂抑郁症患者抑郁与躁狂交替发作。

    A Double-blind Randomized Clinical Study of Acanthopanax in the Treatment of Adolescent Patients with Bipolar Depression ;

  21. 抑郁发作亚临床状态是能够在一定程度上被控制或终止的,值得引起重视。

    Subclinical state of depression could be controlled or stopped , so we should pay attention to it .

  22. 目的了解抑郁发作中伴焦虑症状患者的临床特点、疗效和复发情况。

    Objective To investigate the clinical features , efficacy , and relapse rates of depression with and without anxiety symptoms .

  23. 检出的73例重性抑郁发作患者中,仅10例(14%)因抑郁求助和接受医生提供的服务,并被正确识别。

    In the 73 cases with major depression episode , only 10 ( 14 % ) were recognized by their physicians .

  24. 浏阳市农村重性抑郁发作患者自杀意念与自杀未遂及影响因素分析

    Prevalence and Related Factors of Suicidal Ideation and Attempts in Patients with Major Depressive Episode in Rural Community of Liuyang City

  25. 结论青少年首次抑郁发作与负性生活事件、不良应对方式和缺乏社会支持有关。

    Conclusion : The first-episode of adolescent depression is related with negative life events , poor coping styles and lack of social support .

  26. 首选治疗疗效不佳时,轻中度抑郁发作多改用另一种抗抑郁药,而重度抑郁发作多选用电休克治疗。

    The first choice for no response to the first treatment was changed to another antidepressants for mild and moderate depressions and electroconvulsive therapy for severe depression .

  27. 结果:抑郁发作患者算术、填图、图片拼凑的粗分低于常模(P<001~P<005)。

    Results : Depressive patients performed poorer than the regular model in arithmetic , picture piecing together and chart filling ( P < 0.01 ~ 0.05 ) .

  28. 研究者把轻度躁狂复发而没有严重的抑郁发作或者比轻度躁狂阈值要小得多的症状类型定义为亚型双向精神障碍。

    The investigators defined subthreshold bipolar disorder as recurrent hypomania ( mild hypomania ) without a major depressive episode or with fewer symptoms than required for threshold hypomania .

  29. 目的:探讨农村社区重性抑郁发作患者中自杀意念与自杀未遂的阳性率及其影响因素。

    Objective : To evaluate the prevalence rate of suicidal ideation and attempts in patients with major depressive episode in rural community , and to explore its related factors .

  30. 在他抑郁发作的时候,丘吉尔几乎停止工作,大部分时间都躺在床上,没有食欲,也无法集中精神。

    During his bouts of depression , Churchill would almost cease to function , spending a great deal of time in bed and losing his appetite and ability to concentrate .