
  1. 土地制度转型,不立田制,不抑兼并,贫困问题严重;

    The land system transformed so that poor problem was serious ;

  2. 其齐众庶,抑兼并、经济管制等思想具有一定现实意义和启迪作用。

    His thoughts like " control annex ", " economy control " were of definite practical significance .

  3. 宋人亦笼统说过我朝“不抑兼并”,并认识到其重要意义。

    Song 's people also generally said that there is " no-inhibiting mergers " in their Dynasty , and recognized its significance .

  4. 本文认为,不抑兼并政策具有广泛的经济内涵,它标志着传统中国的经济社会发展观发生了根本性的变化,从公平优先转为效率优先。

    This paper thinks the policy of unrestraining land annexation have extensive economic intension , it marks the thought of the development of economy and society of traditional China have changed , from fair first to efficiency prior .

  5. 由于土地私有化程度逐步加深,宋政府推行田制不立、不抑兼并的土地政策,却导致了土地私有者之间田赋不均和国家赋税流失的现象。

    Because of an increasing depth of land privatization , Song 's government practiced a policy of unprohibiting annexation of land , which brought about the unbalanced land tax among the land private owners and the loss of National taxes .

  6. 相对较发达的商品经济社会,宋初为巩固中央集权采取的不抑兼并的土地政策是宋代土地兼并兴盛的根本原因;

    The basic reason why annexation of land in Song Dynasty was very popular was that the commodity economical society developed relatively free in Song Dynasty and the government adopted the land policy not controlling annexation at the beginning of Song Dynasty .

  7. 这个部分首先分析处于唐宋变革下国家职能是如何转变的,以及这些转变的外在表现,即不抑兼并和契约租佃制。

    To start with , this part will analyze how functions and powers of the state changed under reformation in Tang and Song Dynasty , and analyze the outward manifestations of those changes , which refer to " Non-control of Merger " and " Tenancy Contract " .

  8. 宋代又是社会矛盾最复杂的朝代之一,周边局势动荡不安,国内灾害频发,同时不抑兼并的土地政策致使民户失地现象严重,贫富差距进一步加大。

    Song is one of the dynasties with most complex social contradictions , that is , the surrounding turbulence , domestic disasters , while the policy of not resulting in annexation of the land results in serious landless household people and further increase of the gap between rich and poor .

  9. 并且宋代一改对商人重农抑商的政策而转变为不抑兼并,出台法律保护商人的利益;从军事背景来看,政府为了应对中央财政对军费的供给不足而发展工商业。

    And Song of the business changed , " Restraining Commerce " into the policy of " no annexation ", the introduction of legal protection of the interests of businessmen ; from the military background , government spending in response to central finance insufficient supply of industrial and commercial development .