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jū rán
  • actually;unexpectedly;after all;to one's surprise
居然 [jū rán]
  • [unexpectedly] 表示出乎意料

  • 这么重的担子,他居然挑着走了二十里

居然[jū rán]
  1. 不服气的高某在二审期间居然申请对母猪和自家的猪仔做DNA鉴定。

    It is not convinced Gao in second trial period applies unexpectedly to the sow and own piglet makes the DNA appraisal .

  2. 产品更新:这个版本中居然也集成了源更新,试了下YUM,可以升级。

    The product is newer : In this version unexpectedly compositive also the source is updated , tried next YUM , can upgrade .

  3. 我肯定是犯傻了,居然同意了这个想法。

    I must have been insane to agree to the idea .

  4. 他居然用几样剩下的东西做出了可口的一餐。

    He conjured a delicious meal out of a few leftovers .

  5. 有人居然把车停在大门口前!

    Someone 's been and parked in front of the entrance !

  6. 她居然在与主管一起进午餐。

    She 's having lunch with the Director , no less .

  7. 她居然不想去,我觉得奇怪。

    I find it strange that she doesn 't want to go .

  8. 奇怪极了,最贵的票居然卖得最快。

    Oddly enough , the most expensive tickets sold fastest .

  9. 食品居然并不那么昂贵。

    The food was not actually all that expensive .

  10. 她居然探问我的年龄,真没礼貌!

    She had the impertinence to ask my age !

  11. 我们很难想象他居然是三个孩子的父亲了。

    We found it hard to picture him as the father of three kids .

  12. 而且他们居然还有脸抱怨!

    Then they had the gall to complain !

  13. 我们很难想象他居然是有几个十几岁儿子的父亲了。

    We found it hard to picture him as the father of teenage sons .

  14. 我把门敲得砰砰响。真奇怪,他们居然没有听见。

    I was banging so loudly I 'm amazed they didn 't hear me .

  15. 我想不到他们居然有脸要你付停车费。

    I think they 've got a cheek making you pay to park the car .

  16. 我很惊讶他们居然请我参加他们的婚礼——我跟他们似乎并不熟。

    I 'm surprised they 've invited me to their wedding ─ it 's not as if I know them well .

  17. 惊奇的是地板居然从未塌陷。

    It was a marvel that the floor never gave way .

  18. 他居然认识你的家人,真是太巧了。

    What an odd coincidence that he should have known your family

  19. 德里克吓了一跳,居然是一个男的接的电话。

    Derek was taken aback when a man answered the phone .

  20. 这人一定是疯了,居然去冒这种风险。

    The man must be bonkers to take such a risk

  21. 令他们吃惊的是,开车的居然是个6岁的小男孩。

    They were astonished to find the driver was a six-year-old boy .

  22. 他俩居然结婚了——这让他非常惊讶,因为他们实在是太不一样了。

    He was surprised they had married — they had seemed so different

  23. 他哀叹埃尔萨尔瓦多镇的居民居然不信任警方。

    He laments that people in Villa El Salvador are suspicious of the police

  24. 肯沃西,你这人真讨厌,居然侵犯我的隐私。

    You 're a menace to my privacy , Kenworthy

  25. 政府居然预付了一笔钱,这可是有史以来第一次。

    For the first time the government 's actually put some money up front

  26. 我们都很惊讶你居然还活着。

    We all wonder you 're still alive .

  27. 我真蠢,居然被他的胡乱吹嘘给蒙蔽了。

    I 'd been a fool letting him snow me with his big ideas .

  28. 我到这儿来就想碰碰运气,没想到你居然真的在家。

    I came out here on the chance of finding you at home after all

  29. 奇怪的是,他们居然将电视看作娱乐。

    They strangely perceive television as entertainment .

  30. 我们还是不太敢相信,过了这么久,他居然还和我们一起呆在这里。

    We still can 't quite believe he 's here with us after all this time