
  1. 所谓户籍,是指登记居民户口的簿册。

    Household registration is the handbook of registering the residents Account .

  2. 城镇廉租住房制度就是政府针对具有城镇常住居民户口的最低收入家庭提供租金相对低廉的普通住房并实施管理的一项制度。

    The low - rent-house system of urban place means that the government offers inhabitants with low-rent-house and manages them .

  3. 全户迁出户口管辖区的,应向户口登记机关缴销居民户口簿。

    Upon migrating of the whole household from the precinct , the household shall submit the Household Register to the Household Registration Organ for revocation .

  4. 在这些方案中,基本都用更常见的术语如居民户口、家庭户口或者集体户口取代所谓的城市和农村户口。

    The plans have in general phased out the so-called urban and rural hukou and replaced them with more general terms such as residential hukou , family hukou , or collective hukou .

  5. 本户如有人员增减或者登记事项发生变动,应持居民户口簿到户口登记机关申报登记。

    If any of the registered items , such as the number of family members , have changed , the holder of the Household Register shall bring the Household Register to the Household Registration Organ for updating .

  6. 里面有一个尼康照相机和我的记事簿。居民户口簿登记权属于户口登记机关,其他任何单位和个人不得在簿上作任何记载。

    There are a Nika camera and my personal diary . Only the household registration office has the power to make registration on the Household Register . No any other units and individuals are allowed to make any records on it .

  7. 此用户已经记录在您的通讯簿中。户主对居民户口簿应妥善保管,严禁私自涂改、转让、出借。如有遗失,须立即报告户口登记机关。

    This user is already in your address book . The head shall take good care of his / her residence booklet . Any unauthorized alter , transfer or lending is prohibited . In case of missing of the residence booklet , an immediate report to registration authority is required .

  8. 12月初,在中国中央经济工作会议上,与会代表建议给予农村居民城市户口,这也强有力地证明了户籍制度正在变化。

    The proposal of China ` s Central Economic Conference in early December to give rural residents permanent urban residency sent a strong signal .

  9. 持有城镇户口的居民比无户口居民享有更多的福利待遇,包括教育、医疗服务、社会保障等。

    Those who obtain a city hukou enjoy more benefits in education , medical services and social security than those without .

  10. 在我国大力推进城镇化建设的过程中,不仅仅是要把农村居民的身份户口转为市民,更重要的是促进其生产生活方式的根本转变。

    In the process of urbanization , it is not only to change the rural resident , more important is to promote a fundamental change in their production way of life .

  11. 这次公布的失业率名叫“调查失业率”,这代表了在特定城市中生活,并且半年没有工作的所有有能力工作的居民,包括那些户口在农村的外来务工人员。

    Called the " survey unemployment rate , " it represents the percentage of people without jobs among all those who have lived in a given city for at least six months and are capable of work , including migrant workers whose households are registered in rural areas .

  12. 在这一强力举措下,最根深蒂固的将中国人分为城市居民和农村居民的户口制度将逐渐消亡。

    In one fell swoop , the most intransigent and structural divide that separates all Chinese between city and rural residents , the Hukou system , is at last being breached .

  13. 但是直辖市政府说将会在接下来的10年通过将其100万农村居民(他们中的有些人已经居住在城镇地区了)转变为持卡的城镇居民倍增城镇户口的持有人数。

    But the municipality says it wants to double the number of urban hukou holders by turning 10m of its rural citizens ( some of whom already live in urban areas ) into card-carrying urbanites over the next ten years .