
qiān xǐ zì yóu
  • freedom of movement;freedom of migration;freedom of residence
  1. 对我国实行公民迁徙自由现实性的探讨

    On the Reality of Exercising Civil Freedom of Migration in Our Country

  2. 首先阐述了迁徙自由权的内涵。

    First , discusses the concept of freedom of migration .

  3. WTO与人口迁徙自由

    WTO and Freedom of Population Movement

  4. 上周末曾有报道称,德国总理安格拉•默克尔(AngelaMerkel)宁愿让英国脱离欧盟,也不愿改变迁徙自由的规则。

    It was reported last weekend that German chancellor Angela Merkel would consider Britain leaving the EU rather than change free movement rules .

  5. 卡梅伦今日飞往赫尔辛基与北欧及波罗的海国家的领导人开展磋商。他面临着芬兰东道主的警告:劳动者迁徙自由是一条神圣原则,而对欧盟(EU)条约进行重大改革的支持十分微弱。

    Mr Cameron , who flies to Helsinki today for talks with Nordic and Baltic leaders , faces warnings from his Finnish host that free movement of workers is a holy principle , while there is meagre support for major EU treaty reform .

  6. 最后笔者提出了构建迁徙自由权的立法建议。

    At last , legislative suggestions are given by the author .

  7. 从历史发展看迁徙自由的概念

    On the Concept of Migration Freedom from the Historical Development

  8. 农民迁徙自由权与户籍管理制度

    Farmers ' right of moving freely and census register system

  9. 户籍制度改革的价值取向也不应该是城镇化,人口迁徙自由才是其价值取向的本质概括;

    The value orientation of the reform should be free migration urbanization ;

  10. 也可以说,在中国,迁徙自由权主要是农民争取身份平等,获得平等保护的问题。

    In China , it is mostly about the problem of equality .

  11. 迁徙自由入宪与户籍制度问题探讨

    Probe into the move freedom and the reform of the census register

  12. 因此,重新确认迁徙自由具有强烈的现实意义。

    Hence restoration of freedom of movement has a deeply realistic significance .

  13. 论迁徙自由在我国的实现

    On the Realization of the Freedom of Movement in China

  14. 它创立了迁徙自由和选择职业的自由。

    It created freedom of movement and of vocational choice .

  15. 第一章是关于迁徙自由权的概述。

    The first part is the basic interpretation of freedom of migration .

  16. 实现迁徙自由也是宪法的使命。

    To realize the freedom of residence is the mission of the constitution .

  17. 第二部分是对迁徙自由权的一般理论进行梳理。

    The second part is the outline to the right of migration freedom .

  18. 论迁徙自由及其在中国的适用

    On Freedom of Migration and its Implementation in China

  19. 再次,在正文的第二章中,作者重点关注了迁徙自由权的限度问题。

    The second chapter deals with the restrictions on the freedom of migration .

  20. 论迁徙自由在中国的确立与实现&价值、契机与措施

    The Establishment and Accomplishment of Migration Freedom in China

  21. 第一章主要探讨迁徙自由的基本理论问题。

    Part One mainly discusses the basic theory problem .

  22. 对于迁徙自由的内涵,分别论述了迁徙自由的定义,性质。

    Regarding the migratory freedom connotation , it contains the definition and the nature .

  23. 迁徙自由在新中国的变迁

    The Vicissitude of Migratory Freedom in New China

  24. 迁徙自由的法理学分析

    Analysis on Freedom of Migration in Jurisprudence Aspect

  25. 关于迁徙自由的联合宣言

    Joint Declaration with respect to Freedom of Movement

  26. 通过户籍改革,可为迁徙自由的实现创造条件。

    We must produce conditions to realize the migration freedom through household registration reform .

  27. 谈户籍制度改革与迁徙自由

    On the Reform of Domiciliary System and the Freedom of Changing One 's Residence

  28. 人的全面发展与迁徙自由

    On People 's Full Development and Free Migration

  29. 恢复公民迁徙自由权的必要性及可行性

    The Necessity and Feasibility to Restore the Citizens ' Rights to Freedom of Movement

  30. 迁徙自由与市民社会&兼评我国对迁徙自由权立法的考虑

    The Freedom of Movement and Civil Society