
qiān chū
  • move out;emigration;move away
迁出[qiān chū]
  1. 处理区害虫种群原有个体的迁出,可加强SS个体迁入对害虫种群抗性演化的影响,而使携R基因的个体的迁入影响减弱。

    The emigration of individuals from the insecticide treated area can enhance the effect of immigration of SS individuals on the resistance evolution and reduce the effect of immigration of the individuals with R gene ( including RS and RR individuals ) on the resistance evolution .

  2. 抗鼠T细胞受体抗体抑制胸腺细胞的迁出

    Emigration of mature T cells from the thymus is inhibited by T cell receptor monoclonal antibody

  3. 首先是当地居民搬离市中心,继而是商铺,近日各个企业也开始迁出。

    City centres were abandoned first by residents , then by shops , and latterly by businesses

  4. 我们昨天迁出,新房客今天就要迁入。

    We moved out yesterday and the new tenants are moving in today .

  5. 迁出城市中心成为普遍现象,而市区的租户们主要都是由贫苦的劳工阶层构成。

    Movement out of city centers was widespread , and downtown tenants were predominantly made up of the working poor .

  6. 酸雨的pH值越低,在相同作用时间内形成的硬度值越高。是硬度组分自土中迁出的主要载体;

    The lower the pH value in acid rain is , the higher its hardness is .

  7. 面对糟糕的经济局势,对于CEO而言,将业务迁出美国或许更为容易。

    Faced with an economic mess , it might be easier for CEOs to shift operations out of the US instead .

  8. MCSC在FG中保持较高的活力和增殖能力,并且能够从FG中迁出。

    MCSC in FG maintained high viability and proliferation . MCSC could migrate out from FG .

  9. 成矿温度条件下的水&岩作用地球化学模拟计算结果也表明,富含CO2气体的流体有利于火山岩及变质岩中铀的迁出。

    Geochemical simulation calculation result of water-rock interaction at temperature condition of metallogenesis also shows that fluid with rich CO2 gas conduces to uranium migration from volcanic rock and metamorphic rock . 5 .

  10. NP的迁出与去除途径包括:初沉池生污泥和二沉池活性污泥的吸附作用,曝气池内的生物降解作用以及随处理出水的排放。

    The NP transference ways and removal routes from wastewater treatment system include the adsorption by the primary sedimentation sludge and the activated sludge of secondary sedimentation tank , the biodegradation in aerated tank , and the discharge with the effluent .

  11. 结果:倒置显微镜下,PGLA膜上的雪旺细胞形态与常规培养特点相同,BAM凝胶中雪旺细胞逐渐恢复双极状形态,形成类B櫣ngner带结构,然后可见细胞从凝胶中迁出;

    RESULTS : Schwann cells ' morphology on the PGLA film was the same as that in flask , and that in the BAM gelatin was in the shape of B ü ngner band and migrated from the gelatin .

  12. 提出了扩展的Chiswick模型,并具体讨论了劳动力在迁入地与迁出地间的迁移决策问题,进而针对西部开发中的人才流失现象提出政策建议。

    Chiswick'model is extended , and it is used to analyze the decision-making of labor migration between origin and destination . Then we provide the policy issues on the phenomena of labor outmigration in west areas .

  13. 在BBO中,问题的解决方案表示为群岛,通过迁入和迁出进行信息共享,文中介绍了生物地理学的稳态物种数,介绍了BBO中的6种不同的迁移模型。

    In BBO , problem solutions are represented as islands , and the sharing of features between solutions is represented as emigration and immigration . This paper describes the equilibrium species count in biogeography theory , describes the behavior of six different migration models in BBO .

  14. 很多欧洲国家的公司,例如法国办公设备生产商samas和德国耳机生产商森海塞尔(sennheiser),已将生产业务迁出中国,原因不一而足:从知识产权问题,到不断上升的人力和运输成本。

    Companies from many European countries such as Samas , a French maker of office equipment , and Sennheiser , a German headphone maker , have moved production out of China because of difficulties from intellectual property to rising labour and transport costs .

  15. 历史上,欧洲一直是移民输出地区,大量的人口迁出将欧洲的宗教与文化广泛传播到世界各地。

    Europe had been a region of population output in history .

  16. 青年人口迁出对农村婚姻的影响

    Influence of Out-floating Young People on the Marriage in Rural Area

  17. 在邻居抱怨后,他们被迫在今年春天迁出。

    They were forced out this spring after neighbors complained .

  18. 该租户接到通知,限3个月内迁出。

    The tenant received three months ' notice to quit .

  19. 迁出伦敦是他所极不情愿的。

    The move from London was entirely unwelcome to her .

  20. 有些国家也计划让人民从当地迁出。

    Some foreign countries have made plans to evacuate people out of there .

  21. 大多数跨国公司都在把生产设备迁出日本。

    Most of the global companies are moving manufacturing facilities out-side of Japan .

  22. 擅自占房者被勒令迁出。

    The squatters were ordered to vacate the premises .

  23. 移民和土地开发是人类改造自然的一种形式,其产生的影响涉及迁出与迁入区的全区域。

    The immigrant and exploiting are the kind features of human transform nature .

  24. 元素质量迁移系数真实的反应了元素的迁入迁出情况。

    The mass transport coefficient can truly reflect the net loss or gain of REE .

  25. 举例来说,戴蒙德一直威胁要将银行总部迁出英国。

    Mr Diamond , for one , has been threatening to take his bank elsewhere .

  26. 迁出中国则意味着供应链方面受到限制,这带来的坏处将超过节省劳动力成本到来的好处。

    Moving outside China means supply chain constraints more than offset any labour cost savings .

  27. 食品包装材料中的挥发性与迁出性有机残留的检测-顶空气相色谱法

    Determination of volatility and migratory solvents residual in food packing materials with head-space gas chromatography

  28. 迁出并且后面什么也不留下。

    Move out and leave nothing behind .

  29. 在分布式系统中的动态负载平衡算法中,如何定位一个任务迁入或迁出的目的结点,是整个算法的关键步骤之一。

    To locate a target node for migrating is a critical step in load balancing .

  30. 第3代性质较为复杂,属于本地繁殖型,既有迁入又有迁出;

    The3rd generation was dominated by the local colonizer , with some immigrants and emigrants .