
  • 网络Indoor Air Pollution
  1. 人造板甲醛释放量与居室污染关系的分析

    Discussion on Relationship between Formaldehyde Emission from Wood-based Panel and Indoor Air Pollution

  2. 从居室污染的来源和主要污染物、居室污染对健康的危害等几个方面,阐述了居室环境与人体健康的关系。

    The article tells us the relations between the room environment and human health from the pollution source , main pollutant and the damage of room pollution health .

  3. 室内装修材料对居室空气污染的探讨

    The Influence of the Indoor Ornamental Materials on the Indoor Air Pollution

  4. 天津市新装修居室甲醛污染调查与防治措施

    Formaldehyde pollution survey of newly decorated residence and prevention methods in Tianjin

  5. 居室环境污染调查研究&室内噪声的污染评价

    A Survey of Indoor Pollution : Assessment of Noise Pollution

  6. 芜湖市新装修居室空气污染状况调查

    Investigation of Air Pollution Condition of newly decorated residences in Wuhu City

  7. 现代装饰材料所致居室空气污染及防治对策

    The Investigation and Countermeasures of Indoor Air Pollution Caused by Modern Ornamental Material

  8. 新型燃料对居室空气污染的检测与评价

    Examination and Appraisement of the Pollution to Room Air of a New Type Fuel

  9. 居室氡气污染和防治研究

    Study on the hazard of indoor randon and the measure of prevention and cure

  10. 试论植物在控制居室空气污染中的作用

    Application of plants in controlling indoor air pollution

  11. 城镇居室大气污染及其生态调控

    Urban Indoor Pollution and Its Ecological Regulations

  12. [结论]居民家庭居室空气污染仍较严重。

    [ Conclusion ] The air pollution of residents ' living quarters was still serious .

  13. 装饰材料中甲醛对居室空气污染和健康危害研究

    Study on Indoor Air Pollution and Health Adverse Effect of Formaldehyde of the Decorative Materials

  14. 目的了解新装修居室甲醛污染状况,并研究其对小鼠的遗传损伤作用。

    Objective To explore the formaldehyde concentration in newly decorated rooms and to study the genotoxicity of it to mice .

  15. 从分析室内空气污染的主要来源入手,论述绿色植物在控制居室空气污染方面的重要作用。

    From the analysis of main air pollution sources , important applications of plants in controlling indoor air pollution are given in this paper .

  16. 从居室噪声污染的来源、产生的原因及危害进行了阐述,并对学校范围内有代表性的室内噪声进行测量及评价分析,从而就如何加强室内噪声污染危害的防治措施提出一些看法。

    From the sources , causes and hazards of indoor noise pollution , typical indoor noise in schools are measured and analyzed . Suggestions on preventions against indoor pollution are made .

  17. 为有效防治居室环境污染,改善居室环境质量,保护人体健康,提出了切实有效的防治对策。

    And some practical and effective preventing and controlling countermeasures were proposed in order to effectively prevent and control indoor environmental pollution , improve indoor 's environment quality and protect human body health .

  18. 装修居室内空气污染对成人心理健康影响

    Effect of indoor air pollution by decoration on adult mental health

  19. 居室中放射性污染调查与辐射剂量估算

    Investigation of Indoor Radioactive Contamination and Exposure Dose Estimate

  20. 北京某城区居室内空气污染现状及其影响因素

    The Current Status and Influence Factors of Indoor Air Pollution in Urban Area in Beijing

  21. 结论居室内空气污染是影响中年知识分子健康的危险因素之一,应该引起足够的重视。

    Conclusion Indoor air pollution is a risk factor to affect middle-age intellectual 's health .

  22. 目的观察常年性过敏性鼻炎患者居室内生物污染状况,以探讨其对患者的影响。

    Objective To investigate the house air pollution and its influence on the patients with perennial allergic rhinitis .

  23. 目的探讨新装修居室空气甲醛污染的变化规律。方法使用41602型甲醛分析仪,测定装修后不同时期的居室空气中的甲醛浓度。

    Objective To study the characteristics of the variations of formaldehyde concentration in indoor air of newly decorated living rooms .

  24. 结论我国城市居室空气甲醛污染严重,装修半年后居室空气中甲醛还处于较高的污染水平。

    Conclusion Air formaldehyde still is in a high level in half a year after house decoration finished that means the indoor air formaldehyde pollution is serious in some cities of China .

  25. 烟民居室吸烟致CO污染及防治措施研究

    Study on Control of CO Pollution Caused by Smoking in Smoker 's Residence

  26. 潍坊市2007-2008年居室装修后空气污染状况分析

    Indoor Air Pollution Status of Decorated Rooms in Weifang During 2007-2008

  27. 杭州市新居室室内空气甲醛污染状况调查

    Investigation on the Indoor Air Formaldehyde Pollution in Hangzhou City in Zhejiang Province

  28. 新装修居室空气中甲醛污染与控制

    The Pollution and Control of Formaldehyde in Indoor Air of Newly Decorated Room

  29. 枣庄市15户新装修家庭居室空气中甲醛污染状况

    Formaldehyde Contamination Status in the Air of 15 Newly-Decorated Family Rooms in Zaozhuang

  30. 介绍了我国目前居室空气中甲醛污染现状,分析了居室空气中甲醛的来源及污染的成因。

    The existing status of formaldehyde pollution in China was introduced and source of formaldehyde pollution was analysed .