
huà fēn
  • divide;partition;classify;separate;segmentation;segment;split;differentiate;compartmentalize;carve-up;repartition;separate out;diflerentiate
划分 [huà fēn]
  • [divide;diflerentiate] 区分,把整体分成若干部分

划分[huà fēn]
  1. 本文给出了动态道路单元划分的基本思想,并且基于VisualBasicApplication语言编制了相应的计算程序。

    Basic principle and method to divide road cell are studied , and the corresponding program is compiled by Visual Basic Application program .

  2. 为保证系统的服务质量(QoS),应对其中业务划分不同等级。

    The ATM switch should divide different classes for guaranteeing the QoS of system .

  3. 这份报告不用费事就可划分为三个主要部分。

    The report can be conveniently divided into three main sections .

  4. 一个句子可以划分成有意义的各个部分。

    A sentence can be divided up into meaningful segments .

  5. 这个国家被划分为若干小的行政区。

    The country was chopped up into small administrative areas .

  6. 当今的生活被严格划分为工作和休闲两部分。

    Life today is rigidly compartmentalized into work and leisure .

  7. 赋税是按收入划分等级的。

    Tax is banded according to income .

  8. 市场研究人员常常按年龄和社会阶层划分人口。

    Market researchers often segment the population on the basis of age and social class .

  9. 这些类别划分得不太明确。

    These categories are not well defined .

  10. 政府把寻求避难者划分为经济移民与真正的难民。

    The government divides asylum-seekers into economic migrants and genuine refugees .

  11. 房屋按照能耗标准划分为0至10级。

    Houses are graded from nought to ten for energy efficiency

  12. 一所房子里有两只以上的猫时也会出现划分地盘的行为。

    Two cats or more in one house will also exhibit territorial behaviour

  13. 该课程在结构上以单元划分。

    The course is modular in structure .

  14. 传统上男人把自己的生活划分清楚,他们不会让私生活影响其工作。

    Traditionally men have compartmentalized their lives , never letting their personal lives encroach upon their professional lives .

  15. 六大唱片公司都是跨国经营,因此能够将世界市场按国家划分。

    The big six record companies are multinational , and thus can segment the world market into national ones .

  16. 计划的一部分是:这座城市不应该划分为办公区、工业区和居住区,而应把三个部分融合在一起。

    Part of the plan was that the town should not fall into office , industrial and residential zones , but mix the three up together

  17. 我认为没有理由把公司划分成小单位。

    I can see no justification for dividing the company into smaller units .

  18. 那个区域被划分成四块居住小区。

    The compound was subdivided into four living areas .

  19. “大地测量学”的字面意义是“划分地球”。

    The literal meaning of ' geodesy ' is ' dividing the earth ' .

  20. 这些成千成百的绿方块,都由黑熔岩石墙划分出来,使得山岭就好像巨大的棋盘一样。

    These hundreds of green squares , marked by their black lava walls , make the hills look like vast chequerboards .

  21. 植物给我们的教训是,共享生命可以扩大和增强生命的范围,而将生命划分为所谓的自然资源或人类资源则会削弱生命的范围。

    The lesson taught by plants is that sharing life expands and enhances the sphere of the living , while dividing life into so-called natural or human resources diminishes it .

  22. 时钟计时者按照分钟和小时来划分一天的时间。

    Clock-timers organize their day by blocks of minutes and hours .

  23. 医院的咨询顾问、护理人员和其他人员紧密合作,而不再像之前那样按照专业和等级被划分开。

    Consultants , nurses and others collaborate closely instead of being separated by speciality and rank .

  24. 因此,虽然类别划分是普遍存在的,但个人倾向可能会使某个故事的类型发生转变,也可能使两种回报带来的体验产生差异。

    Therefore , while the division of categories holds in general , an individual 's tendency may transfer any story from one kind of reading to another , or divide the experience between the two kinds of reward .

  25. 多年来,这个系统发展成了不同的形式,因为在那个时代,人们按照地理被划分开,产生了不同的方言和字符。

    Over the years , the system developed into different forms , as it was a time when people were divided geographically , leading to different dialects ( ) and characters .

  26. 没有理由把公司划分成小单位。

    There 's no justification for dividing the company into smaller units .

  27. 实验结束后,研究人员根据此前研究中给人类婴儿和狗狗划分的依恋类型对每只小猫进行分类——安全型、矛盾型、回避型和无序型。

    After the experiment , they categorized each kitten by the attachment3 styles assigned to human babies and dogs in previous studies — secure , ambivalent4 , avoidant , and disorganized .

  28. 也就是说,这种划分比例与对人类儿童的研究文献是一致的——因此,与普遍观点相反,较少比例的不安全依恋型并非猫咪特有的。

    That said , this split is consistent with the literature on human children — so the smaller percentage with insecure attachment styles is not specific to cats , contrary to popular belief .

  29. 另一种理论指出,因为袋熊倾向于在石头和原木上用自己的便便来划分彼此的领地,立方体形状的便便不会从石头和原木上滚下去。

    Another theory claims that because wombats tend to use their poop to mark their territory on rocks and logs , the cubical shape of the excrement ensures that it won 't simply roll off .

  30. 闽北阔叶树种生态组的Fuzzy划分闽北木荷人工林生产潜力的研究

    Fuzzy cluster analysis of ecological group of deciduous trees in the North Fujian